"You know, on reflection, maybe i should have acted with a bit more humility in the face of people who have spent their lives studying diseases like this, bit by bit, for decades. Maybe me spreading Meme-warfare in the hope of convincing people not to take it was a mistake - and perhaps the push and flow of those memes meant that people lost their lives. The misinformation started somewhere - it could easily have been me. I feel bad for helping it a long. How arrogant of me to give health advice based on nothing other than what I had read on facebook and seen on youtube. i should have seen how risky that was. Next time I will take a position of "don't know" when faced with hugely complex scientific problems that I know nothign about before I encourage others to take courses of action, such as not taking life saving medicine."
said no anti vaxxer, ever.
It's funny, I don't think I could ever date one, or even be friends with one, forever. The hell my family went through with covid, coming at the worst time in my life (post divorce). Highest contempt. So many people were trying to muddle through and you had these arrogant twats literally killing more people than necessary.
if covid is sort of framed in the collective memory (and I think it will) as say WW2 is, these people will be teh equivilant as traitors in my mind.