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Cycling Thread #1 - Road & TT

You could feel the pain on that final sprint. Not sure about the camera work tho. 1k to go and they start showing the cahsing pack then when they come back to the lead pack Cooke has vanished. Magnificent fightback from whatever happened tho.
You could feel the pain on that final sprint. Not sure about the camera work tho. 1k to go and they start showing the cahsing pack then when they come back to the lead pack Cooke has vanished. Magnificent fightback from whatever happened tho.
Absolutely agreed. Some seriously flawed vision mixing priorities there!
French great Jeannie Longo, 49, competing in her seventh Olympics, finished 33 seconds behind the winner in 24th.

She was hoping for a top ten finish but that's still pretty damn awesome. Just over half a minute down.
What happened on that corner?

Fantastic race in awful conditions. Lovely stuff Nicole :cool:

just saw her being interviewed by sue barker, she said she slowed down as the corner looked a bit dodgy, and she felt she had the sprint finish in her to win
What happened on that corner?

Just watching Nicole's interview with Sue Barker and she said that she just took that corner very gently because it was so greasy.

She was hoping for a top ten finish but that's still pretty damn awesome. Just over half a minute down.

Longo looked pretty comfortable throughout the whole race. Incredible for her age. On that blog she said she wasn't sure about going to the London Olympics as it takes so much hard work to get there. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if she was though :D

First positive test in Beijing. This bit:

"The drugs test was carried out on July 31 and she left Beijing later that day without offering an explanation.
IOC communications director Giselle Davies said: "She was tested in the Village and she had already left China that evening before having had the result.
"The test has come back positive for EPO. The disciplinary commission has ruled that she should be excluded from the Games and have her accreditation withdrawn." "

So she got tested and left immediately presumably knowing that she'd be caught. WTF? Why do they keep on doing it. Fucking idiots. :mad:
So she got tested and left immediately presumably knowing that she'd be caught. WTF? Why do they keep on doing it. Fucking idiots. :mad:

Apparently they have a new EPO test that can find things that previous tests can't. Contador made it through it.
Some cyclists might pull a muscle or get a bug this week!
After that superb ladies road race win by Swansea's finest Nicole Cooke. Is she doing the doing the TT (Time Trial) as well? Well if she is her confidence must be going sky hight after that road win! ** Looking foward to watching the TT if the Welshwoman is in it! :cool: **
The coverage back here in Wales has been amazing and a real boost for the sport. I think tho that the pressure that is being piled on NC for the TT is unrealistic. I can't see her getting in the medals, but the way some people are talking its a formality!!:(
Apparently they have a new EPO test that can find things that previous tests can't. Contador made it through it.
Some cyclists might pull a muscle or get a bug this week!

Heh :D. Is that what caught out Ricco et al in the tour? Good!

After that superb ladies road race win by Swansea's finest Nicole Cooke. Is she doing the doing the TT (Time Trial) as well? Well if she is her confidence must be going sky hight after that road win! ** Looking foward to watching the TT if the Welshwoman is in it! :cool: **

Yes she is down as one of our riders along with Emma Pooley.

The coverage back here in Wales has been amazing and a real boost for the sport. I think tho that the pressure that is being piled on NC for the TT is unrealistic. I can't see her getting in the medals, but the way some people are talking its a formality!!:(

NC's not really done much in TTs since her junior days, but i think they are using part of the course that was used in the RR (hopefully the hilly bit) so she might be in with a chance as the terrain suits her style. Depends on how spent she is after sunday as well. And of course the weather! They were saying on 5live this morning that a Beijing paper described sundays weather as *showers* :D Good luck NC!

eta: and good luck EP!
Cancellera odds-on to win men's.

Not surprised. We know he can climb better than the average TT-but-not-GC-specialist because of the work he did for Sastre in the early climbs of the TdF.

Since I'm not working this week, I'm thinking I might get up at 4.30 tomorrow for the womens' TT, and then carry it through for the mens'. I will tank myself up with diet coke and then collapse at about 10am. :cool:

Does anyone know if they seed the riders in the Olympic TT?

Don't really want to get up too early but don't want to miss Cancellera shredding that hill.

So, does anyone know if the top riders go last or are they dispersed throughout the field?
Pooley is 6th favourite at the bookies, one place behind Jeannie Longo.

It'd be great to see Longo get a podium place.

Cancellera odds-on to win men's.

I like him, especially after some of his road wins (not TTs), pure awesome power!

Not surprised. We know he can climb better than the average TT-but-not-GC-specialist because of the work he did for Sastre in the early climbs of the TdF.

Since I'm not working this week, I'm thinking I might get up at 4.30 tomorrow for the womens' TT, and then carry it through for the mens'. I will tank myself up with diet coke and then collapse at about 10am. :cool:

Turns green with envy! Very good foresight! I'm going to catch what i can before being late for work :D and am gutted that after complete lack of foresight i'm going out tomorrow night so will prolly miss highlights :(

Does anyone know if they seed the riders in the Olympic TT?

Don't really want to get up too early but don't want to miss Cancellera shredding that hill.

So, does anyone know if the top riders go last or are they dispersed throughout the field?

Not sure actually. When Big Mig won i think he went off last and was top seed, and was Boardman off third to last? Good question though, i have no idea. Fat lot of help eh? :D Sorry :oops:
Not sure actually. When Big Mig won i think he went off last and was top seed, and was Boardman off third to last? Good question though, i have no idea. Fat lot of help eh? :D Sorry :oops:

I looked at the UCI and the official Olympic site and there wasn't even a list of entrants, just countries. However I think the UCI seed the countries so the Swiss should be fairly high up or at least in the third and final grouping of 13. On second thoughts they must do that as there's only 90 seconds between riders so they'd certainly want to avoid riders catching too many others.

With all respect, I don't want to get up real early and watch the no-hopers, so I'm pretty sure I can wake up normally and see the real action.
Can't believe I got up at 430am to watch girls on bikes!!

But boy is this looking good for Team GB.
If the next rider home, Armstrong, doesnt beat Pooley's time, then I think it may well be another gold!!!:D
Wow! Emma Pooley got silver! :cool: Brilliant! Would not have put money on that given the fact that it's dry there and the course is 50/50 uphill and down. She looks so tiny, wouldn't have thought she could stay with the bigger girls on the descent. Chapeau Emma!

And Steve Cummings leads the men's TT (after the 1st lap in the first wave). 2nd wave of riders should be starting soon. Once they have completed their first lap the final wave, which includes the big guns, should be off. Makes sense delaying the starts like that, course is a bit narrow and i can imagine the carnage that could happen onc riders started overtaking, cars tryiing to follow etc :eek:
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