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Crafty Thread - what are you working on at the moment?

Finished alterations (back view only, seeing as the front was left untouched).
OK this is hideously cheeky but do any of you crafty types fancy knitting pickle a jumper?

would love to volunteer but if i did i'd have to start making it in age about 7 :hmm: right now i'm hoping to get the socks i started for the girls about 2 years ago finished (and lengthened!) by xmas :oops:
I've been buying up old Gothic Revival stained glass fragments from church window restorers and I will be making a panel. I'm not leading it, but I'll be sticking the stained glass to a backing piece of glass.
I've been buying up old Gothic Revival stained glass fragments from church window restorers and I will be making a panel. I'm not leading it, but I'll be sticking the stained glass to a backing piece of glass.
That's cool! Is it for a building or event or something?
The first thing I have to do is spend a while positioning them on paper and working out what goes where, then drawing round and labelling them before I put them on the backing glass. I did once have a go at leading glass but it adds so much weight. I might cheat and use sculpey or fimo as fake lead once all the pieces are stuck down.
Crafty people:

I'm involved with trying to get a maker's space up and running in/near Brixton. Would be great to see some of you tonight or next week for a show and tell :)


We have booked the downstairs hall at Brixton Community Base tonight and Thursday next week.


Which is exactly here:


Please come along for a show and tell. Bring your projects, whether they're just an idea on a scrap of paper, a box full of parts, or a completed thing that you're proud of. Let's show each other what we do, and talk about how we could do it better with a place to do it in. Yes, it's the run up to Christmas and it's cold out there, but please try and make the effort!

We'll pass the tin round to pay for the space, but don't stay away if you're broke. People are more valuable than money.

Hope to see everyone there!
Crafty people:

I'm involved with trying to get a maker's space up and running in/near Brixton. <snip>
We have booked the downstairs hall at Brixton Community Base tonight and Thursday next week.
Please come along for a show and tell. Bring your projects, whether they're just an idea on a scrap of paper, a box full of parts, or a completed thing that you're proud of. Let's show each other what we do, and talk about how we could do it better with a place to do it in.<snip>
OMG potential cutting space, layout space, work space... *tries to stop drooling*
OMG potential cutting space, layout space, work space... *tries to stop drooling*
This is exactly it - the high tec crafters need lots of fancy equipment (3D printers and laser cutters apparently) whereas all we need is a bit of room to spread out. It would be lovely to meet you Greebo if you can make it - I'm bringing a corset which I have nearly finished, just a bit of hand sewing left.
Crafty people:

I'm involved with trying to get a maker's space up and running in/near Brixton. Would be great to see some of you tonight or next week for a show and tell :)

Hope to see everyone there!
no chance at all tonight, but a maybe for next week
I finished the scarf (started in September)! :D

Last week yeah but I was maybe going to take pictures.
Yellow and grey wavy stripes in triple/treble/whatever crochet with a double border to contain the loose bits as I didn't snip and sew in between stripes. Iyswim.

I think I'll make a kindle sleeve next as my taped bubblewrap has fallen apart.
no chance at all tonight, but a maybe for next week
Next week is upon us and we'll be having our last meetup of 2012, before coming back in January with renewed vigour. So, if you're making something or have made something and would like to meet other making people, then come along to Brixton Tinkerspace this Thursday 6th December at Brixton Community Base, from 7:15pm.

https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=London SW2 1AS&ll=51.459038,-0.11081&spn=0.000879,0.001628&client=opera&oe=utf-8&channel=suggest&hnear=London SW2 1AS, United Kingdom&gl=uk&t=h&z=19

We're keen to get things moving in 2013, so all voices are welcome to help us plan it out. Hopefully we can have a permanent shared workshop by this time next year :)
It's a bit short notice but if anyone fancies making Xmas stuff tonight, I have loads of naff traditional Xmas fabric which I could bring along and people less curmudgeonly than me about the festive season could make decorations?

^^^^ EDIT: Note updated start time
I won't come along this time as I don't want to pass this bug around to people I know. (people on the tube and in WHSmoth who catch it from me- hard cheese :D)

But would love to be involved next year!
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