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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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Trump's suits are a thing from the 80s, that baggy boxy shape and the big old loud ties, they're a throwback to the era of Dallas & Dynasty or something, and yeah obviously nobody had been able to tell him that he looks ridiculous and that politicians nowadays have to take the jacket off sometimes and wear their sleeves rolled up etc. HC's "pantsuits" not much better tbh, but then they are both 70 years old.
Poverty, inequality and misery isn't exactly known for its comedy value...
That could/would depend on where you live, I hear people living in poverty, misery and with inequality joking about their circumstances all the time on a daily basis while in the bread queue almost every morning. Self-derivation is often the only thing they have to laugh about.
That could/would depend on where you live, I hear people living in poverty, misery and with inequality joking about their circumstances all the time on a daily basis while in the bread queue almost every morning. Self-derivation is often the only thing they have to laugh about.

Laughing at your own situation is a bit different to laughing at the population of another country & wishing they get "some of the same shit we have had over the decades", though.
Trump's suits are a thing from the 80s, that baggy boxy shape and the big old loud ties, they're a throwback to the era of Dallas & Dynasty or something, and yeah obviously nobody had been able to tell him that he looks ridiculous and that politicians nowadays have to take the jacket off sometimes and wear their sleeves rolled up etc. HC's "pantsuits" not much better tbh, but then they are both 70 years old.
So the clothes do maketh the man :thumbs: The Donald really is the second coming of JR, who'd have thunk it
Laughing at your own situation is a bit different to laughing at the population of another country & wishing they get "some of the same shit we have had over the decades", though.
This democracy thing is about getting the elected people you deserve, they will get what they vote for, I don't wish anything bad on anyone, I hope they get what they vote for, they know what they are voting for as it was the people that got them to where they are now.

Its all bullshit so laugh at it don't worry and cry about it, all your posts and concern will not change anything in this election so enjoy it from a distance
8den I ask again where is "over here"

I happen to live in a country where the American government was responsible for installing a military junta and over throwing a democratically elected government, leading the the death of thousands of people and jailing thousands of others.

The funny thing is that your reply doesn't really nail it down either in your region or beyond it.

I nearly posted that but thought I'd give someone else the chance ;)

VOTE FOR THE DONALD and you'll be able to use both thumbs to post LOLs
I nearly posted that but thought I'd give someone else the chance ;)

VOTE FOR THE DONALD and you'll be able to use both thumbs to post LOLs

"It's gonna be beautiful , just beautiful - you'll win so much you'll get tired of winning ....and crooked Killary Clinton will be in jail."

From "I have a dream"......... to this.

As Pilger says "by this time next week we will have a new American President - that's all that needs to be said on the matter." He wouldn't be up to speed though on more weightier matters of American opinion...

"As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."
(H.l. Mencken, 1920)
"As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."
(H.l. Mencken, 1920)
tbf I can think of at least two occasions on which this has already happened.
Maybe the educated should have more votes than those intolerant people who didn't go to university.

Beatrice Webb said:
On the practicability or desirability of political and industrial democracy… If the bulk of the people were to remain poor and uneducated, was it desirable, was it even safe, to entrust them with the weapon of trade unionism, and, through the ballot box, with making and controlling the government of Great Britain with its enormous wealth and its far-flung dominions?

Richard Dawkins said:
There are stupid, ignorant people in every country but their blameless stupidity mostly doesn’t matter because they are not asked to take historically momentous and irrevocable decisions of state… It is unfair to thrust on to unqualified simpletons the responsibility to take historic decisions of great complexity and sophistication.
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Maybe the educated should have more votes than those intolerant people who didn't go to university.
I knew this would happen. Here's the thing. Are you actually saying that if something is popular predominantly amongst people who do not have college degrees (or do not own property or who are below the median income or whatever) then to criticise that thing that is popular = liberal elitist snobbery?
So anything I might think that's bad about Trump / Brexit is in effect a slur on their supporters from a sneering elitist liberal etc?
I knew this would happen. Here's the thing. Are you actually saying that if something is popular predominantly amongst people who do not have college degrees (or do not own property or who are below the median income or whatever) then to criticise that thing that is popular = liberal elitist snobbery?
So anything I might think that's bad about Trump / Brexit is in effect a slur on their supporters from a sneering elitist liberal etc?
If the cap fits...
Just to dig a bit deeper the hole I'm making for myself, that man quoted above, HL Mencken (whom I'd never heard of till today) these are a couple of his other quotes on American democracy:
"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."
"No one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public."

So he (this bloke Mencken) may have been an anti-democratic sneering elitist of the highest order or, perhaps, he may have been a wise man.
Because he also said this: 'Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under' and "For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong."
Could you explain the point of your post 7873 above then please in the context of this thread?
The quote you posted (like those in my post above) are part of a long line of attacks on democracy. Because I'm an anarchist I'm a democrat and I find such attacks both vile and dangerous.

NB: Worth noting in reference to the excellent piece that BA posted some pages back that two of these quotes mention "the people"
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