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Depending on the chemicals being vaped? And only for e-cigarettes I think (not disagreeing with you though).

Not just that. There are also signs of long-term immunocompromisation of the lungs as a result of the fundamental ingredients of vaping.
I mean they're publishing the age, gender and detailed itinerary of anyone who tests positive, which seems to be a step too far for Western countries.

I also think you have to have fairly few cases to make that viable. Can you imagine the UK one. :eek: And, I mean, you have to have a proper testing system first too, or it's just meaningless.
I also think you have to have fairly few cases to make that viable. Can you imagine the UK one. :eek: And, I mean, you have to have a proper testing system first too, or it's just meaningless.

That would make it easier, but still I feel we won't do it.

Right at the beginning in the UK we had a superspreader who returned from a skiing holiday (who has now gone public himself). At the time Public Health England were urging anyone who came into contact with him to come forward for testing, but they refused to give any details about who he was or where he had been. :facepalm:
The UK is still exporting cases.

edit - oops I see this was already mentioned in the general chat thread.

Better here though surely? Does raise questions about what countries like NZ are going to do longer term with this. Reminds me of that interview with an epidemiologist who said when discussing countries that have done well, it always needs to be ended with "...so far."
Better here though surely? Does raise questions about what countries like NZ are going to do longer term with this. Reminds me of that interview with an epidemiologist who said when discussing countries that have done well, it always needs to be ended with "...so far."

Yes and that's been the UK Government's line and will continue to be until either loads of other countries are hit hard with a second spike and they'll say told you so. Or it doesn't happen and they hope everyone moves on and forgets about all those people who died unnecessarily in the UK.
South Korea are doing the same stuff.

I guess we think the GDPR trumps everything.

China seems to have had a few problems with using the surveillance state to deal with the pandemic - while the regime are genuinely evil motherfuckers with secret police, high-tech surveillance, and everything else in the authoritarian toolbox, it's all geared toward tracking dissidents and local governments trying to track cases down can't always get hold of all the information they want.

But that's changing - the "health code" now being used to control travel, etc. was apparently based on the measures that were used to turn Xinjiang into a police state within a police state - unsurprisingly, some cities have already declared that it will be a permanent feature after the pandemic.

The measures mirror Xinjiang, where authorities use a combination of data to label Muslim residents as safe, average or unsafe, notes James Millward, a professor of Chinese history at Georgetown University.

To the Communist Party, “the extremism in Xinjiang is a ‘metaphorical virus,’” Mr. Millward said. “Now we have a real virus, and some of the ways they are attempting to deal with it are the same.”

Interesting initiative in Portugal
14h23 - State offers pipes to crack addicts An investment of 78 thousand euros that will allow the 30 non-governmental organizations, most directly involved with drug addicts, to receive a few thousand pieces of equipment. The goal is to avoid contagion by sharing pipes.
Interesting initiative in Portugal
14h23 - State offers pipes to crack addicts An investment of 78 thousand euros that will allow the 30 non-governmental organizations, most directly involved with drug addicts, to receive a few thousand pieces of equipment. The goal is to avoid contagion by sharing pipes.

I cannot help but wonder what a Government-approved crack pipe looks like...
I cannot help but wonder what a Government-approved crack pipe looks like...
I imagine it’s been designed with users tbh . I know a Portuguese woman who works at the local drug clinic , I’ll ask her.

Lisbon has gone back to an 8 at night shutdown for shops and bars due to a persistent 250 new cases a day for past fortnight. Issues around crowded accommodation , immigrant groups are being targeted for testing as they have low take up of testing due to status and language issues. Gatherings reduced to 10 after Police ended up closing down large crowds partying on beaches at night .
Relatively small on world scale but significant Portuguese scale breakout of 80 cases following a party in Lagos in the Algarve . Ministry of Justice looking at prosecutions .
Yes, I see also Germany seems to have had the R at 2.8 or something in a region because of an outbreak in a meat processing plant. I expect they have or will have local restrictions because of that.
And now the anti-vaxx twat has got it

World number one Novak Djokovic said he is "so sorry" after becoming the latest tennis player to test positive for Covid-19.

Grigor Dimitrov, Borna Coric and Viktor Troicki all revealed they had coronavirus after playing at Djokovic's Adria Tour competition.
Djokovic, 33, played fellow Serb Troicki in the first event in Belgrade.

In a post on Twitter, Djokovic said it had been "too soon" to stage the tournament.

"I am so deeply sorry our tournament has caused harm," added Djokovic.

Bit of a mixed bag the global news today. Aside from the situation in the states things still seem to be going in the wrong direction in Central & South America though the death rates remain pretty steady. Looks like a bit of an outbreak in Central Asia as well. Oz are having a small outbreak in Melbourne but seem to be all over it.

I have a feeling this sort of thing is going to be the new norm.
Going to make booking holidays a crap shoot - you never know whether either your home country or destination is going to be under temporary lockdown or quarantine rules by the time you want to travel (or even during a holiday). :(
Yep. Loads of Germans in the state that's had to re-lock down were about to go on holiday. Don't book anything you can't cancel and get a refund!
Yes and that's been the UK Government's line and will continue to be until either loads of other countries are hit hard with a second spike and they'll say told you so. Or it doesn't happen and they hope everyone moves on and forgets about all those people who died unnecessarily in the UK.

Ah Teaboy the 'better here' I used up thread was I meant better in this sub forum as it's global news and had been stuck elsewhere in general chat. If that was causing confusion. Defo not better in UK than NZ!
Yes, I see also Germany seems to have had the R at 2.8 or something in a region because of an outbreak in a meat processing plant. I expect they have or will have local restrictions because of that.

They do. Gutersloh - where the plant is located - is locked down again, and my sister, who lives in the next major city, tells me they're preparing for the possibility of renewed lockdown there if the outbreak continues to spread. In Germany the local authorities are more powerful and have more freedom of action than they do in the UK, which is partly why they're able to respond effectively to localised outbreaks. If (or perhaps when) the same happens here I don't expect the response will be anything like as coordinated or effective.
Lets hope they can get their act together when it happens in a locality here in the UK.

Hope is probably the best we have. Whitehall is not sharing with local authorities the information on which its decisions are - ostensibly - based, they don't have the legal powers needed to enforce local lockdowns, and their capacity to respond to any emergency has been badly damaged by ten years of Tory austerity.
Hope is probably the best we have. Whitehall is not sharing with local authorities the information on which its decisions are - ostensibly - based, they don't have the legal powers needed to enforce local lockdowns, and their capacity to respond to any emergency has been badly damaged by ten years of Tory austerity.
Who, do you mean the local authorities don't have the legal powers?
Can local shutdowns be managed/authorised by Whitehall?
Who, do you mean the local authorities don't have the legal powers?
Can local shutdowns be managed/authorised by Whitehall?

I don't know the precise ins and outs, but my understanding is that local authorities just do not have the legal right to order a shutdown except if they're given emergency powers they currently do not have (and won't unless the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 is invoked). They can of course close individual businesses in certain circumstances, such as major food hygeine breaches, but they can't order pubs, shops etc to close en masse. Moreover, since they don't control the police they have no means of enforcement.
Well I think whatever the rules they are likely to be tested, I can't imaging with our recent record we are going to escape any localised runs of infections.
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