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<edited to include froggy's original post because of page break>
Oh no :(

From that report :

Mass testing of hundreds of people working at the market uncovered a further 45 asymptomatic cases. The market claims to be the largest wholesale agricultural market in Asia, and Beijing News reported that it supplies nearly 90% of the city’s fruit and vegetables.

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<edited to include froggy's original post because of page break>

From that report :


They have set up outdoors wholesale markets to keep things going while this one is closed, so that supply chains can be maintained.

Please note, the whole of Beijing has not gone into lockdown. China has got very good at locking down at the neighbourhood level. Beijing also has capacity to process 90,000 tests a day, apparently. This will be a grim few weeks for Beijing people, but this is a regular thing here - small numbers of infected people are found and their contacts are traced and tested, and the community those cases are from goes into "closed management". It is seriously not ideal that it's been linked to a market, and given the size of Beijing, I expect there will be far more cases than have been found in the previous mini-outbreaks, but they are well prepared for this. I think it's unlikely that this becomes the "second wave" everyone breathlessly anticipates China having.
I really like the contact tracing graphics we get here. You can see on the one below that it shows each individual and their age, and where they've been. So the first one is an individual who is 52, and it shows all the places they went, from 31st May onward. The bolded orange places they visited are they times they went to the wholesale market. The final location everyone on the list visits is the fever clinic/ hospital.

Fucking hell, that's some system. A bit of a shame our government hasn't built experience in doing something like that rather than trying to give out contracts to their private sector mates who have no experience, and cover their arses for all the other things they've not done.
Fucking hell, that's some system. A bit of a shame our government hasn't built experience in doing something like that rather than trying to give out contracts to their private sector mates who have no experience, and cover their arses for all the other things they've not done.

I think the whole "authoritarian surveillance state" thing gave China bit of a head start, tbf.
They have set up outdoors wholesale markets to keep things going while this one is closed, so that supply chains can be maintained.

Please note, the whole of Beijing has not gone into lockdown. China has got very good at locking down at the neighbourhood level. Beijing also has capacity to process 90,000 tests a day, apparently. This will be a grim few weeks for Beijing people, but this is a regular thing here - small numbers of infected people are found and their contacts are traced and tested, and the community those cases are from goes into "closed management". It is seriously not ideal that it's been linked to a market, and given the size of Beijing, I expect there will be far more cases than have been found in the previous mini-outbreaks, but they are well prepared for this. I think it's unlikely that this becomes the "second wave" everyone breathlessly anticipates China having.

I didn't think it would be the 2nd wave either. It looks like they have detected it pretty rapidly tbh.
Not peer reviewed yet, but this report seems to have pulled together a lot of information about a cover-up by the Chinese authorities, not least involving a massive under-reporting of both inflection rates & deaths.

Discrepancies in Beijing’s COVID-19 reporting have been raising suspicions since January. Now a new study of Chinese medical, media and bureaucratic reports points to a massive cover-up of the outbreak’s severity.

A new study accuses Beijing’s reported number of infections and deaths from the pandemic of lacking any credibility. And that will have had a severe impact on how the world responded to the outbreak.

The preprint study, which is yet to undergo the scientific quality-control process of peer review, was published on the medRxiv early release service.

By late January, Wuhan’s hospitals were already reportedly under severe strain. They offered 90,000 beds. Another 100,000 beds were activated in hotels and schools. Yet Beijing’s figures reported only 33,000 COVID-19 cases.

By March 23, 42,600 doctors and healthcare workers had been rushed to Wuhan from other provinces to support the 90,000 already there. But Beijing reported only 50,000 cases.

The US researchers say they have identified an important clue in the reported activities of Wuhan’s strictly regulated crematorium business.

Typically, these are restricted to operating just four hours each day. This is usually in the morning in keeping with Chinese funeral traditions.

But by January 25, these crematoriums were operating at six times their regulated rate. They were burning 24-hours-a-day.

The report estimates the usual funeral figure for a city of nine million people would be about 136 a day. Escalating operations by up to six times enables about 816 daily cremations. With mobile crematories known to be in action, the peak daily figure could have been as high as 2100.

The study says that, based on its inferred data, China may have had anywhere between 305,000 and 1.27 million COVID-19 cases by February 7. The number of dead, it finds, was likely already about 6800 to 7200.

Official figures released by Beijing at this time reported only 13,600 infections and 545 dead.

more cases in Japan too:

Tokyo has confirmed 47 new coronavirus infections, the highest since the government lifted the state of emergency nationwide in late May.

The daily figure was also the highest since May 5, the Asahi television reported.

Of these 47 cases, said Jiji news agency, 18 were working at a club which provides male drinking companions for women.

Just wondering how places like texas will be able to keep reimposing and lifting lockdowns as is suggested in some reports? It seems like a recipe for riots tbh
Hi bimble, yes a neat and cool graphic!
Why no deaths from Cancer though?
Not suggesting it would be anything like Malaria, just wondering why they didn't include it?
Yep, lots of causes are missing, at the bottom it says the total deaths on the chart are only 7% of all deaths? I am not sure. Was glad to see that at the bottom though because otherwise homicide is enormous, and I thought that was one of the things we moderns could say for ourselves, that that as cause of death has drastically reduced.
Hi bimble, yes a neat and cool graphic!
Why no deaths from Cancer though?
Not suggesting it would be anything like Malaria, just wondering why they didn't include it?

Probably not easy collated statistically across the globe, same as MIs and other medical killers?
Hi bimble, yes a neat and cool graphic!
Why no deaths from Cancer though?
Not suggesting it would be anything like Malaria, just wondering why they didn't include it?

They left out the top 15 causes of death - I think the intention was to show that the coronavirus is killing a lot more people than some other common causes of death, including the flu, which some people were comparing it to in the early days, if they'd produced a graphic showing COVID deaths being dwarfed by cancer deaths it might have seemed like they were downplaying the pandemic.

They left out the top 15 causes of death - I think the intention was to show that the coronavirus is killing a lot more people than some other common causes of death, including the flu, which some people were comparing it to in the early days, if they'd produced a graphic showing COVID deaths being dwarfed by cancer deaths it might have seemed like they were downplaying the pandemic.

View attachment 217805
Cardio Vascular is so way in front I have to ask if there are any NHS bods who can explain what it really means and what we have to do to reduce our likelihood of dying from it?
Don’t get old.

Also, eat healthily, exercise, don’t smoke, drink and so on.

But mostly don’t get old. Although we have to die of something...
Hmm, vape now stopped smoking, eat better than I used to but still not great, don't take enough exercise that is an issue. Getting old … is happening :-/
They left out the top 15 causes of death - I think the intention was to show that the coronavirus is killing a lot more people than some other common causes of death, including the flu, which some people were comparing it to in the early days, if they'd produced a graphic showing COVID deaths being dwarfed by cancer deaths it might have seemed like they were downplaying the pandemic.

View attachment 217805
And road injuries! I remember thinking as I watched it that they'd probably be neck and neck with Covid-19 soon...
Hmm, vape now stopped smoking, eat better than I used to but still not great, don't take enough exercise that is an issue. Getting old … is happening :-/
There’s no guarantee at all that vaping will be better for your cardiovascular system than smoking. It’s an unknown quantity. Early signs are that it causes its own unique form of damage.
There’s no guarantee at all that vaping will be better for your cardiovascular system than smoking. It’s an unknown quantity. Early signs are that it causes its own unique form of damage.

Depending on the chemicals being vaped? And only for e-cigarettes I think (not disagreeing with you though).

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