Joe Reilly
Well-Known Member
Which is handy for your argument it's what enables you to lump everything together rather discriminating. And your language illustrates my earlier point (described by Past Caring as "bizarre") that you are deliberately inviting a comparison between the organised nature of lumpens ("united front") with the absence of credible organisation on the left. To achieve this emphasis you have to stress this element of the riots (stretched beyond any reasonable degree) in order to make it).
The 'argument' is that the street gangs initiated the riots for (largely business) reasons of their own. They formed an unprecedented united front to do so. This alliance gave them the necessary numbers and the mobility to move from borough to borough at will. In short the riots were organised, but some inevitably took on a life of their own. A distinction must also be made between the rioters and the routine looters who the former had summoned to provide additional cover, to provide a diversion and tie up police long after the real perpetrators had moved on to a fresh target. That I think is a fair summary of the IWCA position as outlined.
You continue to insist however that this all about having a sly dig at the Left. But the Left don't come into it. At all.