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Though one should of course take most, if not all, MSM vaccine related articles with a large pinch of salt: there are a lot of competing [financial] interests. The discipline specific journals are more reliable but it's going to take some months (at least) for the efficacy of various candidates to become really apparent.
And unfortunately for them, a lot of monkeys!
These new bar rules are a bit confusing . Bar at lunchtime the bar owner brought the drinks out no mask and only put one on when serving some over 70s who had masks on . Didn’t ask me to put mask on when using inside WC. Different bar at tea time bar staff wearing inside visors but customers inside don’t have to wear them but do have to keep 2 metres . Just nipped out for a coffee and brandy at another and staff inside wearing visors , customers inside have to wear masks when ordering at bar but if you sit down inside to eat no mask necessary .
Smart move...


And how it was

Just took a look at the 73rd World Health Assembly.

The Americans had a go at the Chinese, the Chinese had a go at the US and the Taiwanese, the Ukranians had a go at Russia and vice versa, the Cubans had a go at the USA, and then the US had a go at Cuba and the WHO.

Happy families. :)
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There’s not much to go on yet, but some worry about the effects of Covid-19 on unborn children.

Various issues reported, including pre-term birth and some risk of vertical transmission of the virus with associated issues for the newborn.

If this is generally the case, it’s going to be a really significant issue in countries and communities that have problems with maternal health care, high infant mortality, poor neonate care etc.
from 20/05/2020 Coronavirus spike in poor nations worries WHO: Live updates
17:50 GMT - Monkey studies encouraging for coronavirus vaccine

Two studies in monkeys offer some of the first scientific evidence that surviving COVID-19 may result in immunity from reinfection, as well as a positive sign that vaccines under development may succeed.
In one of the new studies, researchers infected nine monkeys with the new coronavirus. After they recovered, the team exposed them to the virus again and the animals did not get sick.

In the second study, the same researchers treated 25 monkeys with experimental vaccines and then exposed them to the coronavirus. In the vaccinated animals, "we saw a substantial degree of protection," said Dr Dan Barouch.


17:15 GMT - WHO reports most coronavirus cases in a day, worried about poor countries

There were 106,000 new cases of new coronavirus infection recorded worldwide in the last 24 hours - the most in a single day yet, the World Health Organization said, expressing concern for poor countries even as rich ones emerge from lockdown.
"We still have a long way to go in this pandemic," WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told a news conference. "We are very concerned about rising cases in low and middle income countries."
from 7.17 on 21/05/2020 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-52749186
Chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine or a placebo will be given to more than 40,000 healthcare workers from Europe, Africa, Asia and South America.

All the participants are staff who are in contact with Covid-19 patients.
"We really do not know if chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine are beneficial or harmful against Covid-19," said one of the study's leaders, Prof Nicholas White.

But, he said, a randomised controlled trial such as this one, where neither the participant nor the researchers know who has been given the drug or a placebo, was the best way to find out.


from 21/05/2020 Time running out on track and trace - NHS leaders
Time is running out to finalise a track and trace strategy that would avoid a potential second surge in coronavirus cases, NHS leaders have said.

The NHS Confederation warned of "severe" consequences to staff and patients if the right system was not established rapidly.
It said lockdown measures should not be eased until a clear plan was in place.

It follows the PM's pledge on Wednesday to introduce a "world-beating" contact tracing system in England from June.
Is there anywhere in the world that has seen something that could be described as a "second wave" yet? I don't been small clustered outbreaks, but a re-emergence in the general population that can not be contained.
Is there anywhere in the world that has seen something that could be described as a "second wave" yet? I don't been small clustered outbreaks, but a re-emergence in the general population that can not be contained.

Iran aside. I think most places are still going through their first wave. Even though lockdown restrictions are being relaxed in many places there's no sign yet of any major flare ups. I suppose this is mildly encouraging but premature.
Iran aside. I think most places are still going through their first wave. Even though lockdown restrictions are being relaxed in many places there's no sign yet of any major flare ups. I suppose this is mildly encouraging but premature.

Another week or two and if we're seeing a second wave we'll see it then. Its to early for the UK so another 2-3 weeks, maybe four.
Is there anywhere in the world that has seen something that could be described as a "second wave" yet? I don't been small clustered outbreaks, but a re-emergence in the general population that can not be contained.
Not yet, but I foresee one happening when they let under 20s and over 65s out in Turkey again (they've been under "house arrest" for two months, apart from a few hours allowance one day per week for the last two weeks).
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