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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

I keep my eye on my local 'critical thinkers' - it's amazing how hardly any of them bother with basic facebook privacy settings - and at the moment they're at each other's throats because one of their main hangouts, a sort of wellness-therapy-centre, turns out to be a hotbed of teenage grooming / sex pest allegations. It's funny to see many of them vociferously denouncing the place as a cult all of a sudden. They thought the world was controlled by paedos in the deep state but it turns out they were a bit closer to home.
How the fuck do you "shut off their dna"? It literally works through a series of chemical reactions. You can't switch that kind of thing on and off like a light switch, especially when the body has mechanisms for DNA repair and ensuring that protein synthesis goes smoothly. "Shutting off" your DNA wouldn't make you into an Illuminati mind puppet, it would just slowly and agonisingly kill you since your body would no longer be able to create replacement cells.
How the fuck do you "shut off their dna"? It literally works through a series of chemical reactions. You can't switch that kind of thing on and off like a light switch, especially when the body has mechanisms for DNA repair and ensuring that protein synthesis goes smoothly. "Shutting off" your DNA wouldn't make you into an Illuminati mind puppet, it would just slowly and agonisingly kill you since your body would no longer be able to create replacement cells.
Never mind that, it also means you're barred from entering the kingdom of heaven :eek:
How the fuck do you "shut off their dna"? It literally works through a series of chemical reactions. You can't switch that kind of thing on and off like a light switch, especially when the body has mechanisms for DNA repair and ensuring that protein synthesis goes smoothly. "Shutting off" your DNA wouldn't make you into an Illuminati mind puppet, it would just slowly and agonisingly kill you since your body would no longer be able to create replacement cells.

But, they've done their own research.

I feel sure there's a reason most of that sort of shite is in image form rather than text ... I OCRd it and can't find it anywhere ..
How the fuck do you "shut off their dna"? It literally works through a series of chemical reactions. You can't switch that kind of thing on and off like a light switch, especially when the body has mechanisms for DNA repair and ensuring that protein synthesis goes smoothly. "Shutting off" your DNA wouldn't make you into an Illuminati mind puppet, it would just slowly and agonisingly kill you since your body would no longer be able to create replacement cells.
Simon Parry, one of the leading anti-vax nutters, was sectioned a few weeks ago, and now a load of other loons, that probably need to be sectioned too, have made complete arses of themselves by trying to get him freed from a mental health facility. :facepalm:

horrible thuggish cunts.
the bbc should organise a round table discussion - one side a group of Critical Thinkers and Top Researchers, and on the other truly renowed experts in related fields.

And watch them die. And the nation piss themselves laughing.

There's not much humbling left in the culture wars. no one gets humbled any more. and it's needed. we are surrounded by Twats.
There seems a lot of falling out amongst the anti-vaxxers, as some realise it's all over now and want to get their lives back, and others want to move onto other things like 5G & chemtrails and even get violent.

Back to Simon Parry, the sectioned one, and the lack of numbers turning up to protest, this is a classic example of one that wants to turn to violence, and only needs 100 'real man' to join him. :facepalm:

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