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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Well there seems to be something for everyone, tbh. A former friend of mine has been pulled in purely on account of 'a million missing children' (although she has also claimed that HIV and Covid have the same lab based root (?). My point is, the very nebulousness of much of it (although heavily disguised by a generous amount of insider clues) means this phenomenon refuses simple take downs because it is horribly appealing to almost anyone who is feeling ignored, helpless, angry. Not unlike the social reach of a religion (quite apart from the actual doctrines).
A friend of mine has been pulled in because she is into Juiceplus!! Juiceplus!!! do a lot of work with refugee camps in between hard juicing. Tried challenging it a bit and she always just renders me silent cause she's really sort of pleasant and engaging. OK then lass, juice away, liberate yourself from the mask :D
So it's "numerous PMs of confirmation" now, is it.

You fucking clown :thumbs:

I was asked for evidence which I provided (of someone that could be verified by google and not many other Unverifiable ones) and it was simply disregarded.

Amusing though that Butchers himself rails against CT nutters in the left but apparently it also doesn’t exist. :D
Do you reckon this whole you/BA thing could be considered to have run its course? Only I keep coming back to the thread to read about idiots, and all there is is you two knocking lumps out of each other.

It’s funny really. Because if he actually read what I’m writing and see that I’m on the same side it would probably avoid this unnecessary battling.
But for some reason he thinks I’m fake and that my perspective doesn’t count. And so I need to PROVE myself and then it’s just disregarded anyway.
I’m just some old fantasist who got involved too late and not a comrade.
It’s a shame really. That lefty wankers on here behave the way they do and then wonder why we don’t actually get anywhere.
I’ve given up btw. Well done everyone.
It’s funny really. Because if he actually read what I’m writing and see that I’m on the same side it would probably avoid this unnecessary battling.
But for some reason he thinks I’m fake and that my perspective doesn’t count. And so I need to PROVE myself and then it’s just disregarded anyway.
I’m just some old fantasist who got involved too late and not a comrade.
It’s a shame really. That lefty wankers on here behave the way they do and then wonder why we don’t actually get anywhere.
I’ve given up btw. Well done everyone.

With the greatest respect, large chunks of your identity on here in recent weeks have been based on being the only working class person in the village who can sniff out fake socialists. :D
Why are we still banging on about beefs between boring middle-aged men on a bulletin board when we could be discussing the pure 2020 fever dream situation we have with Jedward and Right Said Fred?

Also, what's with that chubby-legged mask-averse dude helicoptering his cock at the Trafalgar Square COVID-Aid picnic? :confused:
Why are we still banging on about beefs between boring middle-aged men on a bulletin board when we could be discussing the pure 2020 fever dream situation we have with Jedward and Right Said Fred?

Also, what's with that chubby-legged mask-averse dude helicoptering his cock at the Trafalgar Square COVID-Aid picnic? :confused:
need to know more
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