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We in secondary care are fully expecting it to become a pandemic. My colleague and I were discussing it today- she wants to get it ASAP. Reason being that early adopters will have recourse to ITU if they get sick. If it really takes hold there will be no high-level care beds left if late or midwave victims get sick. Happy thoughts.
Yep have to fight for a post op ITU bed as it is and that was before coronavirus!
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I've just whatsapped my mate who went to Italy at the weekend -can't remember where in Italy she was going but it was to enjoy hot springs. She is someone with several chronic conditions......she may have to isolate herself when back.
Just to add a little optimism to the debate:

Time magazine is reporting that a proposed vaccine is heading for testing in the USA.

Now I don't know how long testing is usually, nor if it is successful how long after that to have volume production, but a proposed vaccine going into testing has to be good news.
Just to add a little optimism to the debate:

Time magazine is reporting that a proposed vaccine is heading for testing in the USA.

Now I don't know how long testing is usually, nor if it is successful how long after that to have volume production, but a proposed vaccine going into testing has to be good news.

We'll all be dead or immune by the time they get anything to market, the way it is spreading.
Just to add a little optimism to the debate:

Time magazine is reporting that a proposed vaccine is heading for testing in the USA.

Now I don't know how long testing is usually, nor if it is successful how long after that to have volume production, but a proposed vaccine going into testing has to be good news.

The Moderna product is completely new so will start with Phase 1 clinical trials on a small number of healthy people. It would then progress to phases that involve ill people.

The second product mentioned remdesivir is much further down the path to approval so would be quicker to utilise. That American trial mentioned is in addition to a larger scale trial which is already underway in China - with results expected on April 25th I think. This is viewed as the most promising drug and is already getting manufactured in China - without Gilliad approval presumably.
Heard today that a few schools nearby had trips away to northern Italy over the midterm.
All back and went straight to school. 🙄

But the same situation happened up north and the pupils were told to stay at home for 14 days.

Similar situation as to Italy as in France, healthy 60 year old man hospitalised due to flu symptoms last week situation worsens transfered to another hospital as his situation gets worse, only after about 7 days is coronavirus suspected and a sample is taken for testing.

Died last night due to large pulmonary embolism.

« Son infection a été découverte à la fin de son séjour », souligne un membre de l'hôpital de Compiègne. Pendant plusieurs jours, il a donc été en contact avec le personnel des urgences et du service de réanimation de Compiègne.

His infection was only discovered at the end of his hospital stay, stresses a member of the Compiegne hospital. Over several days, he was thus in close contact with A+E staff and ICU staff in Compiegne. Thus these staff in all likelihood must be quarantined and tested and their contacts chased which again in all likehood will be other poorly patients.
The news again, in the Vatican the Pope held his normal prayers with thousands and afterwards pressed the flesh apparently as if everything was normal.
The CoVID-19 coronavirus belongs to the same family as many of the viruses that cause the common cold. It’s got similar properties — it’s highly transmissible from one human respiratory system to another, and causes an upper respiratory infection that, in some cases, turns into pneumonia and becomes serious. Quite a few people who catch it show no symptoms at all or have an ordinary cold — mild fever, runny nose, you know the score. The great majority of the people who’ve died from it were very old, were in bad health already, or worked themselves to exhaustion. (This happens to doctors routinely in epidemics.)

At this point it looks as though it’s going to become a global pandemic, meaning that most people will be exposed to it. If you’re old, sick, or immunocompromised, or if you work in a health care field that will be involved in treating cases, you could be at serious risk. Otherwise, treat it as you would a case of the flu. Don’t use health care facilities when the epidemic is moving through your community, unless you absolutely have to — they’ll be working overtime to deal with the people who need serious medical help. Also, remember that this is a normal part of life; most people in most periods of history have had to deal with epidemics that were much, much worse.
More about the UKs new approach to surveillance.

There is no current evidence to show that the virus is circulating in the community in England, but internationally there is evidence of wider transmission of the virus in areas outside of China, most recently Italy and South Korea.

This new surveillance strategy will enable PHE to identify early evidence of spread within England, if this occurs.

In other words, there wasnt any evidence because we werent looking for any, and have now decided to look.
Bit like no news is good news?

Sort of, yes. Anyway its been a major theme of mine here recently. Because we were already in a phase where it was important to do this wider surveillance (I would have run it since the start of Feb at least), and there are historical examples of looking the other way for a while at such a stage. I am very glad that they have switched stance because it means I dont have to keep going on about it anymore, at least not in the context of the UK and that particular type of surveillance.
Possibly - particularly with having picked up a couple of nasties this winter. I saw 1000 IU was the recommended dose though.

Christ I had a deficiency and I've only been prescribed 800IU 1/day. Admittedly after a 12 week massive dose (though that was once a week). Can't remember what that was though.
Sort of, yes. Anyway its been a major theme of mine here recently. Because we were already in a phase where it was important to do this wider surveillance (I would have run it since the start of Feb at least), and there are historical examples of looking the other way for a while at such a stage. I am very glad that they have switched stance because it means I dont have to keep going on about it anymore, at least not in the context of the UK and that particular type of surveillance.

Oh and its not always about looking the other way deliberately. Its also about the sort of prioritisation and rigidity that might be experienced when adhering to certain forms of bureaucratic systems.

It is understandable that a very narrow set of priorities might receive all of the attention and resources during first few phases, especially when capacity (including testing capacity) is still being ramped up and protocols tweaked.

I suppose I can live with that as long as there are common sense overrides in decision making available, so that bureacratic rigidity does not extent for such long periods of time that the entire thing becomes clearly absurd to everyone.

In this case, the obvious community spread in parts of Italy triggered a new assessment of where things were at. So they have at least avoided a fresh absurdity, and so far I have only been treated to the classic absurdities which I already anticipated and droned on about for weeks. And the discovery of spread around the world has happened so quickly that there hasnt been time for very many weeks of extreme ostrich head-burying or credibility-reducing denials.
I don't want anyone to die from Covid19 but if it has to take people, how about Gwyneth Paltrow makes up some of that 2%?

She's a cunt, she sells woo to protect against serious problems, and she's now even joking about it and wearing masks as a fashion accessory:

Also, she was in Contagion, so all of this would make her a deeply ironic/amusing person to be bumped off :thumbs:
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