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Do you own a dressing gown?

I very rarely used to wear my dressing gown but over winter and working from home it's been very useful for keeping my legs warm at my desk. I am slightly embarrassed if I have to answer the door as a) it has animals on it and b) it looks like I'm not dressed yet.
Geri its is your home. You are fully entitled to wear whatever you like whenever you like and who cares if you are not dressed at 7 in the evening :thumbs:
A medium one that I've never liked. I don't know where it came from or how long I've had it. I asked my partner if she knew and she said "you've always had it" - we've been together 27 years. Have I really had it that long? That's how little thought I give to dressing gowns. It's just there, every year, when it's too warm or cold for the other ones I do like. A threadbare thing that isn't comfortable or stylish. It's only this thread that's alerted me to the idea I can throw it in the fabric recycling and buy a new one, so thanks for that.
I've done it. I bought a lovely soft new medium-weight dressing gown. With a hood. I don't know if I'll ever use the hood, but it's got one. That old rag I've been pulling on for the last few decades is in the fabric recycling bin.

Thanks scifisam :)
Have just bought a supersoft extra-length fleece dressing gown from M&S.

All your fault, scifisam , thanks. :)

I've done it. I bought a lovely soft new medium-weight dressing gown. With a hood. I don't know if I'll ever use the hood, but it's got one. That old rag I've been pulling on for the last few decades is in the fabric recycling bin.

Thanks scifisam :)

In an unexpected boost to the economy today...
yep, I've got two dressing gowns/ black toweling bath robes.

I have them because once out of the bath or shower, I don't like to rub myself dry with a towel, that just seems very wrong. I want to put the towel bathrobe on and then hang about in my room until dry. It seems less harsh; and only takes 10 minutes.

I've not worn it around the house until very recently for fear of being judged, because I live in a huge urban shared house, and one of the other residents was a judgmental toxic ageist mysogynist who called me a spinster for being over 40 and unmarried, and would often pass judment on what he thought of the other housemates bodies, so there's no way I would ever even go for a piss in the middle of the night without being fully dressed. Now that he's moved out :thumbs: I am finding a lot of joy in running up and down in nothing but my dressing gown without a care in the world. Very freeing.
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Honestly if I could get my winter PJ bottoms in black I would wear them as outdoor clothes, they are really comfy and the only reason they look like jimjams is because of the whimsical tartan pattern and involvement of metallic thread. Exactly the same design/cut but in black and they would be perfectly suitable for comfy evening/work wear.
This is exactly what I've done for the last year! Some lovely soft tartan brushed cotton pyjamas, and some black Dylon.
You can tell they used to be tartan because some of the green didn't quite dye completely black, and one pair have polyester thread which didn't dye so there are seam 'highlights' but that's fine. Good for the corner Tesco certainly. :D
i have three, one big fluffy winter one, one nice cotton summer one and one less nice cotton summer one (bought before the better replacement). i keep the spare one in the spare room just in case someone comes to the door and i've been wandering around not dressed as the spare room is right next to the front door and i don't keep any clothes in that room. i don't wear them a lot (happy to lounge in just pyjamas until i get dressed) but nice to have if needed.
I am having lots of tutorials today over the internet. So far, 3 people lounging on the bed in what might be vest tops or nighties. No dressing gowns
I was also in my nightie but with my camera off to ward off complaints about my lack of professionalism
Yes, I have a very old but comfy one that does the job well in the mornings when I'm not quite ready to fully wake up. Also sometimes helps me get in the mood for bed by switching into pyjamas and gown.
Can any super searchers help me find a dressing gown.

Ideally I want it to be a thick felty fleece like material, as close to floor length as possible, hooded and either zip up or wrap around with a lot of material to wrap round.
I don't care if it says it is designed for men as long as it fits.

Absolutely must not be that silky fluff that they say is fleece but is actually more like a thick velour.
The feel of it makes me feel sick and shivery :oops: :D

Please help me Urbs my flat is so cold 🥶
Not sure what you mean by felty fleece like material kittyP, but here are some almost floor length ones.

The men's dressing gowns in Next look more hefty material-wise

This one looks like it'd be warm, although it's only knee-length

Not sure what you mean by felty fleece like material kittyP, but here are some almost floor length ones.

The men's dressing gowns in Next look more hefty material-wise

This one looks like it'd be warm, although it's only knee-length

The top 2 are exactly the silky soft fluffy stuff that makes me gip
But that bottom grey knitted one looks like it could be a goer.
Thank you :cool:
I've recently bought a fluffy dressing gown and I love it. I remember it's there when I'm on the way home in the cold and dark and I get v excited to think it won't be making before I'm reunited with my dressing gown

So lovely and warm that I wore it recently for a student conference on a cold day (over my clothes)
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