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Doctor Who 2023

I sudden realised when I saw their names alongside the title of the episode that it was based (loosely) on an old Doctor Who comics story that's in an anthology I bought for gsv, that I happened to flick through a few weeks ago!

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We quite liked the episode, bit of a cop out with Donna, but all very well done
It was always going to be a copout. All we really want is tennant and tate rocking it. THat's what we get. Though I did think it a bit odd they chose an old comic story. But those comics were solid electric gold
I didn't know the actor was trans, (I didn't even notice) and trans wasn't mentioned.
She was dead named by passing school kids, and granny had a moment in the kitchen wondering if she’d said the right thing, Donna reassured her that she had and that it’s ok to get muddled sometimes as long as your intentions are good. It was sweet and not too on the nose. (Chibnall would have gone in too heavily).

(The “binary binary” thing was a bit muddled, but I’m applying Donna’s advice to Sylvia).

It’s great to see representation, to see it handled well overall, and, as you say, that people in general, and kids in particular, will just take it in their stride. That’s how it should be.
The whole country did not have a meltdown, a few tabloids went to town over it.
I was generalising. It made the BBC, channel 4 and its news, it was talked about A LOT. It would not be worth mentioning in casual conversation today.
I was generalising. It made the BBC, channel 4 and its news, it was talked about A LOT. It would not be worth mentioning in casual conversation today.
It was absolutely a breakthrough moment, but for all the right reasons.
It helped with acceptance. It wasn't a case of everyone was horrified. Yes there was a discussion about it, but overall it was positive from what I recall (at least years down the line it was possible to see the positive impact of it).
These moments on TV - they can be important.
She was dead named by passing school kids, and granny had a moment in the kitchen wondering if she’d said the right thing, Donna reassured her that she had and that it’s ok to get muddled sometimes as long as your intentions are good. It was sweet and not too on the nose. (Chibnall would have gone in too heavily).

(The “binary binary” thing was a bit muddled, but I’m applying Donna’s advice to Sylvia).

It’s great to see representation, to see it handled well overall, and, as you say, that people in general, and kids in particular, will just take it in their stride. That’s how it should be.
Oh I see. I guess I didn't catch either of those two bits. Must have been talking. That makes more sense. I didn't quite understand the bullies bit. I thought she was just having trouble at school. my mistake for not paying attention. Its not a show I watch like the Wire. I wonder if my daughter caught it.
It was absolutely a breakthrough moment, but for all the right reasons.
It helped with acceptance. It wasn't a case of everyone was horrified. Yes there was a discussion about it, but overall it was positive from what I recall.
Well yes indeed. And I agree. Maybe I wasn't clear enough in who was having a meltdown across the country. I thought the comment was obvious. Even the most right wing media outlets wouldn't give bigots complaining about a girl on girl kiss in a soap the time of day today.
Well yes indeed. And I agree. Maybe I wasn't clear enough in who was having a meltdown across the country. I thought the comment was obvious. Even the most right wing media outlets wouldn't give bigots complaining about a girl on girl kiss in a soap the time of day today.

Oh yeah no worries, I agree it wouldn't make much of a splash in the news these days in comparison!
Hopefully we'll get to a point where a character being trans or NB isn't so newsworthy too :)
Apparently, he was filming for Doctor Who up until a couple of weeks before he died.
I don't know whether they altered the story or his involvement in it around the fact that he died and they only had some scenes filmed, but I think he was already quite frail at that point.
It seems like he had a good life and a long one, doing what he loved, pretty much right up til the end - and I think some of the material they filmed is in the next episode in which case I probably won't be the only one with a bit of dust in my eye
They filmed some scenes during the Queen's Jubilee, and had been blocked from filming in parts of London as a result.

The opening scenes were filmed in Camden, then the very next scene of Donna and Rose walking down the street is in Cardiff.
So, from where did the ETs who were trying to capture The Meep come?
The Wrarth Warriors are a police force from the Wrarth Galaxy, tasked with tracking down the last Meep. This info flashed past very quickly, but was expounded during the Doctor’s Shadow Proclamation wig routine confrontation.

But, like the Judoon, we don’t really need to know. Just that they weren’t the baddies after all: the Meep was.
The Wrarth Warriors are a police force from the Wrarth Galaxy, tasked with tracking down the last Meep. This info flashed past very quickly, but was expounded during the Doctor’s Shadow Proclamation wig routine confrontation.

But, like the Judoon, we don’t really need to know. Just that they weren’t the baddies after all: the Meep was.
No, I mean, how did they get to Earth? Where was there spaceship? How did they track The Meep?
Furthermore, why does The Doctor keep a wig in his pocket?
No, I mean, how did they get to Earth? Where was there spaceship? How did they track The Meep?
Well, they did track the Meep. We saw them communicating as they closed in on the capsule. The lack of clarity about whose ship was whose was important to the plot
We were supposed to think the hypnotised “psychedelic sun”-eyed UNIT soldiers were hypnotised by the Wrarth Warriors. So it couldn’t be spelled out that was the Meep’s ship. We know the Meep crashed as a consequence of the pursuit.
Furthermore, why does The Doctor keep a wig in his pocket?
To stop the jelly babies rattling around on their own.
No, I mean, how did they get to Earth? Where was there spaceship? How did they track The Meep?
Furthermore, why does The Doctor keep a wig in his pocket?

Matter transportation obvs. That was implied by how the other two and the Meep left.

Wrarth Warrior HQ


This episode was just a recycling of bog-standard run-around nu-Who that the writer could have written with his eyes closed.
Well, I loved it. I love the chemistry between Tenant and Tate, and the Doctor and Sylvia. I thought Rose was fantastic, (and I found Yasmin Finney charming in interviews). Margolyes put in a great voice job as the Meep, there were lovely moments of humour, and the progressiveness was great. Doctor Who has always been progressive, and RTD handles that much better than CChib ever did (perhaps the Punjab episode aside). There was a little too much of shoot outs and explosions for my taste.

Was it up there with Blink as one of my favourite ever episodes? No, but it was great fun, and a good solid 8 out of 10. And the anticipation and release edged the experience a little above that in the TV equivalent of wind factor.
I’m glad the insufferably cutesy Meep turned out evil. What bothered me was the panting and heavy breathing over the end theme tune - Mrs SFM thought it had been overlaid with sounds from a bongo flick 😳
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