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Coronavirus: music festivals, big gigs, sports events and big gatherings - going ahead and cancelled

Anyway, here in Little Nowheresville, it's worked very well at dampening demand for the boozer, and I would be surprised if it's not done the same nationally overall.

I'd also be pretty surprised if the demand at 10pm in Brixton isn't also somewhat reduced from pre-curfew 10pm demand, though it's not something that can be very easily assessed.
Anyway, here in Little Nowheresville, it's worked very well at dampening demand for the boozer, and I would be surprised if it's not done the same nationally overall.

I'd also be pretty surprised if the demand at 10pm in Brixton isn't also somewhat reduced from pre-curfew 10pm demand, though it's not something that can be very easily assessed.
Yes, your experiences will most likely be completely different to a well known, London nightlife destination that has a street full of busy bars.

And yes, it's blindingly obvious that "demand at 10pm in Brixton [is] somewhat reduced from pre-curfew 10pm demand," because social distancing has to be respected, and fewer people are allowed in venues.

However, what I did tell you is that closing time now feels the least safe time in some pubs for me, when every single person who is in the pub leaves at the same time.
Yes, your experiences will most likely be completely different to a well known, London nightlife destination that has a street full of busy bars.

And yes, it's blindingly obvious that "demand at 10pm in Brixton [is] somewhat reduced from pre-curfew 10pm demand," because social distancing has to be respected, and fewer people are allowed in venues.

However, what I did tell you is that closing time now feels the least safe time in some pubs for me, when every single person who is in the pub leaves at the same time.
So you recommend staggering closing times instead? Who decides which pubs close first?
So you recommend staggering closing times instead? Who decides which pubs close first?
Could be decided on which pubs are deemed the safest, or rotated, with no one let in to the later pubs after 9pm, for example.

Or just make it the option for pubs to close at 11pm (like in Northern Ireland) or later when a lot of people would have already gone home anyway. 10pm just seems too early for me and just encourages people to go on to house parties - which I've seen plenty of evidence for where I live.

Britain's hotly-contested 10pm curfew will not curb the spread of coronavirus unless pubs enforce staggered leaving times, a respiratory virologist has warned.

Dr Julian Tang, from the University of Leicester, urged ministers to consider making pubs, restaurants and bars adopt a rota system where tables leave at different times, to avoid tougher restrictions.

This, he argued, would stop drunken crowds descending on supermarkets and off-licenses at the same time, in a quest to pick-up alcohol to carry on drinking late into the night.

https:// www. dailymail .co. uk/news/article-8789363/UKs-10pm-curfew-wont-work-unless-drinkers-told-leave-pubs-staggered-times.html
And from the BBC:
Is there any science behind a 10pm closing time?
We're not entirely sure.

Speaking on the Andrew Marr Show, the University of Edinburgh's Prof Mark Woolhouse, a member of the government's infection modelling team, said "there isn't a proven scientific basis for any of this".

Is the earlier closing time causing crowding?
On Thursday, the first day of the 10pm closing time in England, a video quickly emerged from central London of pub-goers crowding around the entrance to a Tube station once the pubs had closed.

Ultimately, any kind of gathering - whether it is in a pub or Tube carriage - where people are tightly packed together and social distancing is not enforced risks spreading the virus.

Northern Ireland is reasonably likely to impose further restrictions on the hospitality sector.

The executive's Chief Scientific Advisor, Prof Ian Young, said "other levers are likely to be needed" in addition to NI-wide restrictions on household gatherings.

In a statement issued on Sunday evening, he said the hospitality sector was the "second most important" for interventions "to reduce adult contacts".

He said contacts in this sector "tend to be closer and longer" than in many other settings, while alcohol consumption "will also be a factor in failure to comply with social distancing".

Prof Young added there had been a "number of identified clusters associated with the hospitality sector", however, minister will have to weigh up measures "while also seeking to mitigate adverse consequences for society and the economy".

He's such an arrogant piece of shit. He has no fucking idea what it's like for people who have spent a lifetime learning a craft and then being told to find another job that doesn't fucking exist - unless it's some shitty zero hour, low paid crap that cunts like him have created.
Id be interested to know the cabinet is being told about the projected length of covid disruption. Obviously this is a matter of speculation but they will be acting on some advice. Is it another year? two years? three? This should be made public
Worth signing:


I can't read the rest because it's on a cunty paywall

Signed :thumbs:
He's such an arrogant piece of shit. He has no fucking idea what it's like for people who have spent a lifetime learning a craft and then being told to find another job that doesn't fucking exist - unless it's some shitty zero hour, low paid crap that cunts like him have created.
I've a few friends who're actors. Between acting jobs, they tend to do reception/ temping work. And obviously there's none of that about at the moment either. And in case the Government hasn't noticed, there's not a whole load of any jobs about right now and an increasing number of people looking for work. FFS.
Id be interested to know the cabinet is being told about the projected length of covid disruption. Obviously this is a matter of speculation but they will be acting on some advice. Is it another year? two years? three? This should be made public

Utterly pointless for either the Govt or us to speculate about that question without introducing the word 'vaccine' .... :hmm:


Yes I know that 'forecasting' vaccine timetables is utterly speculative too :(, but until we know more about whether there's going to be an effective vaccine or not, talk of either six months' or three years' more disruption is meaningless IMO .....
Bigger budget for archaeology for a start. Time Team back on the Beeb 5 days a week. Compulsory study of ancient history, stone circles etc in schools. What's not to like?

I was more thinking of his possible theme tune ahead of the Queen's Speech ......... 'Out of my Mind on Dope and Speed!!' anyone? :p ;)
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Utterly pointless for either the Govt or us to speculate about that question without introducing the word 'vaccine' .... :hmm:


Yes I know that 'forecasting' vaccine timetables is utterly speculative too :(, but until we know more about whether there's going to be an effective vaccine or not, talk of either six months' or three years' more disruption is meaningless IMO .....
you are right of course
BJ told us Back to Normal by November, so perhaps better we didnt hear their lies
However a lot of people are taking on debt in order to hang in there....if government superpredictors are telling the cabinet 2022 minimum then people should be told before they lose what little they already have down a debt sinkhole, was my point
However a lot of people are taking on debt in order to hang in there....if government superpredictors are telling the cabinet 2022 minimum then people should be told before they lose what little they already have down a debt sinkhole, was my point

Very fair points, those -- I agree :(
I went to a a gig last night for the first time since the end of February. It was so so good to hear live music but my god! I miss the old days.

Everyone was sat down, table service only. Everyone was starting to reach out for a hug and then stepping back and doing the elbow bump thing. It’s a poor substitute.

As 10:00 approached I expected a hard eviction from the venue but they allowed us all to drift out over the next 15 or 20 minutes so there was no bulge of people on the pavement outside.

Afterwards 6 of us sat around the fire and chatted. Three musicians, talking about how things were and are, what hopes and plans they have. Being in bands is the only thing they’ve ever done, and they were making a decent living from it before all this.

One of them is a hired gun so hasn’t really got another string to his bow so he’s essentially living off his girlfriend and hoping things can develop to the point where his band can play again.

Two of them are writing, one seriously and hoping to carve out a new career as a writer, the other making weird new little projects online and considering becoming an academic of some kind.

I don’t remember ever before hearing jobbing musicians discussing how to get out of gigs and into something else.

But they are also working on new music and so we were also talking about how gigs have changed so much, so the performance will have to change, so the music will be different.

One of them was DJing in Berlin recently and described big “raves” that go in til 5 or 6 in the morning, but with everyone sat at tables and not dancing, just listening. He was making us all laugh with his description of him playing banger after banger and the room all sat down with their arms folded, nodding along.

Agh, you laugh you cry.
This is quite a big event on the foodie calendar. I imagine the London Craft Beer Festival won't be far behind.


Dear Taste fans,
We are incredibly sad to announce that the festive edition of Taste of London at Tobacco Dock, November 2020, is cancelled.
We are proud that our festive edition has become a key moment in everyone's calendars that kicks off the the season in style each year, and we've been trying hard to find a way to proceed with the event in a safe way. But with ongoing restrictions and advice from the UK Government surrounding COVID-19, we just won't be able to put on the festival you know and love. The health and safety of everyone involved and all of you who attend our festivals has to remain our top priority.
Whilst we won't be devouring London's tastiest dishes, sipping winter cocktails and getting into the festive spirit around the Piano Bar with you this November, we are already planning an epic celebration in Regent's Park for June 2021. We can't wait to feast with you next year.
We encourage all our Taste fans to continue to support the hospitality industry where you can (and feel safe to) over the coming months. We will continue to shed a light on great initiatives and offerings from our friends in the restaurant and drinks industry.
If you have any questions (or want to send us a funny festive GIF to cheer us all up), slide into our DMs or email us at queries@tastefestivals.com.

Team Taste

Should have been cancelled already in this climate. All other events have been.

It's usually in the Summer so this is the rescheduled one, I guess they hoped it would all be over by now.

LCBF is the week after, also rescheduled (from August).

Matter of time I'd say.
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