The LFT stories are about the future, the story of 2022, and how the government will want to move on in some key ways. But there are limits as to how far they will be confident in going. Their 'back to normal' agenda will run the risk of backfiring if they push too hard, so there may be gradual tweaks rather than the sudden abandonment of big chunks of the testing system. So its no surprise to see that further reductions to the length of self-isolation are now being mentioned, which is a slightly different twist on the 'reduce disruption' agenda. Plus their confidence in proceeding with such things has a seasonal component, ideas will be floated in winter but thats not the season to actually implement them, unless there is an emergency where the self-isolation disruption is deemed to be a bigger risk than the risk of too many hospitalisations. And we did see a bit of that this time, hence the initial changes to self-isolation rules some weeks ago.