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I'd be more tempted to go if they were testing people before departure, not on arrival - I wouldn't want to gamble on getting infected during the flight and having to spend 14 days cooped up in a hotel paying Icelandic room service prices.

Well if you get it you might have a lot worse things to worry about than the hotel :eek:
The Uk has had a thousand times more deaths from Covid than Guatemala has, so far. I got this text from my friend there today who went on to ask how come things are getting looser over here . So very strange.
This looks so complicated I don’t know how it can be thought reasonable to make things this hard for people. Full curfew means not even allowed to deliver food parcels to people let alone go bloody jogging.

too long; what's the gist of it?

Fail to prepare incase it spook the market...

“Jared [Kushner] had been arguing that testing too many people, or ordering too many ventilators, would spook the markets and so we just shouldn’t do it,” says a Trump confidant who speaks to the president frequently. “That advice worked far more powerfully on him than what the scientists were saying. He thinks they always exaggerate.”

Things might get a lot worse...

“Trump is caught in a box which keeps getting smaller,” says George Conway, a Republican lawyer who is married to Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s senior counsellor. “In my view he is a sociopath and a malignant narcissist. When a person suffering from these disorders feels the world closing in on them, their tendencies get worse. They lash out and fantasise and lose any ability to think rationally.” Conway is known for taunting Trump on Twitter (to great effect, it should be added: Trump often retaliates). Yet without exception, everyone I interviewed, including the most ardent Trump loyalists, made a similar point to Conway. Trump is deaf to advice, said one. He is his own worst enemy, said another. He only listens to family, said a third. He is mentally imbalanced, said a fourth. America, in other words, should brace itself for a turbulent six months ahead – with no assurance of a safe landing.

Its hardly a surprise
The Uk has had a thousand times more deaths from Covid than Guatemala has, so far. I got this text from my friend there today who went on to ask how come things are getting looser over here . So very strange.
This looks so complicated I don’t know how it can be thought reasonable to make things this hard for people. Full curfew means not even allowed to deliver food parcels to people let alone go bloody jogging.
View attachment 212681
Restricting opening hours seems stupid.
Vaccine news

from 15/05/2020 Animal trial offers hope for coronavirus vaccine
A group of monkeys was exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The six animals that were vaccinated had less of the virus in their lungs and airways.

The trial took place in the US, involving researchers from the US government's National Institutes of Health (NIH) and from the University of Oxford.

from 15/05/2020 Trump unveils 'warp-speed' effort to create coronavirus vaccine by year's end
Unveiling details of “Operation Warp Speed”, a name that references a concept popularised by Star Trek and other science fiction, Trump said: “That means big and it means fast. A massive scientific, industrial and logistical endeavour unlike anything our country has seen since the Manhattan Project.”
And on Thursday Rick Bright, the ousted head of a government agency seeking a vaccine, told Congress: “Normally, it takes up to 10 years to make a vaccine. A lot of optimism is swirling around a 12-to-18-month time frame, if everything goes perfectly. We’ve never seen everything go perfectly.”
More comment, from Forbes, on the possibility of a Wuhan Lab as the origin of the virus

from 01/05/2020 Wuhan Lab As Coronavirus Source Gains Traction

Not seeing any evidence in that one either.
“I have no definitive way of proving this thesis,” he wrote on his blog, citing that access to the data and researchers in China has been denied so it was impossible for anyone to prove. “I also in no way seek to support or align myself with any activities that may be considered unfair, dishonest, nationalistic, racist, bigoted, or biased in any way.”

Not seeing any evidence in that one either.
I think it is more that this scenario that it may have escaped a particular lab is possible, given 1) that the Wuhan lab were apparently studying horseshoe bat coronaviruses and 2) that security at the lab had been criticised by a visiting US delegation.

I don't know what evidence you might expect to see, it may never be resolved.
I think it is more that this scenario that it may have escaped a particular lab is possible, given 1) that the Wuhan lab were apparently studying horseshoe bat coronaviruses and 2) that security at the lab had been criticised by a visiting US delegation.

I don't know what evidence you might expect to see, it may never be resolved.

Cities with populations of millions always have universities and research facilities.

Universities and research labs have virology departments.

Virology labs study Corona viruses.

It happens all over the world. Don't be a pawn in trump's game to start a fight with China ahead of his election campaign.

Accept these things can and do happen naturally.
Wuhan lab collaborates with other labs worldwide. Scientists from the US and probably UK too have visited there and worked there. The security levels are the equal to anywhere else. Obviously mistakes can happen anywhere but the insistence that they must have deliberately or accidentally released some evil chinese Frankenstein coronavirus has more to do with racism and conspiraloonery than genuine concern with science and security levels.

I heard its security being praised by a US scientist who worked there.
I think it is more that this scenario that it may have escaped a particular lab is possible, given 1) that the Wuhan lab were apparently studying horseshoe bat coronaviruses and 2) that security at the lab had been criticised by a visiting US delegation.

I don't know what evidence you might expect to see, it may never be resolved.
it is possible...
it is possible that I might win the lottery
having got hold of all the evidence on the later it has so far been impossible to prove true
I have decades of research on that last one.
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