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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

It regularly crosses my mind about what might have been if no vaccines had been forthcoming... very, very grim.
We might presume that the downward side of last winters wave would have been slower and have involved plenty more death. Then when Delta arrived the unlocking strategy would have been left in tatters, and we'd have ended up with some sorts of lockdown of various strengths over summer and beyond.
But of course there would have been many other consequences. The messaging and unlocking plans would have been different, tuned towards treatments as the light at the end of the tunnel instead of vaccines, and a range of other ideas about how infections could have been kept to a lower level. In the pre-vaccine era we saw a few of those from government - during first lockdown they settled on going on about mass testing and contact tracing as a means to cope in future, as a reason for people to expect the future to be less grim. We found out quite quickly after that lockdown ended that they botched that system and oversold how much pandemic weight it could hope to carry, and I expect there would have been more of such stuff if vaccines hadnt come along to take a big chunk of pandemic weight.

Those who oppose the sensible measures, including ones that are far away from full lockdown, would have gone utterly crazy and would be calling more loudly for things which had big implications for getting access to treatment, amount of death, the economy and any remaining sense of solidarity.

Those on the other end of the spectrum would be calling for things that were closer to the 'zero covid' approach than anything this country would have previously taken seriously.

It is pretty hard to say what would have happened under those conditions, and which 'side would have won', but given that even shitty governments cannot ignore the impact on hospitals, its safe to assume that an alternative pandemic exit would not have magically revealed itself.
Even if we end up having dodged a couple of the most high-profile bullets in this wave, leading some to talk shit with increased confidence, many other bullets remain.

I have to say that some of the remaining bullets may yet require further action from the government in ways that affects us all. Things are delicately balanced and it will probably take some more weeks before I can breathe a sigh of relief on all those fronts. Or not breathe a sign of relief at all, if the attempt at delicate balance doesnt hold up to the pressure.

I'm not going to drive everyone crazy by posting about every single hospital critical incident declaration in this thread, but Shaun Lintern seems to be trying to cover them all on twitter. Here is a thread with the ones he is aware of today:

I think one is in Plymouth so some people might need to update their sense of the pressure spreading to that part of the country.

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Todays dashboard update managed to arrive on time.

A rather large total of new reported cases was involved, 218,724.

However a chunk of this is due to backlogs from various nations. I try to use data by test specimen date to overcome these reporting issues, but on this occasion to illustrate the reporting gaps of recent days:

Screenshot 2022-01-04 at 16.08.jpg
Press briefing now. Continue with Plan B. Daily LFTs from 10th January for 100,000 critical workers. Lots of 'war footing' nonsense. 9 million people still not had a booster. 90% in ICU not had their booster.
10th Jan quite a long way off if your hospital already has 500+ staff off sick and an internal critical incident. Plus, how do you stop infection if all the family members/friends etc of these critical workers presumably won't have a chance in hell of getting hold of an LFT? Pathetic, even by their standards.
Just a pondering, does anyone know offhand where else in the world is still doing lateral flow tests free* for everyone & whenever you want one (if in stock)?
(* at point of use obvs)
Also don't think it includes NHS, it's other critical workers like transport etc. The NHS has over a million workers, and also already has a testing regime in place... hahahaha.

Breaking story, so details being updated

Covid: Workers in key industries to take daily tests, Boris Johnson says

Around 100,000 critical workers are set to take daily Covid tests in order to reduce the spread of the virus to colleagues, Boris Johnson has said.

It will be for key industries including food processing, transport and the border force, the prime minister said at a Downing Street briefing.
Just a pondering, does anyone know offhand where else in the world is still doing lateral flow tests free* for everyone & whenever you want one (if in stock)?
(* at point of use obvs)
Looks like Austria and the Czech Republic are the only other European countries making them free to non-residents, a fair few other EU nations have them freely available to residents.
Why is the O in the NOW of 'Get Boosted Now' different?

MrsA reckons that it is supposed to represent a "jab hole". Whaddya think?
I think it's the greek letter omicron Ο

Because why not have a bilingual play on words in the middle of a pandemic. Jolly Japes you know.

Well I assume Johnson would actually have anything to do with the branding, not who know maybe it's his one input to the whole thing
Yes, thanks to the folk watching and translating. Even when I watch him, I can't actually remember what he's just said (probably because I'm filled with loathing or something) so getting the 'highlights' on here is super helpful.
Imperial College modelling, of which plenty is available for past waves but not this current one (or at least I havent found any for current wave yet). I'll be very happy to get into loads of detail about this, but now is not a good time beyond what I've already said on this thread today. Could you remind me again in a few weeks? Maybe we need another dedicated thread for this topic. There has been at least one review of how well the initial modelling did, a necessary exercise because those with agendas have spewed vast amounts of misleading shit about this ever since.
I only ask because he draws a lot of criticism for his model, but I can't remember his model(s) ever being published allowing experts to critique them. What appears to happen is some of the scenarios in his model are published and they are then called 'the model'.
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