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Crafty Thread - what are you working on at the moment?

What do you do with all these lovely critters, spirals? I have a vision of you living in a houseful of them, with their tiny little eyes following you around.
blocking :) yarn is sparkly irl :cool:

I needed a tray to go under the toaster for crumb catching. Everything I have on the tea tray front was too big so I transformed a shoebox lid with paper napkins and acrylic medium in a papier maché-ish way. I am pleased.
I've revised down my 'everything finished & ready for Christmas' plans. In the end, it's about sitting down together for a happy meal. This may be the first time since nineteen-hundred-and-frozen-to-death* I've not done a tree...

* a useful phrase of my mother's used to mean 'some unspecified time in the dim and distant past'.
I'm having to go cold turkey on the crafting as I have given myself RSI from all the crochet :( It's bastard AGONY, especially in the morning. I keep casting loving glances at my wool bag but will have to stay strong. Am cross with myself :mad:

I had a call from the sewing machine repair place today, to say that the machine I took in for repair in September has now been mended and I owe them £18 if I want it back.

I had given up on it because they didn't seem to be making any progress, and I'm sure the last time I spoke to them they said it needed a part that wasn't made now or something. I bought a new one ffs.


I had a call from the sewing machine repair place today, to say that the machine I took in for repair in September has now been mended and I owe them £18 if I want it back.

I had given up on it because they didn't seem to be making any progress, and I'm sure the last time I spoke to them they said it needed a part that wasn't made now or something. I bought a new one ffs.

Do you still want it?
ah that's shit rubes, is your new one a better machine? i was thinking maybe you know someone who'd like to adopt your old machine, but that doesn't help the fact you've had to shell out on a new one :(

i'm gonna have a go at indigo dyeing today :) it's an ancient kit but the chemicals look okay so i'll give it a whirl. gonna overdye some jeans and then everything in the house that's kind of white :D
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