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Doctor Who 2023

The story itself was dull but I still felt that this episode reminded us of what we’ve been missing for years — time on screen with characters to just interact, without it all being in the service of plot devices. And the characters thus become good characters, worth watching.
The story itself was dull but I still felt that this episode reminded us of what we’ve been missing for years — time on screen with characters to just interact, without it all being in the service of plot devices. And the characters thus become good characters, worth watching.
Yes, for all his faults, RTD is just so much better at characters and emotional depth than both Chibnall and Moffat. It doesn't matter how clever the plot is, if the characters aren't well drawn it's easy to lose interest. I just didn't really care about Clara, or 13's 'fam'.

Not sure what to make of the rumour that is going round about the regeneration, which I will spoiler tag:
Apparently it is a split regeneration, creating two Doctors, meaning we get Ncuti as 15th and Tennant still existing as 14th so able to return for other Whoniverse content separate to the main show (or possibly within the main show, who knows)
I wish that we had Jo Martin, the Fugitive Doctor, coming back. I think she made a good Doctor. Peter Capaldi was good, also. Perhaps it should be split between these two.
I wish that we had Jo Martin, the Fugitive Doctor, coming back. I think she made a good Doctor. Peter Capaldi was good, also. Perhaps it should be split between these two.
I really really really didn't like that 'doctor' at all. I can't quite tell if it's because of how she was written, her story / insertion or how she as an actress played the part, but I suspect it was a mixture of all three. I was full on intrigued and tottaly on board when she and her tardis were first introduced. So many possibilities. . . but it all just took a massive nose dive off a cliff. I really liked Jody Whitiker as the doctor, but I just wish that whole era could be washed away in Bobby Ewings morning shower.
I really really really didn't like that 'doctor' at all. I can't quite tell if it's because of how she was written, her story / insertion or how she as an actress played the part, but I suspect it was a mixture of all three. I was full on intrigued and tottaly on board when she and her tardis were first introduced. So many possibilities. . . but it all just took a massive nose dive off a cliff. I really liked Jody Whitiker as the doctor, but I just wish that whole era could be washed away in Bobby Ewings morning shower.
My criticism of most of nu-Who, and also later Old Who, is that the Doctors lacked gravitas. Capaldi did have gravitas.
I had thought it flowed better than I remembered, but I hadn't realised they'd cut over half of it!
I would rather the Meep kept her cute persona after being discovered as ruthless and evil. That would have been more fun and made more sense.

Yup, and more evil. Like Umbridge in Harry Potter was memorably evil partly because she never veered from her pink, giggling persona.

It was very obvious that the Meep was going to be the actual baddie though, right?

I liked most of it, and thought it worked as a story.

Not since 1988, mind

Better than Cushing
I liked Cushing when I was a child.

Being able to see Dr Who on the Big Screen was wonderful. I agree, though, that he was not a proper Doctor.
A few years later, I entered a competition in TV21 in which the prize was a real film Dalek. (Which were taller than television Daleks). I wonder what my parents would have done if I'd won. Where would we have kept it?
Did anyone else watch this?

Now Channel 5 is set to dig into the behind-the-scenes history of Doctor Who with new documentary Doctor Who: 60 Years Of Secrets And Scandals, which delves into the creation and development of the classic sci-fi show, complete with exclusive interviews and startling revelations.

It's worth a watch, some interesting behind the scenes interviews, covering all sorts of stuff, including near death experiences on set.
Did anyone else watch this?

It's worth a watch, some interesting behind the scenes interviews, covering all sorts of stuff, including near death experiences on set.
It was pretty good, and a step above the usual C5 shite. Thought they might let JNT lie in peace, but no.
Did anyone else watch this?

It's worth a watch, some interesting behind the scenes interviews, covering all sorts of stuff, including near death experiences on set.
"pointy-headed Doctor Who fans"

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