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Cycling Thread #2 - Track

Good stuff......i've always had a soft spot for the cycling - my auntie was eleven times National Champion on the road and track and made a comeback at 60(!) for The Masters World Championships. She won World Titles and set several World Records as well as being the GB women's cycling coach at the LA Olympics. My cousin also won five National Championship Titles.

Aaaaaarrrrgggh! I can't believe I missed it :mad::( Had to go into a meeting - which as it directly concerend about me I didn't feel I could make an excuse about.

Grrr and double grrr!! I am off to try and find a repeat on the BBC website ..
By all accounts there have been some extraordinary times being posted in the training camp at Newport and there have been hints of 'something special' being kept in reserve for certain riders/events.

Looks like this really could live up to all expectations and beyond. Looking forward to Golden Saturday now :cool:
Cannot wait for tomorrow morning. We are on fire, and haven't even released the Cav-meister from his cage yet. :cool:
Can I ask a question?, Could the manager and trainers of the bike guys, take over the training of the athletes, and the archers, and, well, the rest of them....

Absolutely phenomenal...... absolute brute power and the utmost endeavour.
He's in the medal race off - was 2 seconds down with 1km to go and pulled it in no trouble. Apparently he was given a schedule to race to and stuck to it perfectly.
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