Well said agricola. Unions like PCS are not affiliated to any party and passed a motion at this year's conference to stand trade union candidates on a platform of protecting public sector jobs/values. Whether this sees the light of day - who knows.
A general election coming and a left party supporting working class aspirations is nowhere. SP have campaigned for yours for a new workers party - where is it? RMT pushing for some sort of initiative. Respect tiny in a few areas. SWP sends out an open letter for something to happen.
Here we are in a recession, millions on the dole giving monies to banks to prop up a discredited financial system. It should be a great time for the left but it is in a sorry state in the UK. Depressing but we must be hopeful. The struggle continues - it is not over yet.
In some countries on mainland Europe parties like the one being proposed are cobbled together, but even where their votes are highest they can never hope to be elected. Nor will they find their way to power any other way. In some countries, Britain being one of them, they don't get off the ground at all. And they won't.
The reason for this, and for why the worst recession in decades (in reality a stifled worldwide depression), has seen no significant shift to the left is that it was all up for socialism some time ago. But capitalism won a pyrrhic victory. Consumer capitalism will collapse under the impact of inevitable resource scarcity and the wars it will cause, but the best that left/working class movements can hope for is to offset the barbarism that will arise. I used to laugh at the slogan of 'socialism or barbarism,' but it's becoming clearer by the day that children growing up today will be faced in their lifetimes with the choice of barbarism or something less dire.