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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Death news like that would be generally be delayed in mainstream media anyway. Even if we had seen him be eaten live on TV by a crocodile they would avoid the obvious news that he had ceased to be until the right procedures had been gone through.
Or, the PBC who gave him his job would cover it up. That or report it and flaunt it. It's hidden or flaunted. That's the choices.
Or, the PBC who gave him his job would cover it up. That or report it and flaunt it. It's hidden or flaunted. That's the choices.

I'm still waiting for Max Cliffords secret dirt files to emerge and tell me what to think. Normally these would be subject to the 50 year rule, but a loophole may have been found that involves getting away with releasing the info decades early as long as its in the form of The Comic Strip Presents.
The woman speaking now to that massive crowd in Trafalgar Square is a bona Fide classic rabid antisemite of the rothschilds are killing babies variety.

Ive argued a long time that these cunts need a slap as much as fascists but some left groups overlook it on the basis that they’re ‘anti-govt’. Lol. Ok.
Ive argued a long time that these cunts need a slap as much as fascists but some left groups overlook it on the basis that they’re ‘anti-govt’. Lol. Ok.

Which 'left groups' do that?

And what, middle aged Mrs. Bobblekins who's a bit anti-vax and vulnerable needs a slap cos she goes to a rally like this because she's scared of the government? I mean there's a right mix of people there and some for sure need that, but I imagine it's a minority out of them rather than them all. I suggest a slightly more nuanced take on it might be better?
Which 'left groups' do that?

And what, middle aged Mrs. Bobblekins who's a bit anti-vax and vulnerable needs a slap cos she goes to a rally like this because she's scared of the government? I mean there's a right mix of people there and some for sure need that, but I imagine it's a minority out of them rather than them all. I suggest a slightly more nuanced take on it might be better?

Funny really that I doubt Mrs. Bobblekins gets a free pass at Dover. And you perfectly illustrate how it's seen as not a big deal.
Funny really that I doubt Mrs. Bobblekins gets a free pass at Dover. And you perfectly illustrate how it's seen as not a big deal.

I think the political growth of this scene is a really big deal and have been saying as much for ages. But it's not as simple as a fascist Dover mobilization, I wish it was in some ways as it would be a lot clearer what to do about it. I think treating everyone who attends something like today as a fascist isn't a strategy that's going to work, and isn't desirable either. I mean happy to be convinced otherwise but that's what I think currently.
I think the political growth of this scene is a really big deal and have been saying as much for ages. But it's not as simple as a fascist Dover mobilization, I wish it was in some ways as it would be a lot clearer what to do about it. I think treating everyone who attends something like today as a fascist isn't a strategy that's going to work, and isn't desirable either. I mean happy to be convinced otherwise but that's what I think currently.

Well that's good news then. If it wasn't for the fact that this shit feeds fascism. Unless you can explain how it leads to progressive thought.
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