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Culture war watch!


Approved by toads
Thought I'd start a thread to keep an eye on the latest things the Right are rolling into their manufactured culture war:

- Working from home: apparently for woke lefties. Nothing at all to do with newspaper editors and MPs having lots of mates with skin in the commercial property game.

- English Heritage and the National Trust adding information about slavery and objects connected to colonialism: this is 'erasing history', because everyone knows that whenever the NT and EH add a historical fact somewhere they have to remove one somewhere else.

- TV series and films starring LGBTQ+ people, women, and people of colour etc: all these things are woke because anyone who isn't an able-bodied straight white cis man is only exists to be woke and starring in a small minority of programmes or films qualifies as 'being in every single thing these days'.
If politicians are more interested in feathering their own nests and behave surreptitiously as a matter of course to facilitate that corruption, then distraction would seem like a logical maneuver. It's a cynical ploy, isn't it? It has become a sham now that the ruling class has realised party politics is largely tribal, and, more to the point, that they (both parties to a considerable extent) are in the main aligned to the Libertarian strain/cancer that allows the shameless to take an imagined moral high ground while fucking the none rich. Hence bellends laughing in your face and constantly fobbing you off with culture wars. It's politics reduced to insect morality. Devouring the poor and the hopes of the young and future generations is sport and apparently easily done.

So: you silence the opposition, those fighting for their hard won rights and their's and their childrens' futures by creating spectacle; and by debasing 'society' (which they want none of they say). Truth becomes unimportant, to them at least. So yes, spare us this pious, apparently sincere culture war nonsense you venal bastards.
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