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It's a scientific term.

There’s a term we use in epidemiology to capture the essence of increases in deaths, or excess mortality, above and beyond normal expectations: “harvesting”.

"Mortality displacement" may have got a better reaction. Is a little more commonly used ime too, but I'm not an epidemiologist.
Covid has severely affected healthcare staff and may have killed between 80,000 and 180,000, the World Health Organization (WHO) says.

Healthcare workers must be prioritised for vaccines, WHO head Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said, and he criticised unfairness in the distribution of jabs.

The deaths occurred between January 2020 and May of this year.

Earlier, another senior WHO official warned a lack of jabs could see the pandemic continue well into next year.

Theres a danger here of ignoring the fact that for multiple reasons some countries in Africa and elsewhere have problems of infrastructure and vaccine reluctance that has resulted in huge amounts of wasted Vaccine.
This feeds back to contributing countries ... its not all our fault
More people have died from COVID in Singapore in October than in the previous 18 months put together, three-quarters of them unvaccinated or only partially vaccinated - the unvaccinated have been hit hard by the loosening of mitigation measures.

"When the Delta variant first reached Singapore, our case numbers were still quite low as we had more aggressive contact tracing and quarantining measures and were actively trying to slow down spread to buy time to get people vaccinated," said Associate Professor Alex Cook, vice-dean of research at the National University of Singapore's Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health.

However, we've now reduced the effort to prevent transmission, such as by making quarantine and isolation less onerous. This is due to our high vaccination rates, which have made Covid-19 become a much milder disease for most of us. But this would mean a deadlier pandemic for the unvaccinated.

With the recent surge in deaths, the COVID death rate in Singapore currently stands at 4.63 per 100,000 people, compared to 208.64 for the UK.
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More from that link -

The Guardian in September reported that while 80 per cent of the adult population in Britain are fully vaccinated, there has been an uptick in unvaccinated people ending up in hospital.

Dr David Windsor, a critical care consultant in south-west England told The Guardian: "What we are seeing right now is a large number of unvaccinated people coming into hospital - far more than we would expect."

In the United States, the estimate is that between 98 per cent and 99 per cent of Americans dying of Covid-19 complications are unvaccinated.
More people have died from COVID in Singapore in October than in the previous 18 months put together, three-quarters of them unvaccinated or only partially vaccinated - the unvaccinated have been hit hard by the loosening of mitigation measures.

"When the Delta variant first reached Singapore, our case numbers were still quite low as we had more aggressive contact tracing and quarantining measures and were actively trying to slow down spread to buy time to get people vaccinated," said Associate Professor Alex Cook, vice-dean of research at the National University of Singapore's Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health.

However, we've now reduced the effort to prevent transmission, such as by making quarantine and isolation less onerous. This is due to our high vaccination rates, which have made Covid-19 become a much milder disease for most of us. But this would mean a deadlier pandemic for the unvaccinated.[/]

With the recent surge in deaths, the COVID death rate in Singapore currently stands at 4.63 per 100,000 people, compared to 208.64 for the UK.
Damn you and your FACTS. 😡
Got any evidence for that?

There's certainly been reports of vaccines going to waste in poorer countries, there're several examples in this article -

But, the numbers are tiny compared to what could start unfolding in the west soon -

The interesting take-away from that last article, is that even after booster jabs being rolled out, there's still a massive stockpile in the west, and hundred of millions could go to waste. :(

The world's richest countries could have 1.2bn doses that they don't need - even if they start administering boosters.

A fifth of those doses - 241 million vaccines - could be at risk of going to waste if they are not donated very soon, says Dr Linley. It's likely that poorer countries won't be able to accept vaccines unless they have at least two months left before they expire.

"I don't think it was necessarily rich countries being greedy, it's more that they didn't know which vaccines would work," says Dr Linley. "So they had to purchase several of them."
Theres a danger here of ignoring the fact that for multiple reasons some countries in Africa and elsewhere have problems of infrastructure and vaccine reluctance that has resulted in huge amounts of wasted Vaccine.
This feeds back to contributing countries ... its not all our fault

link, please.

You have stated something [wasted vaxx] as a fact, please provide evidence.
More from that link -

The Guardian in September reported that while 80 per cent of the adult population in Britain are fully vaccinated, there has been an uptick in unvaccinated people ending up in hospital.

Dr David Windsor, a critical care consultant in south-west England told The Guardian: "What we are seeing right now is a large number of unvaccinated people coming into hospital - far more than we would expect."

In the United States, the estimate is that between 98 per cent and 99 per cent of Americans dying of Covid-19 complications are unvaccinated.

I still tend to think that at best such words are out of date or dont provide the reader with enough info to judge what sort of numbers are 'what we would expect' in England/the UK.

For example using data I drew attention to here: General Coronavirus (COVID-19) chat .........

In a recent 3 week period 2535 hospitalised cases were unvaccinated, of which 560 were under 18. And 4486 were double jabbed. And when it came to deaths within 28 days, 502 were unvaccinated and 2136 were double jabbed. Given what we know about how many have been vaccinated, and the levels of resulting protection we can expect as a result, I'm really not convinced these numbers are not what we would expect. Especially if we factor in the idea that the unvaccinated may be more likely to let their pandemic guard down in other ways. And we should not forget those vulnerable peole who cannot get vaccinated for health reasons, and the vaccinated vulnerable who arent expected to get the same level of protection from the vaccines as others get.

I keep going on about that because I dont feel like this story is properly told in the media very often. One reason for that is that a lot of communications are quite understandably focussing on trying to get more people to get vaccinated, so they draw attention to the number of unvaccinated individuals having severe health problems, at the expense of properly pointing out how many double jabbed people end up in the same situation. I'm going to keep trying to make people aware of the more complex reality for all sorts of reasons. Very much including my disdain for media that wants to frame these stories as just being all about vaccine uptake successes and failures, rather than terrible failures that come from authorities around the world relying too heavily on vaccines alone and inappropriately diminishing other rules and encouraging inappropriate behaviours.
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Singapore extends restrictions after reporting highest single-day Covid-19 deaths​

Singapore = one of the highest vaccination rates in the world. :hmm:

You know every time you post you're just making yourself look ever more fucking stupid?
You know every time you post you're just making yourself look ever more fucking stupid?


What is it about the fact that one of the most vaccinated countries in the world is experiencing a surge in deaths that you cannot comprehend?
It's you that sounds completely deluded and brainwashed.

What is it about the fact that one of the most vaccinated countries in the world is experiencing a surge in deaths that you cannot comprehend?
It's you that sounds completely deluded and brainwashed.

Urban has remained fairly loon free from the start of covid, making it a sane and safe place to discuss the subject, I don't understand why this one has been allowed to stay, posting nothing but nonsense on the subject for the last 6 months or so.

They never really engage with replies that put them straight, instead they just post up more slightly different shite, typical behaviour of a deluded conspiraloon.

FFS, they were told to fuck off this thread by the editor, and yet they are still here, why? :hmm:
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