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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots


What really gets me is how quick these people are to shout conspiracy about the media/government but not once take the same level of skepticism with some shoddy/lunatic facebook story because it happens to align with their stance. Instead they buy into it wholesale and refuse to accept any other narrative. It's really troubling.

and they will say exactly the same about us.

but, we decided to choose global scientific consensesus over a link by Mike on WhatsApp WhO iS aLsO a Dj
To be skeptical of a vaccine or to even hold off / refuse to take it, fine I can live with that.

But to get to the point where you're actually trying to storm the regulator HQ is some whole other leap of crazy I just cannot get my head around.
It's even weirder to think that we're not that far off, historically speaking, from the height of the AIDS crisis and ACT-UP activity - which is something I've read/heard a bit about, others heard might have paid attention to at the time or even been involved in. Anyway, just mindboggling to think that there's people alive today who've been involved in protests that targeted the medical regulator HQ because they needed more access to healthcare and felt that not enough was being done to tackle the epidemic of the day. I can't imagine what it must be like to be an old ACT-UPper watching this bizarro world idiot version where people kick off at the medical regulators because they're pissed off at having access to healthcare.
It's even weirder to think that we're not that far off, historically speaking, from the height of the AIDS crisis and ACT-UP activity - which is something I've read/heard a bit about, others heard might have paid attention to at the time or even been involved in. Anyway, just mindboggling to think that there's people alive today who've been involved in protests that targeted the medical regulator HQ because they needed more access to healthcare and felt that not enough was being done to tackle the epidemic of the day. I can't imagine what it must be like to be an old ACT-UPper watching this bizarro world idiot version where people kick off at the medical regulators because they're pissed off at having access to healthcare.

Well, quite.

In another time, not that long ago...

shows as private video now when I tried to look.
Was gone when the livestream ended. There were lots of other people filming themselves and everyone else. Clearly the counter-revolution will be televised.

Couple of clips from others showing the push and shove. Someone inside opened the door briefly and accepted a communication of some sort. Some in the crowd saw an opportunity to get in and this ensued.

View attachment uNcc89PgbDyblVYI.mp4

View attachment ZFhOIs7mH4GPmOSM.mp4

Following this there were some very wound up types looking for an outlet. The people doing the live stream I linked to were being aggressively accused of being filth or hostile 'meeja'


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That woman with the red hair has been getting stuck in and is quite obvious within the crowd.

Honestly, who’d be a copper though. Dealing with this crap day in day out.
Disappointed to find the mhra offices loon free. There was one pain of glass with cracks in it and a load of cops hanging around Canary Wharf station. I missed the party.

I really wanted to call piers corbyn a cunt. Oh well, next time.

A medical student in London, Jack Lawrence, was among the first to identify serious concerns about the paper, leading to the retraction. He first became aware of the Elgazzar preprint when it was assigned to him by one of his lecturers for an assignment that formed part of his master’s degree. He found the introduction section of the paper appeared to have been almost entirely plagiarised.

It appeared that the authors had run entire paragraphs from press releases and websites about ivermectin and Covid-19 through a thesaurus to change key words. “Humorously, this led to them changing ‘severe acute respiratory syndrome’ to ‘extreme intense respiratory syndrome’ on one occasion,” Lawrence said.

“Thousands of highly educated scientists, doctors, pharmacists, and at least four major medicines regulators missed a fraud so apparent that it might as well have come with a flashing neon sign. That this all happened amid an ongoing global health crisis of epic proportions is all the more terrifying.”

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In the replies under these Met tweets we get one shithead immediately assuming the anti-vaxers must be ER because they are being disorderly


Followed by an even more hilarious shithead who assumes they are ER because they are getting stick from the police


Plus the full range of defenders outraged at heavy handed policing against people "just concerned about their children" on the one hand, and on the other a competition between bog standard law and order types and liberals as to who can call loudest for the most extreme measures to be applied.

Have to say I don't like the look of some of them at all, particularly If this is the face of future organised 'actions' directed at softer targets like vaccination centres and where the filth aren't waiting for them.
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