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Crafty Thread - what are you working on at the moment?

yup that's the magic bit i'm looking forward too :cool: it's well complicated, various solutions that have to be mixed just so, and you have to be very careful not to introduce oxygen to the dye bath. i'm pretty <squeee> about it tbh it's ages since i did anything completely new :)
Do you still want it?
I don't know really. I suppose I could have it as a spare, but OTOH it would take up house room.

The new machine is shitloads better and it was mostly paid for by ex-colleagues and boss when I left my old job, so I don't regret buying it. The old one always seemed to have something wrong with it even when it had been serviced and was often a bit temperamental.
well i won't get round to dyeing today, but i have done my prep :cool:

You know that peacock feather print cotton I got bought last summer? These 8mm, 5mm, and 3mm beads will be turned into a bracelet and possibly a necklace to go with it.
Apart from that, the origami cranes continue.
in case anyone's interested in the process i made up the stock solution tonight.

synthetic indigo powder and spectralite mixed to a paste with warm water:


soda ash dissolved in water:


added to the indigo mixture which starts off very dark blue:


after half an hour it's starting to go greener with a coppery sheen:


and it fucking stinks :D i'm leaving it overnight, you add it to a load of warm water in a dye vat, and leave it to brew for about an hour before you get dunking :thumbs:

oh and yes that is my kitchen :oops: but i swear i use all separate bowls and stuff for dyeing ;)
bah. the solution hasn't cleared like it was supposed to. i've added more spectralite which is the thing that chemically reduces the indigo and turns it yellow/green. if that doesn't work i think i should still be able to rescue the mixture with fresh spectralite, but unless i'm very lucky it doesn't look like i'll be dyeing today.

eta: if the spectralite doesn't do the job i believe i could piss in it instead :hmm: i'm sure vp would approve :D

eta2: if the internet is to be believed spectralite only has a shelf life of 1-2 years, my kit is fucking ancient.
<snip>eta: if the spectralite doesn't do the job i believe i could piss in it instead :hmm: i'm sure vp would approve :D<snip>
Worth a try, at this stage you've got bugger all to lose. :)

VP probably would approve, but there was I thinking that it needed to be stale urine (because of the ammonia). Better get storing and shaking it (to speed up oxidation) now.

ETA altenatively, hit the chemist for a bottle of ammonia.
heh all i'd need is tissue boxes for shoes and i could be howard hughes :D

i've put in an order for extra chemicals and stuff so i won't be dyeing until next week at the earliest. but in the meantime i'm thinking of fun things to do with paper and indigo :thumbs:
The necklace - also temporarily strung until I've got the time to get some crimp beads, a clasp, and probably linen thread.
tpn2.jpg tpn.jpg

It seemed a pity not to use these carved howlite skull beads for something; this more for thinking with than wearing.
skull1.jpg skull2.jpg
I'm crocheting another phone sleeve for while my other is in the wash.

And I'm pleased with Chemistry's scarf now. Put it through the machine with some fabric conditioner. It had been scratchy and rubbish.
Crafty types, can I ask a couple of stupid questions please?

I'm learning to sew.

I have a sewing machine, some books, I'm about to get some cheap fabric for practice.

I also have scissors, tape measure and pins.

I need to buy some thread but I wasn't sure if you can just buy any thread or does it depend on the machine?

I saw this and wondered if it was a good buy?


Also needles. The machine comes with a # 14. Will I need different sized needles for different things?

I'm so sorry, I'm clueless. : o
Thread depends on your fabric more than your machine, but most modern polyesters are ok. Trouble with some cheap ones is that they snag and snap, because they're not spun so well. I'd see whether you like sewing, with some individual spools of thread first, before spending that much. I mostly get by with around 5 colours for everything.
The needles will be fine - just don't try anything challenging first off, like very thin or very thick fabric, or stretch fabric.
Thread depends on your fabric more than your machine, but most modern polyesters are ok. Trouble with some cheap ones is that they snag and snap, because they're not spun so well. I'd see whether you like sewing, with some individual spools of thread first, before spending that much. I mostly get by with around 5 colours for everything.
The needles will be fine - just don't try anything challenging first off, like very thin or very thick fabric, or stretch fabric.

Brilliant cheers. I'll grab a couple next time I'm out and see how I go.

I've got a cotton bag to make for my first project but the fabric isn't too thick.
Yes, I wouldn't buy a load of colours like that. Ten to one none of them would ever be quite the right colour for what you were sewing. I have only ever bought what I needed at the time.

My top tip for matching thread to fabric is to worry less about the exact shade of red or whatever, but go for something in roughly the right ballpark but a shade darker. That way it disappears against the fabric. And to pull a little of the thread out and hold it against the fabric to see if it does disappear or stand out.

There's a bog standard polyester Silko that's fine for most things. Just make sure you're not buying some specialist thread eg button thread (it should say).
I've just finished knitting my hat as during the really cold weather I was finding my existing hood thing inadequate. Obviously the minute I cast off the weather starts warming up.
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