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Coronavirus meme/panic/fear mongering general thread

doing the rounds today

Were you in hibernation that year? It was seismic at the time!

ETA: I am depressed to see that it was 15 years ago- I feel so old…- so you get a pass if you were a nipper in 2006.

Seriously though, it was epic. We were on holiday in a small Greek town at the time, and tourists and locals alike were watching it live in the TVs of all the town’s restaurants and tabernas like it was the World Cup final :D

I cannot believe its 15 years ago.

Well..that flew...

Rallying patients lying unconscious in the intensive care unit of George Washington University Hospital, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) called on those intubated due to Covid-19 to rise up from their hospital beds and choose freedom, sources confirmed Tuesday. “To all you brave patriots who have been imprisoned in this ICU, I say join me and your fellow countrymen in rebelling against this despotic medical system!” shouted Paul

Rallying patients lying unconscious in the intensive care unit of George Washington University Hospital, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) called on those intubated due to Covid-19 to rise up from their hospital beds and choose freedom, sources confirmed Tuesday. “To all you brave patriots who have been imprisoned in this ICU, I say join me and your fellow countrymen in rebelling against this despotic medical system!” shouted Paul

Remembering that life seems to be increasingly imitating satire, it's probably worth pointing out that The Onion is a satirical site. Although, you never know... :hmm:
Rallying patients lying unconscious in the intensive care unit of George Washington University Hospital, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) called on those intubated due to Covid-19 to rise up from their hospital beds and choose freedom, sources confirmed Tuesday. “To all you brave patriots who have been imprisoned in this ICU, I say join me and your fellow countrymen in rebelling against this despotic medical system!” shouted Paul

Well that will work
If I’m giving the benefit of the doubt, I think it’s saying that people who have received vaccinations are less cautious (because they personally are safer). There is therefore more virus knocking about, which makes things more dangerous for the unvaccinated.

It may be that this is true. We were initially hopeful that the vaccines would prevent spread and thus eliminate the disease. It seems that the delta variant at least, however, has a good number of days even in vaccinated people during which it can be passed on. It is believable that behavioural change in the vaccinated more than compensates for the reduced transmissibility, such that the risk to the unvaccinated has gone up rather than down.
If I’m giving the benefit of the doubt, I think it’s saying that people who have received vaccinations are less cautious (because they personally are safer). There is therefore more virus knocking about, which makes things more dangerous for the unvaccinated.

It may be that this is true. We were initially hopeful that the vaccines would prevent spread and thus eliminate the disease. It seems that the delta variant at least, however, has a good number of days even in vaccinated people during which it can be passed on. It is believable that behavioural change in the vaccinated more than compensates for the reduced transmissibility, such that the risk to the unvaccinated has gone up rather than down.
If only there was a way the unvaccinated could lessen their risk :(
If only there was a way the unvaccinated could lessen their risk :(

I am absolutely 100% pro vaccination and always have been - for everything from Smallpox to BCG to MMR to my god they have an HPV vaccine now, isn't that wonderful?!

But not everyone can have a vaccine. - due to health issues such as severe allergies and other auto-immune conditions. It is on the people who CAN have it to get vaccinated to help provide some protection for those who can't. Not to shame those who really can't get a vaccination for health reasons.
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