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Dark (On Netflix)

Loved the show but it's certainly complicated. Couldn't figure out
why some of the kids were experimented on and their eye burnt out
Loved the show but it's certainly complicated. Couldn't figure out
why some of the kids were experimented on and their eye burnt out
was it because Noah was trying to invent the time travel device to get his baby back?
I’ve also lost track of the details though :D
I was completely lost throughout that 3rd season. It was enjoyable, but I completely gave up on making any sense of it. I can’t imagine ever wanting to rewatch it, whereas I did 1 and 2.
I tried to watch this last year, then tried again a few months ago, and failed, but I've just watched it from start to finish in a single binge. I really tried to like it, because it should have been right up my street, but despite having to work to keep up with everything, it felt like a real drag. The wooden acting was only worstened by the wooden dubbing. It's like those doing the voiceover were given the translated script on the morning of recording.
Great idea, poor execution.
Actually, I take that back. The acting wasn't that terrible. It was the dubbing that made it seem terrible.
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The dubbing is awful. I am watching it atm and I love the premise. I am struggling to follow wtf is going on which is sometimes a good thing, but I need to remember to find something more lightweight when I feel my energy level fading or I've had too much to drink
I tried to watch this last year, then tried again a few months ago, and failed, but I've just watched it from start to finish in a single binge. I really tried to like it, because it should have been right up my street, but despite having to work to keep up with everything, it felt like a real drag. The wooden acting was only worstened by the wooden dubbing. It's like those doing the voiceover were given the translated script on the morning of recording.
Great idea, poor execution.
Actually, I take that back. The acting wasn't that terrible. It was the dubbing that made it seem terrible.

I watched the original. German with subtitles.
Way better.

The dubbing is awful. I am watching it atm and I love the premise. I am struggling to follow wtf is going on which is sometimes a good thing, but I need to remember to find something more lightweight when I feel my energy level fading or I've had too much to drink

Try it with subtitles.
It's worth it. It needs its own language respected. The actors voices are very much part of it and should be heard.
Try it with subtitles.
It's worth it. It needs its own language respected. The actors voices are very much part of it and should be heard.

I have subtitles on anyway as I have an auditory processing disorder. It doesn't much matter to my brain whether I hear all the dialogue in English, but I am somewhat less adept in German, but I can't "understand" spoken English in the same way that normal people would understand their native language anyway.

I am not going to get into an argument about why I watch things with the particular mix of subs and dubs that I do, just please trust that at my age I know what works best for me in terms of understanding dialogue, I have some neurologically based communication/understanding/hearing issues, and I am not doing it wrong for me
Unless someone has reading difficulties, can't understand why watch it dubbed. Or any show/film. Dubbed versions take away from the productions, imho.

ETA just read Epona's reason, fair enough.
I have subtitles on anyway as I have an auditory processing disorder. It doesn't much matter to my brain whether I hear all the dialogue in English, but I am somewhat less adept in German, but I can't "understand" spoken English in the same way that normal people would understand their native language anyway.

I am not going to get into an argument about why I watch things with the particular mix of subs and dubs that I do, just please trust that at my age I know what works best for me in terms of understanding dialogue, I am not doing it wrong for me

I certainly was not arguing with you or anyone ... :confused:

I was only saying how good the series is in German with subtitles.

I would not have been aware of your situation when I posted.

Not sure why you thought it was an argument 🙁
Unless someone has reading difficulties, can't understand why watch it dubbed. Or any show/film. Dubbed versions take away from the productions, imho.

ETA just read Epona's reason, fair enough.

Aye, because I have a LOT of issues understanding dialogue, I just go for belt and braces - dub and sub means I am less likely to miss any major plot points!
I certainly was not arguing with you or anyone ... :confused:

I was only saying how good the series is in German with subtitles.

I would not have been aware of your situation when I posted.

Not sure why you thought it was an argument 🙁

Er. I didn't think it was an argument or say it was an argument (I know that some people have an almost religious fervour against dubbing though, I thought you might be trying to start one of those arguments and I was just saying that isn't what I wanted!). I was just describing how I watch stuff. Sorry if you thought that was being argumentative, that wasn't at all my intention! I was being a little defensive because I know how seriously some people take the dubbing and subtitling thing though.
I think Dark is the best thing I've watched in years.
Initially, I bingewatched it quickly because I wanted to see what came next.
I then went back and watched again.
It was even better second time round.
That's my take on it.
Yeah I have stopped watching it because I think OH will really enjoy it - and I will probably pick up on some stuff that I missed first time round so want to watch it again. I have trouble following stuff on TV/films.
Ok. Just finished Season 1. Karl Urban does actually own it. I quite like that one point the other kiwi, homelander, says to him 'nice accent mate'.

Quality TV. The 'Cunt' count must have exceeded any mainstream telly programme by.a stretch.
Just watched Predestination (2014). Without giving too much away, am wondering if this might have been a bit of an inspiration on the makers of Dark.

Anyway, great film, Sarah Snook is particularly outstanding.
Can we have some mystery, English language, non-horror/sci-fi recommendations please?

Preferably series; Netflix, Amazon, or elsewhere, fine.

Ta :thumbs:
Can we have some mystery, English language, non-horror/sci-fi recommendations please?

Preferably series; Netflix, Amazon, or elsewhere, fine.

Ta :thumbs:
You are asking for non-horror/sci-fi recommendations on a thread for a sci-fi/horror show. :hmm:
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