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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

I genuinely sympathise with anyone having to endure any of the behaviour outlines in the recent posts -- lack of distancing and all the rest :(

But my personal experience here in Swansea is radically different, and nowhere near as bad, and deb feels the same.

Most people (I don't claim all!) remain pretty good at distancing, both on the pavements and in supermarkets.
Of course some people are slack and careless, and we've seen some of this now and again, but much outnumbered by people who do their best to do the right thing.

Most of the time as well, there isn't too much traffic about, or too many people.
The city centre (to which tbf we live close) remains dead.
The beach in Swansea has to an extent been an exception, but it's an absolutely huge beach .......
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I genuinely sympathise with anyone having to endure any of the above-type behaviour, lack of distancing and all the rest :(

But my personal experience here in Swansea is radically different, and nowhere near as bad, and deb feels the same.

Most people (I don't claim all!) remain pretty good at distancing, both on the pavements and in supermarkets.
Of course some people are slack and careless, and we've seen some of this now and again, but much outnumbered by people who do their best to do the right thing.

Most of the time as well, there isn't too much traffic about, or too many people.
The city centre (to which tbf we live close) remains dead.
The beach in Swansea has to an extent been an exception, but it's an absolutely huge beach .......

Much the same here, just about everyone is social distancing, traffic levels remain low, town centre remains dead, although the sea-front is getting busier, but nowhere near normal levels, and people are maintaining social distancing at present, not sure if that will work come the weekend & more visitors arriving.

Bit surprised how short the queue was at the big Tesco's around 11.30 am this morning, only took 5 minutes to get in, it was half an hour the last time I went.

I did break the rules for the first time today, by popping around to see my brother & SiS on the way home from shopping, proper rebel! :D

But they had left the garden gate unbolted for me, and we maintained distancing. It was nice to sit in the garden & have a couple of cold beers - weak ones, as I was driving. I didn't go in the house at all, I had a pee around the back of the shed instead. :thumbs:
Re. Professor Sikora :

Are there any links about this?

I had to recheck the posts earlier up, because I thought a link HAD been posted, but it turns out I was just remembering this post from maomao :

maomao said:
Sikora has been going around doing interviews saying the virus will die out naturally. He's also appeared in US Republican party ads slagging off the NHS and was once hired by the Libyan government to say that bomber fella would die within three months. I'd like to hear someone else say the same thing.

No link though ... maybe someone else has time to check .. I haven't, right now :(
Calamity1971 : Thanks for that. It looks so iffy though, and I'd be very surprised if any (or many) scientists are claiming this!

Independent said:
Coronavirus could “burn out naturally before any vaccine is developed”, according to a former World Health Organisation chief.
“We are seeing a roughly similar pattern everywhere – I suspect we have more immunity than estimated,” Professor Karol Sikora, who previously directed the WHO’s cancer programme, said on Saturday.
“We need to keep slowing the virus, but it could be petering out by itself. It is my opinion that this is a feasible scenario.”

ETA : I can't see the BBC video either .....
'It is my opinion' lol, seems legit.
He could be right. But noone has the data to make that judgement at the moment. It would seem to be pretty stupid to base policy on it probably just disappearing though.

And given his history as a dodgy doc for hire I'd think there's a fair chance that he's consciously helping add to the possible reasons to end lockdown.
frogwoman sorry no link as such I've seen him on BBC news a few times being interviewed usually saying inflammatory or totally unhelpful shite.

I do not get the impression he has a clue. He just gets interviews because he's a prof.
Prof Karol Sikora on BBC news this morning saying the hold up with antibody testing is not enough sera to validated with? We've had >50k pos cases in UK alone and most labs will have saved serum from before Nov 2019 to use as neg controls. The tests are shit mate. They only cost a fiver, they only take 20 mins BUT THE TESTS DON'T WORK. who the fuck is this prick. Don't give him airspace he's dangerous. "Everyone can go to the park when we've determined that they're immune with the antibody test" FUCK OFF
As well as assaults on emergency and essential workers, there had been 142 offences of criminal damage, 99 public order offences, 62 common assaults on shop workers and 44 cases of shoplifting. The Crown Prosecution Service is prioritising cases related to the pandemic.

Many of the assaults involved emergency workers being coughed at or spat on by people who claimed to have the virus.
Re the BBC video :
:mad: tried always to copy. It inserts then goes awry.
Google sikora, The NHS is the last bastion of communism.

Just did this, and I couldn't copy the actual video either.
But here's a link to the BBC page where you'll find Sikora's 'NHS = last bastion of communism' lunacy-video (2017)

He's in favour of full-on privatisation :mad:
The other consultant's video on that page (by Dr. Henry Marsh) is vastly saner ..... both vids about two minutes long.

I've highlighted this bit 'assaults involved emergency workers being coughed at or spat on by people who claimed to have the virus' before, we've had at least four cases in Sussex.

One got a suspended sentence, one jailed for 3 months, another for 6 months - all involved spitting/coughing at a single copper.

The fourth, who attacked 2 coppers & a nurse in the same way, is on reprimand as the Magistrates Court has referred the case to Crown Court for sentencing, because they believe it deserves a longer sentence than the 12 months they can hand out.
Whilst these scenes of overcrowding at the beaches are really not great on the plus side there does seem to be a very low risk of transmission when outside.
You're right of course, and we need the parks open (the idiot mayor of Middlesbrough, which has the 7th worst rate of infections in the country, has kept the parks shut. Yeah, what's best exercising and meeting in the terraced streets in the centre with no front gardens, or one of them big things, parks?). Trouble is, the genie doesn't go back in the bottle and the government seemingly have no way to persuade us that specific 'loosening' is part of a 'loosening while protecting' strategy. The outcome of that is uncertainty, drift >>>>> no lockdown, though with the worst of all worlds, lots of vulnerable people locked behind their own doors. Fuck, I hate this (and all) governments.
Has that ever happened though that a disease just burns itself out? Seems a bit unlikely:hmm:

Epidemics in general could be said to burn themselves out, but mostly the fire never really stops, it just falls to levels which are low enough that people judge things quite differently compared to when the disease was raging.

There can be outbreaks in specific places and moments in time that humans take action on and manage to squash. And there are probably various outbreaks that end up being self-limiting in some way, eg diseases which cross from animals to humans but are only just viable in humans, and dont manage to spread well enough in human populations to be sustained for long. And there are also diseases which end up getting displaced by other versions of themselves, eg various influenza pandemics have often but not always lead to the end of previously dominant influenza strains.
I've highlighted this bit 'assaults involved emergency workers being coughed at or spat on by people who claimed to have the virus' before, we've had at least four cases in Sussex.

One got a suspended sentence, one jailed for 3 months, another for 6 months - all involved spitting/coughing at a single copper.

The fourth, who attacked 2 coppers & a nurse in the same way, is on reprimand as the Magistrates Court has referred the case to Crown Court for sentencing, because they believe it deserves a longer sentence than the 12 months they can hand out.
I read the CPS report and the figures are only for the first month of lockdown. I really struggle to think of what could possibly be a suitable punishment apart from custody tbh.
You're right of course, and we need the parks open (the idiot mayor of Middlesbrough, which has the 7th worst rate of infections in the country, has kept the parks shut. Yeah, what's best exercising and meeting in the terraced streets in the centre with no front gardens, or one of them big things, parks?). Trouble is, the genie doesn't go back in the bottle and the government seemingly have no way to persuade us that specific 'loosening' is part of a 'loosening while protecting' strategy. The outcome of that is uncertainty, drift >>>>> no lockdown, though with the worst of all worlds, lots of vulnerable people locked behind their own doors. Fuck, I hate this (and all) governments.

Yes one comment in Private Eye this issue was "Stay apart" would have been a lot better than the bloody useless "Stay aware".
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