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The organisers of the Australian Open have confirmed that all players will need to have been vaccinated if they want to take part in next year’s tournament. All eyes on anti-vaxxer twatface Novak Djokovic, who is the clear favourite to win it and thus become the tennis GOAT with 22 grand slams- if he stops being a nutjob dickhead and agrees to have the jab. Oh the drama :D

Help me out here! There is so much focus on deaths from covid vaccinations. All my usually sensible friends have gone down the rabbit hole!

My entire work team went 300ks to march in Brisbane yesterday.

My friend sent me this..

"Spoke to these two Drs, both losing their jobs because of mandate. They are part of a medical care support group and ALL hospitalisations are because of the Vax. Ffs. Their stories were unbelievable and there's no media nothing. It was very moving we were in tears. What is happening is unbelievable"

I'm beginning to feel like I'm the one missing something!
Help me out here! There is so much focus on deaths from covid vaccinations.

Since the beginning of the vaccine rollout to 14 November 2021, about 37.7 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been administered. The TGA has found 9 reports of death that were linked to immunisation from 665 reports received and reviewed. The overwhelming majority of deaths reported occurred in people aged 65 years and older. The deaths linked to immunisation occurred after the first dose of Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca) – 8 were TTS cases and one was a case of immune thrombocytopenia (ITP).
Source: TGA COVID-19 vaccine weekly safety report, 18 Nov 2021.

Separately, of course, once you have vaccinated the vast majority of the population (currently ~71% for Australia) then statistically you are going to see more hospitalisations (absolute numbers) of vaccinated than unvaccinated (though as a fraction of each cohort more unvaxxed will be hospitalised than vaxxed).
Help me out here! There is so much focus on deaths from covid vaccinations. All my usually sensible friends have gone down the rabbit hole!

My entire work team went 300ks to march in Brisbane yesterday.

My friend sent me this..

"Spoke to these two Drs, both losing their jobs because of mandate. They are part of a medical care support group and ALL hospitalisations are because of the Vax. Ffs. Their stories were unbelievable and there's no media nothing. It was very moving we were in tears. What is happening is unbelievable"

I'm beginning to feel like I'm the one missing something!

You're not. Don't cave in to peer pressure.
Source: TGA COVID-19 vaccine weekly safety report, 18 Nov 2021.

Separately, of course, once you have vaccinated the vast majority of the population (currently ~71% for Australia) then statistically you are going to see more hospitalisations (absolute numbers) of vaccinated than unvaccinated (though as a fraction of each cohort more unvaxxed will be hospitalised than vaxxed).
Thank you :)

Its quite mad! And I presume that until they open the borders & delta comes in ( in a few weeks) people just aren't going to get it.


Thank you :)

Its quite mad! And I presume that until they open the borders & delta comes in ( in a few weeks) people just aren't going to get it.

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That is some serious peer pressure!!!
Both your team and the posters you showed.

Pity there is no poster of all the people that are still alive after being vaccinated. I guess if you listed them all you would need a bigger board.

Odd that the posters of males who died within a day. I thought it was common knowledge that the vaccine will not start to protect for two weeks, but whatever.

Hang in there, Ice.
You know that you are right.

That is some serious peer pressure!!!
Both your team and the posters you showed.

Pity there is no poster of all the people that are still alive after being vaccinated. I guess if you listed them all you would need a bigger board.

Odd that the posters of males who died within a day. I thought it was common knowledge that the vaccine will not start to protect for two weeks, but whatever.

Hang in there, Ice.
You know that you are right.

Thanks sp

The posters are saying they died from the vax not covid. There's only been 7 people die from covid in qld..ever. I believe all elderly who caught it on a cruise ship in March 2020.

There were thousands of people marching to protest vaccination rules yesterday. Some people don't like being mandated to be vaccinated so that they can keep their job or go into pubs, and a whole variety of other places after Dec 17th when the border opens and we reach I think 80% double vaxxed ( so #not all Queenslanders)

I do understand that they don't think it'll happen here, but tbh it's the first time I've seen Queenslanders protest about anything and it's really quite maddening when there's so many other things that personally I've been protesting and active about for years that impact minorities and marginalised people. Why must they chose this hill to die on! I mean really these are people who wouldn't usually give fascists like Clive Palmer or Pauline Hansen the time of day but here there are attending rallys where these are the main speakers.

You know the most ridiculous thing is that we work with vulnerable people in health ( why we've been mandated to be vaxxed to keep our jobs) and even then my team has gone down the conspiracy rabbit hole.

There's been a huge covid migration from southern states to qld and in Dec, as well as people returning from overseas, there's thousands of people from outa state moving here into houses they've bought unseen to get away from the covid lockdowns in the south.

Everyone was so happy with our qld Labour premier until now. 7 deaths this whole time! She kept our state safe, I really dunno what's going on in people's heads.

My best friend is adamant she won't be getting vaxed because as she has underlying health conditions the vax may kill her , even though all the specialists she previously trusted have told her to get vaxxed or risk dying when she catches it :facepalm:
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I problem I can see happening next summer is that presumably different countries will have different ideas about how many times people should be vaxxed/boosted and will have a requirement of whatever their norm is to enter their country, but if some countries have different ideas about it , which they will, it's all going to be a bit tricky.

I'd like to finally fucking go abroad, but by the time I can (summer basically, as passover, as usual knocks out possibility of Easter break abroad) it'll have been 6+ months since my booster and what if everywhere's going 'Must have a vaccination within last 6 months' and UK's decided I don't need another one, which may be fair enough in itself given I'm not especially vulnerable.
Those guys mentioned on the posters didn't die of anything to do with the vaccine (obviously) as a quick Google makes clear.
Presumably these idiots don't believe anything anymore unless it suits their narrative so tricky to reason with. Anyone sane - show them the confirmation it was natural causes.
New Zealand is sounding depressingly scary

dissent has been turning ugly, with death threats against MPs and journalists, increasing protests, warnings from security services about Covid-prompted terror threats, and what researchers have called a “wave” of disinformation tinged with violent rhetoric, QAnon-style conspiracy theories and far-right undertones.

“We’re talking … your aunt and uncle type-people using language like Nuremberg 2.0, common law trials, like ‘the prime minister is a Nazi’ – these are quite extreme terms and terminologies,” says Kate Hannah, a research fellow at Te Pūnaha Matatini’s disinformation project

“Things are starting to escalate,” Labour whip Kieran McAnulty told Stuff on Tuesday, after he’d been publicly denounced by an anti-vaccine campaigner, who said those pushing it should be killed by a lethal injection.

Dissent, threats and fury: mood darkens in New Zealand as Covid restrictions bite

Aye, there's been a coming together of the religious nutbars, the anti-1080 (a pesticide they use to kill rats and possums etc), the far right and the conspiracy theorists as an antivax movement. They're not in any way coherent though, and despite being noisy, have managed to get about 5,000 people max out for a protest (more people were vaccinated the same day than turned out to protest).

They've also been adopting Māori sovereignty symbols and using it to justify what they're doing - the iwi behind the Ka Mate haka has told them to cut that shit out, one of the lead religious nutters who's Māori has had his hapu (like, larger tribe) publicly call him out which is mortifying if you're Māori, and a lot of key anti-Govt Māori sovereignty activists have never ever engaged with the movement (and have been called govt stooges by the antivaxxers, which is fucking hilarious).

Kieran Macca got doorstepped by an antivax guy who was also an ad-guy for the right-wing political parties here, but is now a mad old man yelling at people on facebook. A lot of the antivax stuff here does have a big American feel to it, you get Trump flags at protests and shit.

The far right here are also trying to get leverage off it, because they've been down bad since the Christchurch Attacks.

Every political party is trying to stay the fuck away from the movement, although our Tories are trying to vaguely 'legitimate concerns' to try and differentiate themselves from everyone else - but everyone keeps dunking on them for being associated with the movement.

Probably key to note that we're gonna hit 90% of eligible population double vaccinated in the next few weeks, and roll out vaccinations for under-12s in Q1 2022 now. This movement is angry, but it's incoherent and has absolutely zero popular or political support outside of its Telegram channels and facebook groups.
I saw on the news that Hans Kluge, who's the WHO's director for Europe, says that European nation need to take measures, saying that "no country is an island".

I'm not saying he's not right on the first part, but you'd think such a senior figure in the WHO would have at least a basic grasp of geography.
I saw on the news that Hans Kluge, who's the WHO's director for Europe, says that European nation need to take measures, saying that "no country is an island".

I'm not saying he's not right on the first part, but you'd think such a senior figure in the WHO would have at least a basic grasp of geography.

"In a way, no country is an island. In another, more real way, 47 countries are islands."
Nice, simple and clear messaging from the German Health Minister -

"By the end of this winter everyone in Germany will either be vaccinated, recovered or dead," Jens Spahn told a news conference in Berlin on Monday.

Germany is in the grip of a fourth wave of coronavirus. Cases are rising rapidly and many hospitals are full. It has one of the lowest vaccination rates in Western Europe, with 68% of people fully vaccinated.

Germany's infection rate is at its highest since the pandemic began, and health experts have warned this wave could be the worst yet. In the past 24 hours, there have been 30,643 new infections - 7,000 more than a week ago. This is among the highest rates in the world.

Tighter restrictions are to be brought in which will see the unvaccinated excluded from certain venues, and some of Germany's famed Christmas markets have been cancelled.

These reports about the UK "avoiding" Europe's 4th wave are cringe and ignorant af. We've been in a 4th wave for months now - what are these braindead journos huffing?

Anyway, this might interest/amuse some:

AstraZeneca CEO: Europe's Covid spike could be linked to not using our vaccine in older people​

“Antibodies decline over time....What remains, and is very important, is this T-cell response which you only get with AZ. T-cells do matter and in particular it relates to the durability of the response especially in older people and this vaccine has been shown to stimulate T-cells to a higher degree in older people.

We haven’t seen many hospitalisations in the UK, a lot of infections, for sure. But what matters is: are you severely ill or not? Are you hospitalised or not?"

For what it's worth, many people were pointing out long ago that AZ may end up being the better choice of vaccine, because short-term antibody numbers are only a small (and very ephemeral) part of the immune response.
14 counties have no PCR test centre appointments available this week in Ireland.
People are travelling 100s of kms to find a test centre that will test them.

Ireland is basically fucked now.

So many teachers getting sick that the government is asking Universities to release final year BEds and BAs to go work as substitite teachers.

They've only now introduced antigen tests to schools.
And they're still saying schools are safe
At the same time, Ireland is one of the very best off in Europe so far for deaths per head of population.




Not that this is a reason not to take the current wave seriously, of course, or to minimise the deaths. Just to say that Ireland’s handling of it to date has worked out better than most.
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