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I had my vaccinations in May, when I was first allowed here in Qld. But all my work colleagues have turned into anti vaxxers!! Well tbh I'm not sure if they're anti Vax or if possibly this is the first time people not already marginalised have been told that they have to do something, and it's turned Queensland into an oppositionally defiant state!

Yesterday the government passed a law saying Screenshot_20211109-174228.png
Which is bad enough if you're not vaccinated. And obviously it then stands that if you work in those industries you must be vaccinated.

Then today it's been mandated that all community / health workers must be fully vaccinated by Dec 15th. And we're classed as health workers.

We reopen our borders on Dec 17th. So far since covid began we've had 7 deaths, right at the start. I think it's weird that people are having to be cohersed to be vaccinated, it feels like a first world problem, tbf I'm not sure how many Queenslanders ever look at life outside this sunshine state. Plus our state cabinet have kept Qld very safe and I want to trust them. But I'm a bit concerned about the erosion of human rights. I'm confused.

So... How long will they fight it, and how many of them will leave. To be continued. :)
I had my vaccinations in May, when I was first allowed here in Qld. But all my work colleagues have turned into anti vaxxers!! Well tbh I'm not sure if they're anti Vax or if possibly this is the first time people not already marginalised have been told that they have to do something, and it's turned Queensland into an oppositionally defiant state!

Yesterday the government passed a law saying View attachment 296209
Which is bad enough if you're not vaccinated. And obviously it then stands that if you work in those industries you must be vaccinated.

Then today it's been mandated that all community / health workers must be fully vaccinated by Dec 15th. And we're classed as health workers.

We reopen our borders on Dec 17th. So far since covid began we've had 7 deaths, right at the start. I think it's weird that people are having to be cohersed to be vaccinated, it feels like a first world problem, tbf I'm not sure how many Queenslanders ever look at life outside this sunshine state. Plus our state cabinet have kept Qld very safe and I want to trust them. But I'm a bit concerned about the erosion of human rights. I'm confused.

So... How long will they fight it, and how many of them will leave. To be continued. :)
I wish we had your government, good luck when you open up to the world including us lot on plague Island
I had my vaccinations in May, when I was first allowed here in Qld. But all my work colleagues have turned into anti vaxxers!! Well tbh I'm not sure if they're anti Vax or if possibly this is the first time people not already marginalised have been told that they have to do something, and it's turned Queensland into an oppositionally defiant state!

Yesterday the government passed a law saying View attachment 296209
Which is bad enough if you're not vaccinated. And obviously it then stands that if you work in those industries you must be vaccinated.

Then today it's been mandated that all community / health workers must be fully vaccinated by Dec 15th. And we're classed as health workers.

We reopen our borders on Dec 17th. So far since covid began we've had 7 deaths, right at the start. I think it's weird that people are having to be cohersed to be vaccinated, it feels like a first world problem, tbf I'm not sure how many Queenslanders ever look at life outside this sunshine state. Plus our state cabinet have kept Qld very safe and I want to trust them. But I'm a bit concerned about the erosion of human rights. I'm confused.

So... How long will they fight it, and how many of them will leave. To be continued. :)
We’re currently running at more than 7 deaths an hour.
local hostipals have declared, due to capacity, a state of emergency and are warning people not to come to AnE except in case of...well emergency!

I notice Dr John Campbell, the covid medical youtuber, has jumped on the Ivermectin train. To be fair to him, he presents his case in a reasonable way, citing studies etc. Unfortunately for everyone else he's clearly naive to the fact his audience are now the Pro Ivermectin conspiracy crowd who, even if Ivermectin does prove efficacious (hasn't so far), will drown out the good work he's done so far. He's now quoted by many other loons on Youtube such as Jimmy Dore, the american antivax peddling liar (and friend to Joe Rogan, the internet's most credulous shit stirrer)
Germany in the shit again but I've not looked at their data myself at all recently.

One of Germany's top virologists has warned that a further 100,000 people will die from Covid if nothing's done to halt an aggressive fourth wave. Case numbers have soared and Germany on Wednesday registered its highest rate of infection since the pandemic began, with almost 40,000 cases in a day.

"We have to act right now," said Christian Drosten, who described a real emergency situation.

Doctors in the intensive care Covid ward at Leipzig University Hospital warn this fourth wave could be the worst yet.
It's grimly fascinating to see how differently things are panning out in different countries. It seems to me that even if UK's current downturn in infections continues indicates a peak for now and the government crows about it, we could still go through winter with a higher rate than other places that have been smart about it, plus they'll not have had the extra couple of thousand deaths in autumn either. :facepalm:
Germany in the shit again but I've not looked at their data myself at all recently.

It's by all accounts a complete shitshow. Highest ever case rates, incidences of 800-1000 in some regions, coupled with low vaccination rates in those regions (around 50% in the lowest ones, I think - quoted from memory), daily deaths steadily rising.

Free lateral flow tests were abandoned a little while ago - partly I think as a bit of an arm-twisting towards vaccination, because of the rules allowing access to certain venues (3G or 2G, geimpft, genesen, getested - vaccinated, recovered or tested). So basically the thinking went if you had to pay for a lateral flow test to be able to go to a concert/restaurant, you might get vaccinated instead; and, that the vaccinated majority shouldn't have to pay for the lateral flow test of the unvaccinated few.

Booster vaccination role out farcical - as late as last week, there was no clarity who was eligible and at what priority. Vaccination centres closed, so role out even slower. I posted upthread that my folks all got theirs - parents eligible because of their age, brother eligible because he had the one-shot Johnson vaccination in early summer. But they are extremely well-informed and well plugged into the system and know how to advocate for themselves - I believe only 2 millions booster shots had been given as of last week (apols, from vague memory again...)

Alarming opinion poll put the wind up everyone last week when it transpired that the majority of not-yet vaccinated said they would not get vaccinated, ever. (Though there is some debate around this - health care professionals who deal with people on a daily basis feel that there is still much to be done by engaging people personally and listening to their concerns about the vaccination and answering questions.)

Frequent references to the UK's "freedom day" as abandoning of all measures, with no mention of the many actual measures still/again quietly in place...testing in schools, individual regular lat flow testing, no visitor rules in some hospitals, many people still working from home, many people still reducing their contacts etc etc.

Massive rhetorical clusterfuck in which the "epidemic situation of national importance" has been declared as ended - which people understandably heard as "pandemic over" when actually this referred to a very specific legal term which enabled the federal government and the individual states to coordinate the pandemic response.

(I am trying to go next weekend for my brother's wedding. 😅 )
Sorry to hear that but thanks for all the detail.

Meanwhile in Austria an even more dramatic version of one of the the themes you mention:

Austrians are days away from a first lockdown for anyone not fully vaccinated, after record infections were reported across the country.

Upper Austria province will impose restrictions from Monday if it gets the go-ahead from the federal government. Salzburg also plans new measures.

Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg said a national lockdown for the unvaccinated was "probably inevitable".

Two-thirds of people should not suffer because others were hesitant, he said.

And the Dutch:

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte is set to declare Western Europe's first partial Covid lockdown of the winter, with three weeks of restrictions for shops, sport and catering.

His caretaker government is responding to record infections and rising intensive care cases in hospitals.

And now a fucking stupid headline given that we are 'bucking the trend' now because we got in early by having disgustingly high rates for many months before this point.

And the Dutch:

And now a fucking stupid headline given that we are 'bucking the trend' now because we got in early by having disgustingly high rates for many months before this point.

BBC has become the propaganda wing of the Tory party, so doubtless the headline is not “stupid“ so much as crafty.
I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens on dec 17th when the borders open, and the thousands of people from southern states, who have had lockdowns etc.. who have bought or rented houses sight unseen where I live and all across qld arrive. It's made it unaffordable for the locals to live here, we have families sleeping in cars who are embedded in the community but been priced out. Homes that once went for $200,000 are now worth half a million. Rentals have gone from $300 a week to $550 a week

This little seaside tourist town I live in is busy over the long Xmas holidays but this year it's going to be unbearable.
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Yeah, no idea why I posted that myself badgers.. I think I was saying thank you for the sympathy. But obviously I've been so, so lucky in all this so far. And tbh what with it being summer, everyone's outside lots of vit D etc ...really who knows. I'm sure there's some modelling for the road map out for qld. Having said that there's been times when a case of someone in the community has been found to have been out and about with covid for ten days, and no one else has caught it.
This is a good round-up of what's happening across Europe, the low up take of the vaccines in some of the countries that have had the worst outcomes so far, is shocking.

As a result, nine central and eastern European countries currently feature in the EU’s highest 10 coronavirus daily death rates. Romania and Bulgaria have the bloc’s highest daily fatality rates at around 22 per million – more than 30 times the rates in France, Spain and Portugal.

Despite ample vaccine supplies, the two countries have fully vaccinated the lowest proportion of their populations of all the EU27: just 34.5% of Romania’s inhabitants have received two jabs, and 23.04% of Bulgaria’s. Both have recently imposed tougher restrictions, while Latvia, another low-vaccinated county, imposed a four-week lockdown as early as mid-October. The Czech Republic, Slovakia and Russia have also tightened measures.

We don't seem to hear a lot about what's going on in China at the moment where they are still pursuing a zero Covid policy. Article here -

I have a special kind of laugh reserved for articles like that one.

Plenty of it is true, but its hard for me not to look at the framing and wonder what sort of fascinating articles we could construct if we applied the same sort of analysis to other, 'friendly' countries and our own nation, ie shuffle all the usual biases and unspoken aspects around, twisting the template into a less predictable variation. There are so many home truths to choose from that seem strangely neglected, except of course it isnt strange at all that they are neglected and often go unspoken.

I have those thoughts especially strongly since that article has got stuff like this in it:

While middle and upper class people may be lamenting the lack of freedom to move about internationally, many ordinary Chinese citizens seem content to allow the government to manage the situation if it keeps them healthy.

Meanwhile in Ireland where the vaccines dont seem to be achieving enough of the 'heavy lifting' referred to in the above article:

People in the Republic of Ireland who can work from home will be advised to do so again from Friday due to the country's rise in Covid-19 infection.

The Irish government agreed that move as well as an earlier closing time of midnight for bars, restaurants and nightclubs at a meeting on Tuesday.

Workers began to return to offices in September when restrictions were eased.

But amid a rise in coronavirus cases government health advisers suggested a return to home working when feasible.

Ministers made the decision as senior government figures fear further restrictions may be needed.
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I have a special kind of laugh reserved for articles like that one.

Plenty of it is true, but its hard for me not to look at the framing and wonder what sort of fascinating articles we could construct if we applied the same sort of analysis to other, 'friendly' countries and our own nation, ie shuffle all the usual biases and unspoken aspects around, twisting the template into a less predictable variation. There are so many home truths to choose from that seem strangely neglected, except of course it isnt strange at all that they are neglected and often go unspoken.

I have those thoughts especially strongly since that article has got stuff like this in it:

Meanwhile in Ireland where the vaccines dont seem to be achieving enough of the 'heavy lifting' referred to in the above article:

We are up shit creek.

Covid-19 patients could take up more than one in two of the country’s scarce intensive care beds in just a fortnight with serious implications for other people in medical need, it emerged yesterday.

The combination of Covid-19 pressures and winter illnesses meant that just 94 beds were free across the country yesterday.

Scores of waiting list patients had their procedures cancelled, despite waiting for years in some cases, and this looks set to continue.

HSE chief operations officer Ann O‘Connor said more Covid-19 patients admitted to hospital are very sick and as of yesterday 81 were on a ventilator.

At the same time hospitals are having to struggle with 3,800 staff absent due to Covid-19 related issues, a rise of 1,000 in just a week.
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