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Discussion about UK politics forum

silentNate said:
Time for bed I suggest butchers... Meat delivery in morning I reckon... :D

You saying Butchers=montague?
TeeJay said:
Is there some special urban75 rule that people can't talk about you? If you decide to shit all over me and call me a liar then you can expect me to respond.

Maybe there need to be an 'in that way' before 'again' but I think anyone would agree you tied yourself in knots in that thread.

flimsier said:
...I think anyone would agree you tied yourself in knots in that thread...
Where I went to school was completety irrelevant to the thread and the pathetic nitpicking over minute details about it by various people just served to show what a pathetic bunch of twats they all were, and that they were intent on ripping me to bits with ad hominems because they had nothing whatsoever to say about the subject being discussed. I never sought to cover up the name and details of the school I went to and even provided everyone with a link to the website. When some sad fuck went to the website and pulled off some details about the school in 2004 (when I left over ten years ago) that they claimed "proved" I was trying to mislead people or lie about something then several people joined in calling me a "liar" and saying that I now had zero credibility. But I had never made an issue over where I went to school and I had always been completetly hionest about the details. I am not trying to present myself as some trotskyist or anarchist class warrior, I don't even call myself a socialist. I have never claimed that it makes any difference whatsoever where I went to school. I had simply dared to ask people if they felt that independent school students were 'priviledged' by having to be under a strict regime at school and abide by many rules etc. This enraged many people who then spent the rest of the thread not talking about school rules and student strikes but trying to trash me and attacking me and my family with vile personal insults.

You might think my 'radical' wing credentials have been tarnished in your eys, but frankly judging by many of the pathetic morons and what they think passes for debate in uk p&p and their frankly ridiculous idelogical claptrap you are welcome to you UKp&p "radical street cred" - I don't want any of it at all, it stinks!

As for you - if you want to keep up this little vendetta where you keep trying to shit on me and call me names then believe me, I can keep it going for a long time, and very soon I will be reading through your entire ouevre on this site and working out what strange motivation you have for saying what you have been saying about me, if you keep it up. I far prefer to live and let live and debate the topics, but if people really demand attention and keep making it personal then thats where it goes, until it a logical conclusion is reached.
Ha ha, go on then. :D Its the fucking internet. I'll write what I like. Twat.

It has nothing to do with where you went to school. It has to do with you claiming you had no idea how much (as a proportion) your parents had spent on your education. Then claiming your parents had spent nothing (for the purposes of argument) - then, when found out, that you didn't really know.

sorry, it wasn't me that found you out. Why are you angry with me? Is it just that you think I'm a softer target? Well bring it on.! :)
flimsier said:
It has nothing to do with where you went to school. It has to do with you claiming you had no idea how much (as a proportion) your parents had spent on your education. Then claiming your parents had spent nothing (for the purposes of argument) - then, when found out, that you didn't really know.
Nothing. Next to nothing. Whatever. I was very open right from the start what the set up was and said I didn't know. I responded to someone claiming that I paid massive fees by saying "they didn't pay fees", but it was bloody obvious to anyone reading the thread what the situation was - people still only know anything about my schooling becuase I have actually told them myself, its not like they actually went and found out anything about me. Its was simply nitpicking about my choice of words and quibbling about minor details of fees etc that frankly I wasn't even basing *any* kind of argument on at all.

There is no way in the normnal meaning of the words that I was "found out" by anyone, and in any case all they did was point out that I said I didnt't know the exact details, which is what I had been saying all along. This is frankly pathetic and I don't understand why you are still making an issue of my honesty after I have told the entire world the fine details of my schooling and been massively insulted by all and sundry on that thread for no apparent reason. You are continuing to drag it up and then you wonder why I am wondering about your motives etc.
This is another thing that often makes P&P difficult to read, if you don't read many of the P&P threads to catch all the references involved in a thread...it doesn't make much sense...
It is. By way of people who have a problem with it actually posting there. It seems a bit pointless and weird to have a discussion about how people on p&p should post rather than a discussion on how people who don't like p&p are going to post. It's the difference between someone bitching in the pub about poverty and bigging themselves up for their humanitarian credentials and someone actually going out to try and change shit ..
TeeJay said:
Well what about employment, health, crime, education, environment, transport, consumer rights, animal rights, the economy, development, housing, benefits, drugs, sexuality, racism, immigration and asylum, privatisation, minimum wage, gm food, agriculture, climate change, new airports, waste and recycling, europe and the euro, reform of the house of lords and the new supreme court, electoral reform, taxation, pensions, tuition fees, the police, road-building, congestion charging, public participation in government, access to information, identity cards, child care, parental leave, corporate governance, local facilities, gender equality, gay marriage, cannabis cafes, heroine treatment...

If I want to talk about these things I just do a thread elsewhere. P & P scares me, I am too thick to understand most of it anyway, it's way above my head.
TeeJay said:
I can keep it going for a long time, and very soon I will be reading through your entire ouevre on this site and working out what strange motivation you have for saying what you have been saying about me, if you keep it up. I far prefer to live and let live and debate the topics, but if people really demand attention and keep making it personal then thats where it goes, until it a logical conclusion is reached.

Yippe kie ay
Stobart Spotter said:
If I want to talk about these things I just do a thread elsewhere. P & P scares me, I am too thick to understand most of it anyway, it's way above my head.
But you gotta admit it's quite funny trying to hold a conversation there while loads of people slap each others faces with verbal kippers, or like in this thread, trying to have a debate during a western bar fight. :D
flimsier said:
Should some bloke (or woman) called flimsier be a moderator in UK P&P to clear out the stupid shit that goes on there?

Aw, c'mon!

I know I said I'd buy you a pint, but god forbid I'd vote for you having any power!

You'd get pissed, call me a prick and ban me. :D Which, obviously, would be a grave loss to the world. :rolleyes:
Pigeon said:
Aw, c'mon!

I know I said I'd buy you a pint, but god forbid I'd vote for you having any power!

You'd get pissed, call me a prick and ban me. :D Which, obviously, would be a grave loss to the world. :rolleyes:

;) Exactly!

satan & hell! i leave you all unattended for 18 hours and you leap into some marathon thread!

there's a couple of points - first, since before i started posting there's been lots of political sniping. afaik it's nothing new. but i haven't seen teejay grab the bull by the horns and try to change things by posting about the plethora of subjects he listed at the top of the thread. nor have i seen flimsier try to do anything to influence anyone but me - he reminds me of brave sir robin with his flouncing. somewhere between pages 1 and 10 i'm sure i'm blamed for all the ills that ail u75: if i haven't been it won't be long now. but this infighting is something almost all p&p posters have indulged in, and if people want things to change then they are going to have to realise it's a collective effort.

about the ruc: well, since imo they'll be beyond resuscitation in 11 days there's not much longer to worry about them. perhaps there'd be fewer threads about the fuckers if rebel warrior didn't post up a thread every fucking time someone says something vaguely sympathetic about them: be it the rmt, the fbu or whatnot. it's only going to attract other threads, even less complimentary to the ruc than rw's.

about the swp: frankly the swp are hate figures for much of the left, and anarchists. there are always going to be threads about the swp, because they are the largest so-called revolutionary socialist party in the country, and urban attracts lots of people who move in the same current. maybe if you banned the swpers and their running dogs you'd see fewer swp threads: certainly fewer posts about them.
flimsier said:
Should some bloke (or woman) called flimsier be a moderator in UK P&P to clear out the stupid shit that goes on there?

do you really think yr the one to clear out something you see as a new augean stables? ahriman! you'd flounce - and flounce again - within a week.
tbh, i've never really bothered looking at uk p&p because of the reputation it's been given by threads like this.

i just went over & had a look through - looks like quite good fun after all. maybe i will post a bit over there in future. :)

from what i can see, anyone who can back up their arguments, or who thinks through what they post before posting, doesn't really have much to worry about - but shoddy, ill thought out arguments, quite rightly, will get shot down. isn't that how it's supposed to work?
Pickman's model said:
about the swp: frankly the swp are hate figures for much of the left, and anarchists. there are always going to be threads about the swp, because they are the largest so-called revolutionary socialist party in the country, and urban attracts lots of people who move in the same current. maybe if you banned the swpers and their running dogs you'd see fewer swp threads: certainly fewer posts about them.
Pickman's solution- BAN THEM :eek:

Ban SWP but not ICWA, how very libertarian :rolleyes:
silentNate said:
Pickman's solution- BAN THEM :eek:

Ban SWP but not ICWA, how very libertarian :rolleyes:
eh? i said if one thing were done then you'd see (perhaps) one result. do you think i got to my postcount today without assistance from the swp? eh? eh? :mad: :p
anyway, my solution to the swp question has already been mooted elsewhere on the boards. you may recall i once suggested trying all swp members for witchcraft and illuminating the boulevards in hyde park at night with them writhing piteously as the flames lick ever higher up the stakes.
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