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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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Is there any legal provision for a situation where the President needs a trip to the, ah, 'funny farm'?

The 25th Amendment has provisions for replacing the President in case of incapacitation. Its a little murky on what qualifies and who decides what that means. In practice, I imagine it would mostly apply to physical illness, not mental illness unless the guy was absolutely drooling mad.
Of course what Stein should be doing is arguing for the nationalisation of the pharmaceutical industry under workers' control (really).

But she is right to talk about the disturbing links between 'big Pharma' and the body that is supposed to regulate it (which seems to be where this "Stein is anti-vaccine" stuff comes from):

Candidate to Lead FDA Has Close Ties to Big Pharma

Complaining about Big Pharma, while talking about vaccines is classic anti vaxxer bullshit, the equivalent of 9/11 truthers "hey we're just asking questions"
Complaining about Big Pharma, while talking about vaccines is classic anti vaxxer bullshit, the equivalent of 9/11 truthers "hey we're just asking questions"

Au contraire, my desperate little friend, complaining about Big This, That and the Other is standard American populism. For example, when Yuwipi Woman stubs her toe in the morning, she blames it on Big Furniture.
Au contraire, my desperate little friend, complaining about Big This, That and the Other is standard American populism. For example, when Yuwipi Woman stubs her toe in the morning, she blames it on Big Furniture.

And when you open your mouth do we get to blame the Fertiliser industry?

Stein's pandering to Green Anti Vaxxers, meaning she doesn't believe it, but wants their vote, demonstrating that she's just another politician.

A medical doctor should be more concerned by outbreaks of Measles in the Western World.
The 25th Amendment has provisions for replacing the President in case of incapacitation. Its a little murky on what qualifies and who decides what that means. In practice, I imagine it would mostly apply to physical illness, not mental illness unless the guy was absolutely drooling mad.

They didn't invoke it when Reagan had Alzheimer's.
Au contraire, my desperate little friend, complaining about Big This, That and the Other is standard American populism. For example, when Yuwipi Woman stubs her toe in the morning, she blames it on Big Furniture.

I, sir, am insulted! I wouldn't think of buying modern manufacture furniture and shocked that you would make the accusation I would. Next you'll be accusing me of furnishing my house with IKEA.
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Trump seems to have totally lost it, he was tweeting ugly stuff about a former Miss America at 5 in the morning. It's weird that somebody who would have zero chance of posting on Urban75 without getting banned within a day actually stands a chance of becoming president of the US.

Did Crooked Hillary help disgusting (check out sex tape and past) Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could use her in the debate?
Would you like to discuss why the DNC rejected universal health care, 8den?
The same reason both parties reject it. It would take away most of the business of health insurance cos & they make huge contributions to both parties. Politicians in the US serve their donors & I expect the same goes for a few other countries.
Her statements on vaccines are equivocal, and qualified not something I'd expect from a medical doctor. Thats why I mentioned both her and Rand Paul (both doctors). I get an idiot like Bachman or Trump spouting anti vaccine nonsense, but Stein's a fucking Doctor and her vaccine statements shouldn't include wiggle room.
You are saying there must be an omerta regarding honestly-held concerns a medical professional might have over aspects of drugs testing and the approval process?
The "sex tape" tweet has caused a revisiting of some of the greatest hits of Trump sleaze, including from a 2003 interview with Howard Stern:

“Now, somebody who a lot of people don’t give credit to but is in actuality very beautiful is Paris Hilton,” Trump told Stern. “I’ve known Paris Hilton from the time she’s 12, her parents are friends of mine, and the first time I saw her she walked into the room and I said, ‘Who the hell is that?’ At 12, I wasn’t interested… but she was beautiful.” He also admitted to watching Paris Hilton’s sex tape with Knauss, despite knowing her since the age of 12 and being very close friends with the Hilton Family.

So he's not the kind of guy who wants to fuck his friend's 12-year-old daughters, but he does want to watch them fuck when they get a little older.
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