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Doctor Who 2023

The only possible reason for exhuming Mel is that she comes extremely cheap these days, though.
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Weren’t the Doctors sharing an outfit? Gatwa got the underwear and the shirt.

Seems a little too convenient, they can split into 2 but have to share an outfit and it just happens that the muscular one is running round half in the buff :hmm:
Good episode overall. That doll was scary as fuck and NPH was good (was a bit dubious it might be played a bit too much for laughs but was genuinely creepy and menacing).
Not sure what the fuck just happened mind you, RTD did reportedly say that he was going to do something that would upset die-hard fans.
Was there any explanation as to why Gatwa was only partly dressed, or was that intentionally designed to attempt to distract us from the wtaf is going on here aspects of the episode?
By all the laws of science, Gatwa should have been naked.

This episode perhaps explains the Jo Martin Doctor. I hope that they bring her back.
The Doctor is going to be part-privatised, and the David Tennant one will only offer his services for a fee.
Exactly my point - a good portion of the audience distracted enough to not question the whole 2 doctors thing :D
RTD has just said on the behind the scenes programme that he can't believe it's never been done before, having the two Doctors talking to each other.

Remember that multi Doctor stories only exist if we believe that previous Doctors can be "time scooped" into their futures.
started well - very very creepy. ended up as nonsense on a stick. agree it was the weakest of the three. So do they have DT in reserve in case the ratings slip?
gsv, and other comments I've seen on social media, have already said it seems a bit undermining of the first black Doctor. And I agree with them. Someone described it as 'Break glass for emergency David Tennant' . That said RTD is smart enough to not go there in the immediate future I'd have thought.
RTD has just said on the behind the scenes programme that he can't believe it's never been done before, having the two Doctors talking to each other.

Remember that multi Doctor stories only exist if we believe that previous Doctors can be "time scooped" into their futures.
And if the living actor agrees to do it. Tom Baker turned down The Five Doctors.
gsv, and other comments I've seen on social media, have already said it seems a bit undermining of the first black Doctor. And I agree with them. Someone described it as 'Break glass for emergency David Tennant' . That said RTD is smart enough to not go there in the immediate future I'd have thought.

Aye that is my main problem with it - it's not letting Gatwa get on and do his thing uninterrupted.
Oh I disagree. Thought it was really strong. The explanation makes sense without being too fan-wanky.
I loved it. I loved it all. I’m ecstatic. I can’t wait to watch it again.

I was a bit worried that Fifteen is undermined by Fourteen still being here. I didn’t mind the dual Doctor action. That was fun. It’s always fun. But I’m a bit worried about Fourteen’s continuing existence, especially if they do a spin off series. But I did like Fifteen’s explanation that he’s emotionally sorted because Fourteen took the time out to do the work. That’s fine. Because Time Lords can fuck with time. But as a spin off series? Hmm. We’ll see.

But I’m delighted overall and I loved Spice Up Your Life.
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