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Do you own a dressing gown?

To update my answer, I still have the 4 (2 towelling, 1 housecoat, 1 fauxmono) plus I now have an Oodie. My daughter got sick of me making puppy eyes at hers and got me one :D it is the best most comfortable thing. I still need a new summer one, because the fauxmono doesn't stay closed so isn't any good for pottering in.
Ah I just googled Oodie :D
I have 2 Morrison's (Nutmeg brand) versions of those, they aren't full length but come down to below my knees and are fucking lovely :)
This thread has also just reminded me that I need to make sure Jakey's winter blankie is laundered and ready for when it starts getting chilly, he'll be pestering me for it otherwise and I'm not giving him one of the newer ones!

(Yes, cat has his own cold weather comfort stuff - he's a warm climate adapted slinky ultra-shorthair OSH!)
It's not been cold enough to start wearing my dressing gown again. It can get a bit chilly in the mornings because I'm still leaving my windows open, but so far I've been able to deal with that by throwing on an overshirt.
This thread has also just reminded me that I need to make sure Jakey's winter blankie is laundered and ready for when it starts getting chilly, he'll be pestering me for it otherwise and I'm not giving him one of the newer ones!

do these come in his size?


I think I missed this thread earlier.

I have three. One I bought from the tat stall at Endorset that year. It came with an RAC Club matchbook in the pocket. It is worn - with scarf - when loucheness is required.

The others just have hoods and lots of pockets and are warm.

Never taken the others to the shop. The "RAC" one has been out to a few events :)
Time to once again thank farmerbarleymow for finding me my dressing gown.
It has been invaluable while having covid.
It is so warm and cosy and comforting
Get well soon, kittyP x

My dressing gown/tent is still going strong and still makes me feel a bit Obi Wan Kenobi when I wear it. :cool:

Bought a heated throw as a Christmas prezzy recently too. Interested to see what that's like. Might buy myself one too if it's any good.
Get well soon, kittyP x

My dressing gown/tent is still going strong and still makes me feel a bit Obi Wan Kenobi when I wear it. :cool:

Bought a heated throw as a Christmas prezzy recently too. Interested to see what that's like. Might buy myself one too if it's any good.
Mrs21 has a heated throw - she loves it , so much she bought me one - but I haven't used it much - just the once, and I can confirm it was warm.
My mother made me a dressing gown when I was about 7 years old - it had picture of Dopey the dwarf on it (quite prophetic as events would bear out) but I didn’t have another until last year when Mrs SFM bought me one. Perhaps, in the near half century since, she was tired of me wandering around in my pants but it’s still seldom used. I get up, get dressed, and there’s no in between.
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