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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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What do anthropologists make of Donald Trump? Can they make any sense of him?
no hes an asshole and if any anthropologists agree with him then they also are! Trump is full of ignorance and stupid ideas which I hope never takes its toll on the masses. he's using new tactics to gain more popularity as his ideas get even more ludicrous. racist bigot.
Hi guys,
My name is Shahernaz Kargar (I know it is difficult haha)
I was wondering if anybody here can help me. I am a masters student in Anthropology from Amsterdam and I am conducting my research on the 2011 riots in relation to Brixton specifically. I really need help with finding people who are willing to share their opinions in regards to this subject. I think it is always important to debate and speak of important issues which affect communities such as Brixton because academia and a wider debate always helps to spread light on issues that are ongoing in society today. I will give a lot of information in regards to my research and about myself if anyone is willing to give me their time of day for which I will eternally be grateful.
I hope you all have a merry xmas.
This is in the wrong subsection of the forums, a mod (editor maybe?) might move it for you. Not sure what they're like with requests for research help but I think I've seen genuine ones allowed.
This is in the wrong subsection of the forums, a mod (editor maybe?) might move it for you. Not sure what they're like with requests for research help but I think I've seen genuine ones allowed.
Oh thank you! yeah i didnt know where to post it so i just posted it on the recent forum. thank you for the heads up
I dread to think what would happen if DT got anywhere he could actually have any real influence.
He is obnoxious to the nth degree.
What happens when Trump's hair gets wet? It's such a particular construction that I wondered if getting wet would fundamentally compromise the structure.

I think the real problem is when it dries

The Republicans are up to their neck in shit here.

He has made it clear that if they 'don't treat him fairly' he will go as an independent taking with him half of the Republican core support which is mainly made up of petty racists, bigots, white hooded types, paranoid survivalists, gun nuts, religious extremists and Confederate enthusiasts.

This will pretty much ensure a Democrat win.

If they let him rampage like a drunken racist rhino through a china shop as he has been doing, the Republicans will lose pretty much all of their swing vote, their latino vote, their muslim vote and a fair bit of the saner ones in their core vote.

Either way things are not looking too good for them.

Is Trump a Democrat troll? :confused:
And then moving on to his father, he was a member of the KKK and instructing agents not to rent to black people as late as 1980.

Master Donald himself got into trouble for refusing to rent to people on benefits.
The Republicans are up to their neck in shit here.

He has made it clear that if they 'don't treat him fairly' he will go as an independent taking with him half of the Republican core support which is mainly made up of petty racists, bigots, white hooded types, paranoid survivalists, gun nuts, religious extremists and Confederate enthusiasts.

This will pretty much ensure a Democrat win.

If they let him rampage like a drunken racist rhino through a china shop as he has been doing, the Republicans will lose pretty much all of their swing vote, their latino vote, their muslim vote and a fair bit of the saner ones in their core vote.

Either way things are not looking too good for them.

Is Trump a Democrat troll? :confused:

Seems like the Republicans were hoping that he would have faded after a few months of behaviour that made even creatures like Ted Cruz seem like reasonable candidates - they are indeed screwed if he actually starts winning primaries early next year.
Petition map here of who voted to ban the fucker and from where. Interestingly a lot of areas with the highest votes are not particulary ethnic. Look at Birmingham, Bradford, West Yorkshire etc. They have pretty much ignored him

Petition Map (by Unboxed)
And then moving on to his father, he was a member of the KKK and instructing agents not to rent to black people as late as 1980.

Master Donald himself got into trouble for refusing to rent to people on benefits.

Donald also has form for not renting to black people:

Yet the most damaging episode in the saga of Trump's fractured relationship with the black community came in 1973, when his family's real-estate company, Trump Management Corporation, was sued by the Justice Department for alleged racial discrimination. At the time, Trump was the company's president. Just last month, at Trump's Comedy Central roast, Snoop Dogg referenced the case by joking about Trump's potential 2012 run for the White House: "Why not? It wouldn't be the first time he pushed a black family out of their home."

The case alleged that the Trump Management Corporation had discriminated against blacks who wished to rent apartments in Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island. The government charged the corporation with quoting different rental terms and conditions to blacks and whites and lying to blacks that apartments were not available, according to reports of the lawsuit.

Trump responded in characteristic fashion -- holding a press conference to call the charges “absolutely ridiculous.” He told the New York Times: “We never have discriminated and we never would. There have been a number of local actions against us and we’ve won them all. We were charged with discrimination and we proved in court that we did not discriminate.”


Two years later, Trump Management settled the case, promising not to discriminate against blacks, Puerto Ricans and other minorities. As part of the agreement, Trump was required to send its list of vacancies in its 15,000 apartments to a civil-rights group, giving them first priority in providing applicants for certain apartments, according to a contemperaneous New York Times account. Trump, who emphasized that the agreement was not an admission of guilt, later crowed that he was satisfied because it did not require them to “accept persons on welfare as tenants unless as qualified as any other tenant.”

But the company didn’t sufficiently fulfill its promise, because three years later, the Justice Department charged Trump Management with continuing to discriminate against blacks through such tactics as telling them that apartments were not available.

Trump Once Sued By Feds For Not Renting To Blacks
I have done so much for Scotland, including building Trump International Golf Links, Aberdeen, which has received the highest accolades, and is what many believe to be one of the greatest golf courses anywhere in the world. Additionally, I have made a significant investment in the redevelopment of the iconic Turnberry Resort, which will have massive ballrooms, complete room refurbishments, a new golf course and a total rebuilding of the world famous Ailsa course to the highest standards and specifications of the Royal & Ancient. If they were going to do this, they should have informed me prior to my major investment in this £200 million development, which will totally revitalise that vast region of Scotland.

The UK politicians should be thanking me instead of pandering to political correctness. In fact, in an article out today, many police officers in London have come forward to confirm their fears of terrorism. I only said what needed to be said, and when I am elected no one will be tougher or smarter than me. I will work very hard and effectively to defeat terrorism.

I have respect for the Muslim people and have great friendships with many Muslims, some of whom I do business with --- but they themselves admit there is a major problem with radicalisation. As President, I will work with Muslim representatives to determine a solution to eradicate the terrorism that has plagued the credibility of the Muslim community.

Furthermore, as the definitive front runner (with large leads in every poll) in the race to become the Republican nominee for President of the United States, and as the person leading in the polls head to head versus Hillary Clinton, my focus is to Make America Great Again!

Petition signed. I am curious as to which of our elected representatives will take the opportunity to thank Mr Trump.
of course, he's just a fool in my opinion.

Unfortunately, in this day and age, perhaps seen as "the wised fool in Christendom" by a significant percentage of the US voting population?
Don't underestimate ignorance in the US.
I saw the email but couldn't be arsed signing the daft petition. Same with that boxer who said something fuckwitted. Anyway even Farage has condemned trumps comments according to the independent. Ignoring the constituart this sort of madness appeals to, is dangerous. Not that I think anyone has done that here. The man is a monumental arsehole but what is his appeal.
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