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Do you want AV for the UK? Cast your vote here!

AV referendum, May 2011

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No2av haven't declared any of their major donors. ERS support for Yes campaign on the public record. Right wing press smears won't deflect from this.

hahahahaha! "Right wing smears" ahahahahahah!

Yes to AV, ladies and Gents:

No, guilty of not declaring a financial interest in the outcome of a process - something that even a 10 man parish council has the sense to know to do - and so throwing up questions about both your competence and your integrity.
It's hardly a secret that we seek to promote reform of the electoral system. It's there in the bloody name of both organisations.
In any case there is not a shred of evidence of any direct benefits accruing to ERSL from AV. Just speculation about the possibility of indirect benefits that may or may not exist.

are you happy to lap up this bile from the Spectator but not say a dicky-bird about where the No camp is getting it's money?
Straight from the internal documents list of how to respond to the uncovering of their dodginess - first concentrate on the fact that ERS and ERSL are 'operationally' separate, whaever you do, don't mention that the former is the majority shareholder in the latter. Secondly, pretend it's just case of a group in favour of electoral reform arguing for electoral reform and not a totally indicative failure to adhere by totally basis democratic principles of delcaration of interest. Thirdly, try and make it about the NO campaign to throw sand in the eyes of those asking questions.

I don' give two fucks where the NO campaign gets their money from - i do care why you lot failed to declare your financial interest and what is says about your much vaunted principles.
So, the only campaign that has openly declared its main campaign donors is reprehensible, whereas the campaign that has systematically refused to do so is in the clear? Interesting notion of transparency you're operating with there.

You think we're all on huge bonuses if we win? I wish...:rolleyes:
If the Electoral Commission thinks anything improper has been done than they will no doubt intervene. But the potential financial interest is so remote, indirect and hypothetical I very much doubt they will find anything to complain about.

If any sand is being kicked into people's eyes it is by the Spectator, Daily Mail and those furthering their agenda - because they are desperate to avoid having to defend sticking with the existing voting system.
I wonder why the ERS and ERSL worried so much about their shadiness that they worked out a media strategy in the case of them getting caught out beforehand?
Making this into some contrived "scandal" was an obvious line of attack by the Tory press. The right wing media are nothing if not predictable. The irony is they seized on a pre-emptive rebuttal as the whole basis of their story. Storm in a teacup.
This is how seriously the YES to AV crowd take their democratic responsibilities - responsibilities that a ten member parish council would take as being absolutley standard. Failure to declare a financial interest in the outcome of process - 'storm in a teacup' - at the same time as wagging their finger at the rest of us about principles, accountability democracy and so on.
It's hardly a secret that we seek to promote reform of the electoral system. It's there in the bloody name of both organisations.

I did not realise (until recently) that you were different to a normal Urban75 poster ..
For a professional poster, you don't seem to be persuading many people!
I did not realise (until recently) that you were different to a normal Urban75 poster ..
:D That's right I'm not entitled to opinions - the fact that I work to campaign for electoral reform because it's something i believe in is automatically discounted because I happen to be paid (not to post on here, that is purely recreational!)

Butchers/Spectator/Daily Mail itakes this stupidity to a macro scale!! ERSL have developed their expertise as a consequence of the knowledge-base built through ERS's interest in reforming the electoral system. The idea that ERS shouldn't therefore be able to campaign for electoral reform because of this indirect financial interest is frankly absurd.
The idea that ERS shouldn't therefore be able to campaign for electoral reform because of this indirect financial interest is frankly absurd.

It would be absurd if anyone was saying it but they're not. Your performance for the last three pages has been pathetic
Well if they concede ERS is right to be campaigning for AV - then we can all get back to what we should be discussing rather than these side-issues dragged up by the Spectator.
Well if they concede ERS is right to be campaigning for AV - then we can all get back to what we should be discussing rather than these side-issues dragged up by the Spectator.

But we, members of the general U75 public, come onto these threads and make our point, then we vote in the poll then we go about our business.

You however are a constant presence, despite it seems that you have failed to persuade many people you are constantly here spouting your dubious message.

What is that all about? have you not managed to make your point yet?
i do care why you lot failed to declare your financial interest and what is says about your much vaunted principles.
declare their financial interest to who?

and exactly what difference are you suggesting that any potential financial interest would make to the way the electoral reform society would be urging people to vote in a referendum on electoral reform?
declare their financial interest to who?

and exactly what difference are you suggesting that any potential financial interest would make to the way the electoral reform society would be urging people to vote in a referendum on electoral reform?

Do they urge for reform of any kind then?
Do they urge for reform of any kind then?
they have a website. I suggest you consult it rather than me for the answer to such queries.

meantime, do you think that they're campaigning in favour of AV at the referendum because of the financial gain they will supposedly get from a yes vote, or because they and their membership believes AV to be a better system than the current system?
The UK should have adopted a proportional system many years ago, its high time for the people to play a more important part in deciding who should represent us.

You however are a constant presence, despite it seems that you have failed to persuade many people you are constantly here spouting your dubious message.

So posters should only come on here to make points most other people agree with? What a boring place that would make U75.
The UK should have adopted a proportional system many years ago, its high time for the people to play a more important part in deciding who should represent us.

Yes, I'll be clicking on that unexplained youtube link from a first-time poster.
My point is to correct misunderstandings, erroneous conclusions and bad tactical judgements as and when they appear. If they keep appearing, so will I :p
My point is to correct misunderstandings, erroneous conclusions and bad tactical judgements as and when they appear. If they keep appearing, so will I :p

Trans: I'm here to shill for my employers, and I'm not ashamed to sink low in order to do so.

I'd call you a whore, but that's an honest profession, and honesty is something, with reference to this subject, that you've yet to display.
I was posting on here before I joined ERS - I talk about it because i agree with the political objective. But hey if you get paid for selling for your labour time then you're a low down whore. Workers of the world unite!!
I was posting on here before I joined ERS -
But hardly representing the same piss-weak appeasement politics.
I talk about it because i agree with the political objective.

The objective is only political insofar as it involves the party political sphere. Other than that, for all the claims and counter-claims about efficacy, it's not so much political as a method of entrenching and reproducing the current economic and social inequalities.

But hey if you get paid for selling for your labour time then you're a low down whore. Workers of the world unite!!

Reverting to your usual trick of misrepresenting what a person has said, I see.
You'll make it big in the Labour party if you keep acting like that. :)
"appeasement"?! Seriously?! You don't think you're getting carried away with your rhetoric?

I'm not arguing, and have never argued, that even the best sort of electoral reform (which AV clearly isn't) is any kind of panacea. But that doesn't mean it isn't *tactically* advantageous. You think AV will blind everyone to the effect of the cuts? O ye of little faith....
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