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Well as I say i'm planning on just calling through the letter flap "I'm not coming out" but if I'm getting food/alcohol deliveries and they've been sneezed on ..... :eek:
I'm a bit bothered having a pre existing condition.
I'm trying to not to over-react given the low chance it'll affect me seriously, but I am concerned about the family. Mam's had cancer 3 times. Granddad has had pnuemonia and has some form of Asbestosis. This is dodgy for both of them.

I considered sending them some 'advice' but wondered if I might make it worse/make them panic.

What I would've said would be to expect/accept you're going to catch it. Most will(?) and it'll be just like a bad flu or possibly just an annoying cold if you're lucky.

Best thing to do is don't infect anyone else. Masks are pointless unless you've got it, so don't stress about those, they're useful if you go out though to keep others safe. Cough in tissues etc, and wash your hands regularly. And don't go to doctors etc unless told to.

Make sure to eat lots of fruit and veg and take multi-vits etc. Keep hydrated and get plenty of rest - you want your immune system to have the best chance possible of fighting this - so just be as 'healthy' as you can.

Garlic has been doing the rounds as a 'cure', and it's bollocks - to a certain extent. Garlic, in its raw form, defo has anti-viral properties. I can't imagine it'll do any harm to get some garlic tablets or to eat raw garlic on toast or whatever. Also, it tastes lush :) There's probably other natural anti-virals that are worth looking into, but obviously aren't cures.

Make sure you have plenty of easy to cook food in, in case you're bed-bound for a bit. Painkillers, Lemsip etc, the usual.

Smoking is bad for you anyway, but as this is a respiratory disease, it might be worth trying extra hard to keep your lungs in tip-top shape over the next few weeks.

Nothing too drastic in there, but just a few things I think would be worth thinking about if you're high risk, IMO. Also I think fairly sensible advice for anyone else, too :)
I'm trying to not to over-react given the low chance it'll affect me seriously, but I am concerned about the family. Mam's had cancer 3 times. Granddad has had pnuemonia and has some form of Asbestosis. This is dodgy for both of them.

I considered sending them some 'advice' but wondered if I might make it worse/make them panic.

What I would've said would be to expect/accept you're going to catch it. Most will(?) and it'll be just like a bad flu or possibly just an annoying cold if you're lucky.

Best thing to do is don't infect anyone else. Masks are pointless once you've got it, so don't stress about that. But cough in tissues etc, and wash your hands regularly. And don't go to doctors etc unless told to.

Make sure to eat lots of fruit and veg and take multi-vits etc. Keep hydrated and get plenty of rest - you want your immune system to have the best chance possible of fighting this - so just be as 'healthy' as you can.

Garlic has been doing the rounds as a 'cure', and it's bollocks - to a certain extent. Garlic, in its raw form, defo has anti-viral properties. I can't imagine it'll do any harm to get some garlic tablets or to eat raw garlic on toast or whatever. Also, it tastes lush :) There's probably other natural anti-virals that are worth looking into, but obviously aren't cures.

Make sure you have plenty of easy to cook food in, in case you're bed-bound for a bit. Painkillers, Lemsip etc, the usual.

Smoking is bad for you anyway, but as this is a respiratory disease, it might be worth trying extra hard to keep your lungs in tip-top shape over the next few weeks.

Nothing too drastic in there, but just a few things I think would be worth thinking about if you're high risk, IMO. Also I think fairly sensible advice for anyone else, too :)

I have had us on an enforced high vegetable diet containing a minimum of two heads of broccoli per day, plus raw garlic chopped and added to salads, and a lot of turmeric tea. Tried to get a lot of sunlight and exercise too. Also multi-vits, just in case we're missing anything in our ultra-healthy diet. Will go take my multivit now, thanks for the reminder!
Cough in tissues etc, and wash your hands regularly. And don't go to doctors etc unless told to.

Cough or sneeze only into the crook of your elbow is better advice than doing it into a tissue held in your hand. Coughing into a tissue will still get your hands exposed to virus which you’ll deposit onto surfaces you touch (not likely you’re going to be able to wash your hands properly after each cough). It’s kind of hard to touch any door handle or surface with the inside of your elbow, so no problem if you’ve left virus there after stifling a cough or sneeze using it.
Vitamin D I think is the main vitamin that's been demonstrated effective for resisting flu-like diseases, 1000 IU per day. Having said that I've been taking them for ages and I've just come down with an evil cold. :mad:
Remember vit D is fat-soluble, so make sure to follow the instructions properly (it'll probably say eat with a meal).

Or, alternatively, just eat loads of mushrooms for a better way of getting your daily amount :)

Fry 'em in butter for the fat-soluble goodness :thumbs:
Maybe we should start a rumour...cheese kills the virus. That's why there's been so many deaths in China but few elsewhere where cheese is more widely eaten.

Get your shares in place soon urbz, I'm about to unleash the hashtags on the world
Processed cheese will soon be back online in Iran.

"From Saturday onwards, all processes would be as per normal in the country," he said. "If there is any special case, which the national HQ itself declares, then it would do so.
Back to serious matters:

Japan's basically declared a pandemic: https://www.washingtonpost.com/worl...045570-5758-11ea-9000-f3cffee23036_story.html

They won't treat all cases, so expect a massive increase in infections, but lower figures reported
TOKYO — Bracing for a surge in coronavirus cases, Japan announced a new policy on Tuesday designed to focus medical care on the most serious cases, while urging people with mild symptoms to treat themselves at home.
It is radically different approach from that adopted by China, which has relied on locking down entire cities and keeping tens of millions of people virtual prisoners in their own homes, but it’s one that wins support from many medical experts.
The basic premise is that the spread of the virus can’t be stopped, so efforts need to focus on slowing the pace of transmission and reducing mortality rates.

Quoting for posterity. From the BBC live news page - we may not have an official pandemic declaration but its reached the stage of being worthy of live updates from the BBC.

My ridicule cannot be contained.

View attachment 199804

I feel completely powerless, Russia has warned all citizens against any travel to all Italy.
The basic assumptions are wrong given that non-symptomatic period is the main vector of transmission.

WHO Mission to China

Maybe most important (and bad) news: Aylward says mission found no evidence of lots of undetected mild #covid19 cases. That would mean percentage of severe cases and percentage of deaths we’re seeing now is real. Not what anyone wanted to hear.

Another Iranian MP is positive.
Back to serious matters:

Japan's basically declared a pandemic: https://www.washingtonpost.com/worl...045570-5758-11ea-9000-f3cffee23036_story.html

They won't treat all cases, so expect a massive increase in infections, but lower figures reported

Japen has been interesting. I expected their official numbers to be an especially poor reflection of the likely reality there, and they have lived up to my expectations on that front. But they have simultaneously managed to construct a somewhat honest and timely public message about likely community spread there, and helped me get my own timing right via their 'new phase' comments which are about 10 days old at this point.
Maybe most important (and bad) news: Aylward says mission found no evidence of lots of undetected mild #covid19 cases. That would mean percentage of severe cases and percentage of deaths we’re seeing now is real. Not what anyone wanted to hear.
if that's true, then ~2% of predicted 70% infection rate worldwide = 109 million deaths.

Would be one of the worst pandemics ever.
if that's true, then ~2% of predicted 70% infection rate worldwide = 109 million deaths.

Would be one of the worst pandemics ever.

I havent had a chance to check out Bruces stuff today from the WHO China mission yet. But I will need to, because for example the rate in Wuhan has not been seen in the rest of China yet, so I'm still not going to use 2% as a working assumption.
The popularity of half-term skiing trips in Lombardy has seen at least 12 schools across the UK either close or send pupils home today, after updated advice from Public Health England widened the regions affected by Covid-19 to include northern Italy.

The 10 schools hit so far, including one in Wales and three in Northern Ireland, appear to have all travelled to ski resorts via Milan’s airports, close to one of Italy’s virus hotspots.

43m ago 16:00
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