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No insurance? That'll be $3,270 for a coronavirus test, go USA. :facepalm:

In the US, there’s always the risk of people not getting tested due to fear of medical bills. The Miami Herald reported that a man who had traveled to China and developed flu-like symptoms after returning home was charged $3,270 for diagnostic tests at the hospital (it turned out he had the flu). It’s easy to envision a scenario where many sick people avoid getting tested for Covid-19 because they fear what it’ll cost.

Seems very suspect for a start, for a start not everyone with COVID has a sore throat.

Here is a table of symptoms of 1099 patients all across different parts of China have experienced:


What does "Presence of Primary Composite End Point" mean?

Is 'yes' dead and 'no', not dead?

Looks like they will have a fast test ready within 8 weeks.
They're also close to sorting a vaccine in the next few weeks. However it will obvs requires testing and clinical trials etc and won't be ready til next year. Maybe they could speed that up?
The first US death reported. Someone who had no obvious transmission path.

I think it will be an interesting juxtaposition between the Chinese and US responses to the outbreak.

In the red corner, the Chinese, build a multi thousand bed hospital in days.

In the blue corner, the United States, watch as they leave bodies lying in the streets (my prediction).
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Dont forget the musicians. They have to be front, left and centre when formatting a response.

I actually do care about musicians because I am one and because I like music. But people at a car show? Nah. We can live without car shows.
I actually do care about musicians because I am one and because I like music. But people at a car show? Nah. We can live without car shows.
And the caterers for the car show? And the taxi drivers ferrying people to and from the airport? And the hotels? I'm not a car show fan either but a lot of people depend on events generally for a living and a high proportion of them are so-called 'self employed' (ie. no work no pay).
Why isnt the WHO telling the world clearly what they need to do to stop spread?
Can they not advise about closing schools and stopping large gatherings? Why cant someone make a fucking decision and just say to world...stay indoors for the next x days...and nobody flies/ sails/ rails/ drives / walks in or out of the country for the next 60 days. Let the fucker burn itself out.

Sorry. ..I know thats a shit post. Just pissed off in general at attitudes. Even at work where i am. The laisse faire smugness ...",ah sure we'll be grand...got through the foot and mouth and the swine flu thing".
Why isnt the WHO telling the world clearly what they need to do to stop spread?
Can they not advise about closing schools and stopping large gatherings? Why cant someone make a fucking decision and just say to world...stay indoors for the next x days...and nobody flies/ sails/ rails/ drives / walks in or out of the country for the next 60 days. Let the fucker burn itself out.

Sorry. ..I know thats a shit post. Just pissed off in general at attitudes. Even at work where i am. The laisse faire smugness ...",ah sure we'll be grand...got through the foot and mouth and the swine flu thing".

The laisse faire smugness has become entrenched over decades. You will probably get to witness it falling away in the coming week.

WHO has the same global governance/decision making issues as any other global body, we dont expect the UN to take the lead and get everything right and successfully order countries around, and the WHO is no different. They do publish a range of technical advice for countries to follow, most of which the public wont have read because they are not the intended audience. And the WHO does suffer from some other conflicts of interest just like individual nations will - eg their 'business as usual' instincts, which I spoke of a while back in the context of WHO not recommending travel restrictions, border closures etc. But they have been sending mixed messages on this because their recent China mission was full of praise for how the dramatic steps taken by China made such a huge difference. Maybe more on that from me later if I get round to reading the WHO China mission final report today.
I've been on Annual leave for the last 10 days and work at a hospital -due back in on Tuesday. I had a look at the trust website just to see is there anything I need to be aware of going back to work seeing as Covid-19 stuff has moved on a lot since I was last in work.....Anyway I was shocked to see that the trust information to the public has not been updated since the *11th of February * :facepalm: So it's still only just about people coming from China and the surrounding area.
Yeah we're not prepared. Couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery.
Genetic analysis of a new Washington State sample from a case that was just discovered, suggests, to the following expert at least, a strong link to the first US case that was detected in the same area in January. Click the tweet to read the full thread.

And it sounds like that first case in January was only detected because of very timely vigilance and research on the part of the infected person...

CDC and Washington state officials said in a telebriefing that the patient is a male US resident who arrived at Seattle-Tacoma airport on January 15, 2020. The patient did not have a fever at the time of arrival, and the flight was not a direct flight from Wuhan.

Additionally, the patient did not go to implicated animal markets in Wuhan, nor did he report close contact with an ill individual.

The patient had apparently researched the virus online, and upon developing symptoms reached out to his health care provider on January 19th. 2019-nCoV was confirmed on the 20th using samples shipped overnight. Public health officials from Washington indicated that the patient was hospitalized out of precaution but in overall good condition.
From the Guardian, the person who was diagnosed after travelling to China via HK had been working in Bristol

The man who tested positive for coronavirus in Shenzhen after flying from London last Thursday had been working in Bristol, the Chinese authorities have confirmed.

A statement from the Guangdong Health Commission late on Sunday said authorities in Shenzhen had reported an “imported case” of the coronavirus infection, in a 35 year old male from Shenzhen who had been working in Bristol.

According to the statement, the patient had travelled to Hong Kong from London on 27 February, on flight CX250 on Cathay Pacific. He landed in Hong Kong at 13:27 and at 15:30 took the ferry 3A 09 to Shekou port and entered mainland China at 16:32.

His temperature was normal at the time of his arrival. At 16:45 he left from Shekou port and took a taxi to his home in Futian, a district of Shenzhen. “The patient wore a face mask the entire time,” the statement said.

On 29 February around 7am, the patient suffered from symptoms including a cough and fever. Around 10am he was driven to the hospital by family. That evening he tested positive for the virus and around 11pm he was transferred to Shenzhen no 3 hospital for treatment and quarantine. The statement said that at the moment the patient’s condition was “stable.”

The statement said that the patient had no history of travel to Hubei and that two of his colleagues in the UK had shown symptoms of cough and fever. Health authorities said that 93 close contacts of the patient had been identified.
Yeah, confirmed cases obviously dont tell the whole story, but here are numbers for a handful of countries I picked, to give a sense of what trends we might expect in terms of confirmed cases. Numbers below are a week ago, 23rd Feb, compared to today.

South Korea 763 -> 3736
Italy 153 -> 1128
Germany 16 -> 117
France 11 -> 100
So expect another zero on the end of all those this time next week. If testing can keep up.
Well it is getting closer to home, I wonder if I had a mind to what is that I would stock up on?

I've been building a Brexit stock for months. Mainly rice, pasta, tinned fruit, tinned beans of all descriptions, powdered milk, water, tea, coffee, sugar, butter. And custard cream biscuits. Medical grade gloves, FFP3 mask, goggles, detergent, disinfectants.
I think I've enough to live without leaving the house for 6 months at least.
My parents thought I was nuts. Maybe I am.

I'll probably get the feckin virus now after all that.

I've been building a Brexit stock for months. Mainly rice, pasta, tinned fruit, tinned beans of all descriptions, powdered milk, water, tea, coffee, sugar, butter. And custard cream biscuits. Medical grade gloves, FFP3 mask, goggles, detergent, disinfectants.
I think I've enough to live without leaving the house for 6 months at least.
My parents thought I was nuts. Maybe I am.

I'll probably get the feckin virus now after all that.


I always assume if you prepare thoroughly for something it won't happen while if you don't prepare then it will :)
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