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Crafty Thread - what are you working on at the moment?

Something far more prosaic - I wanted something I could do without thinking, to do in between the complicated things, so I've embarked on a big blanket in ripple pattern like this, but lots of nice colours.
<snip> i'm cyanotyping again the next couple of days. i'm wondering if i may be going a step too far evicting both my kids from their beds (one entirely from the house) in order to do so :hmm::D
Have fun with the cyanotyping, bob. :D BTW thanks for the offer (checked the details and the leggings/socks on the paperback's cover are amazing), I might take you up on that later. For the moment, I've got a couple of books on the highest shelf to check out.

Meanwhile, frankensleeve 2, worked lengthwise instead of around.

moose love the colours, and the pattern.
I'm having stripe issues with this jumper. Can't decide how to organise the stripes to get the effect I want. When I arrange the balls of wool on the table into colour groups they look great, but somehow this doesn't transfer to the stripes... (also doesn't transfer properly to my crap camera phone unfortunately).

2014-08-30 13.28.53.jpg

2014-08-30 13.30.04.jpg

2014-08-30 13.30.49.jpg 2014-08-30 13.31.24.jpg
Damn, I thought you might have an opinion!

I've been working on this stash for some time... I have a thing for cheap superwash 100% wool and buy odd balls in different colours so I can always work on multicoloured projects. Have been going round adding a few for this project as well...
Well my swatches above are in chronological order, and I started with two-row stripes, but liked that less than one-row :hmm:

My final swatch, I thought might sort of work if I halved the thickness of the stripes of each colour group.

I could go on swatching forever and I want to start the fecking thing and stop wasting wool :mad: It's the kind of project where you get better at it as you go along, so I'll probably start with a sleeve to practise.
I'm having stripe issues with this jumper. Can't decide how to organise the stripes to get the effect I want. When I arrange the balls of wool on the table into colour groups they look great, but somehow this doesn't transfer to the stripes... (also doesn't transfer properly to my crap camera phone unfortunately).

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I always found myself overthinking it when i tried to plan randommy stripes, so clicked until i found a pattern i liked

the one i used gvr options for max and min stripe width rather than all the same. others out there
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I like the stripe generator! I think this final swatch is more like it. I started at the bottom with the stripe generator (4-row and 1-row stripes) but didn't like what was happening so I abandoned it and just started choosing colours visually. I've already designated some of the colours (the bright ice cream shades) as key colours, so they can have the slightly wider stripes, and the others can be 1-row accents. I think this will keep me happy because of the element of choice as I knit. Just using the generator I think I would get bored. I don't mind the ends, I can just weave them in at the back as I go. Although doing the sleeves in the round may be fairly annoying.

The problem with grouping the colours was that when striped they sort of shade into each other, which I don't really want in this instance.

2014-08-31 10.47.59.jpg
been gradually adding to my collection of paper mechanisms - i now have a whole flock of logic goats :D

kid2's topic this term is robots so between us we made one of these :cool: although i've yet to test the mechanism and i'm not completely convinced it's gonna work - still have to wait for the glue to dry.

click for vid
:thumbs :

reckon her new teachers'll peg me as a pushy parent much? :D
<snip>reckon her new teachers'll peg me as a pushy parent much? :D

Very impressive if your and kid2's attempts work, and so it should be, considering the amount of accurate cutting and sticking involved. :cool: Reckon her new teachers might want you in for a craft session.
the robot needs fixing :( i can get it working but it's too temperamental for kid2, gonna try remaking the handle in thicker card. i realise these are prolly getting boring now but it's working to keep me out of a hole atm. today i made this for mr b's desk at work :)

Love the Heisenberg, bob, sorry to hear that the robot needs fixing. It probably doesn't help that all the bits are made from paper or thin card, and you can't really force a stuck mechanism as hard as you'd do if it were clay, wood, or metal. :(

I've started the body for frankenjumper (this time, hem upwards) and it's coming together more or less as intended. At last. It'll be blocked when finished, but that's quite a way off yet.
frnknjmpr6.jpg frnknjmpr4.jpg
BTW that crochet book which bob recommended has been ordered and is somewhere in the post.
Had my first ever foray into decoupage today......................must say i am totally chuffed with the result........good-bye boring old chest of drawers......hello,




Bout 5 hours.......mind you that's counting fag breaks and occasional air guitar breaks (listen to Planet Rock on the radio).....................also put up my Klimt mural.......quite proud of the fact that i did it by eye, with no measuring or plumb line !


I know a lot of folks will hate this but i was never one for half measures !
holy shit I had no idea you were so talented mentalchik :eek: I love them both. Incredible!!

And wayward bob I love your paper mechanisms too. So cool :D

I think you're all amazing actually. I don't have the skill or the patience to make stuff but whenever I see what biddlybee is working on I'm always in awe :)
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