My experience of covid in qld is so different from your experience in the uk, or else where really. We're just about to close the border with nsw again as their numbers are rising, and no one's been getting in from Victoria because they're numbers are high.
This happened yesterday and practically everyone in qld wants to lynch them! I know they did the wrong thing and are selfish idiots but it's just bringing out the absolute worst in people.
The actions of the trio sparked a criminal investigation.
Things have become really state versus state, the country is divided, suspicious and hateful.
Mark McGowan is trending nationwide as Twitter users flood the platform with an outpouring of support for the WA Premier over his hard border stance.
It just feels very surreal because so far in qld there's been 6 deaths. I know that covid is awful and we want to stop it spreading ( me more than most because boy 3 is immunocompromised) but that seems so unrealistic it's almost magical thinking. I'm not sure how to describe it really but there's a real disconnect. What's that word beginning with D that means a certain type of fucked up thinking?
Then today this weird thing happened. One of my sons called me from work to let me know that his work colleagues girlfriend, who is also the covid testing nurse at the local drive through testing station, had just tested positive.
She'd apparently had the test on Friday and instead of going into self quarantine to await the result had spent the weekend with the boyfriend. He'd been going into work ( where my son and by coincidence my colleagues son also works)
So cue the boyfriend going off to get tested, everyone getting sent home to wait on the results of the boyfriends test, plus the workplace shutting and a team of deep cleaners ready to go. So many people impacted and a real eye opener when you start to think about all the places you've been..( I've got the track and trace on my phone thank goodness)
My colleague told our boss and we were sent off to have the test, and as we work with very vulnerable people the safety plan was about to be initiated when...
A few hours later the girlfriend admitted that she'd lied about it, and didn't have covid.. all because they'd had a row!
It's just very weird but not in the same way you're experiencing it