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Doctor Who 2023

The monsters were silly. This programme was simply not taking itself seriously.
All upbeat and positive a more touchy feely doctor, good vibes. Bodes well for the future, though the goblin stuff was just rubbish.
I am anticipating some interesting discussions on the adoption/fostering sites I frequent.

I personally felt it was handled very well though possibly triggering because of Ruby looking for her birth parents. A small boy's hand did snake it's way into mine just after that point.
I am anticipating some interesting discussions on the adoption/fostering sites I frequent.

I personally felt it was handled very well though possibly triggering because of Ruby looking for her birth parents. A small boy's hand did snake its way into mine just after that point.
You’ve made me realise the whole thing is just a rip off of Star Wars: The force awakens.

Abandoned child flies off in an old spaceship with a black dude.
I liked that he made the gloves rather than them being a gift from the fucking TARDIS or some other shite. His nicking them or them being a gift from a pal is also acceptable.

The Doctor was likeable but came across as being very physically fit but not particularly bright for the character. The sonic was shit. Never felt any peril. "Waiting for my life to begin" is from Tangled. Song an episode is it? The second part of the Goblin song was shit. Would have been better if only Ruby singing on her own initiative as established as a band member. The scene after the Goblins altered history was the strongest part of the episode though the doctor was the worst thing in the scene. I had thought at first he was talking about the Nobles when he mentioned adoption but it was Timeless Child bobbins. I prefer the Doctor as a clever tinkerer not a super fit athlete solving problems with catch and sing songs. Kind of enjoyed it in the way I enjoy watching the likes of Frozen with my daughter but that shit already exists. I want something different from Doctor Who.
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not particularly bright for the character.
The First Doctor was actually not very sharp at all. He was bumbling, fluffed his lines, and was actually pretty indecisive. And often took holidays for several episodes during a serial.

The real Action Doctor was Three. He had a cape, a Batmobile, his own martial art, and pulled comedy faces when being strangled by rubber tentacles in cliffhangers. Three was my first doctor (I remember Two, but only briefly. Three was the one I took to).

I love Fifteen. He’s charismatic, handsome, and wears a kilt when dancing. As opposed to saying “now listen here, old boy” and enjoying a glass of port in a frilly shirt and velvet smoking jacket. That was very 70s.
The First Doctor was actually not very sharp at all. He was bumbling, fluffed his lines, and was actually pretty indecisive. And often took holidays for several episodes during a serial.

The real Action Doctor was Three. He had a cape, a Batmobile, his own martial art, and pulled comedy faces when being strangled by rubber tentacles in cliffhangers. Three was my first doctor (I remember Two, but only briefly. Three was the one I took to).

I love Fifteen. He’s charismatic, handsome, and wears a kilt when dancing. As opposed to saying “now listen here, old boy” and enjoying a glass of port in a frilly shirt and velvet smoking jacket. That was very 70s.
I wrote and deleted another line mentioning Trougton as a counterpoint. The first evolved and got more on it especially after Ian left from what I have seen.

As I said likeable. I just prefer the brains over brawn idea of the Doctor but then not too much brains! I'm very fussy.
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