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Corbyn & Cabinet in the Media

I'm angling for a job in the tabloid media so I've been scouring creative works from the 80s looking for embarassing stuff to dredge up from his past. So far, all I've been able to find is this short film from 1982 in which Corbyn briefly appears as a creepy, ghostly cartoon figure.

7:14 for his appearance

In the same way they don't give out drugs that have not undergone clinical trails, they should not offer a medicine that has never been proven to have any effect whatsoever. What if everyone asked for waffles suggesting it might cure aids? They wouldn't refer you to an NHS waffle house. The NHS website clearly states the pricibles of homeopathy go against what we know scientifically, and that it doesn't work any better than a placebo.
but placebos work quite well.
but placebos work quite well.

In a very limited way for a very limited range of conditions. Not to mention the ethical issues of giving people a placebo if you're pretending it's not one. But it's a topic for another thread as has been mentioned.
JC is obviously enjoying winding up the establishment. He never expected to get the job and is making the most of it before quitting within a year.
JC is obviously enjoying winding up the establishment. He never expected to get the job and is making the most of it before quitting within a year.
I think he'll be there longer than that, but isn't intending to be there for the GE. Will push through party reform, and is geared to hand over to Eagle to fight an Osbourne led tory paty ahead of the GE.
On yesterdays events: People may flounce around as if a bloke not joining in on a crawling dirge is massively scandalous.

But no government representitive should really be invited to any kind of war memorial event in the first place while so many former soldiers remain destitute, traumatised, addicted, abandoned on the streets of our country.

They are just a bunch of posturing twats, rather like the guy in Jesus' parable who beat his chest at prayer in the temple so everyone could see him.
On yesterdays events: People may flounce around as if a bloke not joining in on a crawling dirge is massively scandalous.

But no government representitive should really be invited to any kind of war memorial event in the first place while so many former soldiers remain destitute, traumatised, addicted, abandoned on the streets of our country.

They are just a bunch of posturing twats, rather like the guy in Jesus' parable who beat his chest at prayer in the temple so everyone could see him.

Is this really true of Battle of Britain veterans? Try not to get carried away by your own hyperbole.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
On yesterdays events: People may flounce around as if a bloke not joining in on a crawling dirge is massively scandalous.

But no government representitive should really be invited to any kind of war memorial event in the first place while so many former soldiers remain destitute, traumatised, addicted, abandoned on the streets of our country.

They are just a bunch of posturing twats, rather like the guy in Jesus' parable who beat his chest at prayer in the temple so everyone could see him.

Don't you realise yours is a massively minority view, whatever we think, yesterdays events will be seminal and define JC unless he can do something, I suggest at the Cenotaph in November, he doesn't make the same mistakes.
Is this really true of Battle of Britain veterans? Try not to get carried away by your own hyperbole.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice

BoB vets lived far greater portions of their lives under post war consensus social-market models of government and now recieve pensions at least mildy above destitution levels.

This government doesn't care for those who serve, they disrespect the armed forces and have no place memorialising.

The amount of former soldiers who I met at Occupy who said that anarchists treated them far better.... I'm pretty much a pacifist and I know I have more respect for them and their needs. There's no hyperbole in this position.
Don't you realise yours is a massively minority view, whatever we think, yesterdays events will be seminal and define JC unless he can do something, I suggest at the Cenotaph in November, he doesn't make the same mistakes.
absolute tosh. It's next to irrelevant, and will be forgotten in a matter of days - as the next piece and the next piece and the next piece of shit are poured over him.
Don't you realise yours is a massively minority view, whatever we think, yesterdays events will be seminal and define JC unless he can do something, I suggest at the Cenotaph in November, he doesn't make the same mistakes.

Events will only define him if he allows them to. the best strategy regarding all the media monstering, is to brush it off as irrelevant spite, and to be seen brushing it off.
BoB vets lived far greater portions of their lives under post war consensus social-market models of government and now recieve pensions at least mildy above destitution levels.

This government doesn't care for those who serve, they disrespect the armed forces and have no place memorialising.

I'm not sure that's the actual dynamic, although your explanation sounds apt.
IME there isn't disrespect. There's little consideration at all given to the armed forces, except as instruments for executing government policy. It's simply a matter of "don't care". Squaddies don't impinge on their consciousness except when the Sec of State for Defence, or the Prime Minister, visit a base somewhere hot and sandy for a couple of hours.

The amount of former soldiers who I met at Occupy who said that anarchists treated them far better.... I'm pretty much a pacifist and I know I have more respect for them and their needs. There's no hyperbole in this position.

A significant minority of the anarchists I knew in the '80s and '90s were former soldiers. Not as a reaction to having been soldiers, but because the "all in the shit together, look after each other" attitude of some anarchists felt like home to them.
Just now on R4 WATO.

Robert Peston has claimed that some of the Bliarites are considering joining the Vermin. He said he has had a few conversations and revealed that some of the Bliarites exchange emails with Osborne and mix in similar social circles.

Who and when is the question?
Just now on R4 WATO.

Robert Peston has claimed that some of the Bliarites are considering joining the Vermin. He said he has had a few conversations and revealed that some of the Bliarites exchange emails with Osborne and mix in similar social circles.

Who and when is the question?

I hope they move soon, it would be fun to see some elections
Here you are:

"So will one or a number of Blairites find themselves on the Tory side of the house?

It would not be an easy relocation for them, partly because they may decide that they owe it to their constituents to resign and force a by-election - which they could well lose.

But for what it's worth, and this may be the more important point, more than one of them has told me that they could not possibly remain in Corbyn's Labour Party for long if it looks as though Corbyn will endure."

Will Blairites cross floor to Osborne? - BBC News

News about robert peston on Twitter
There won't be more than one or two IMO, if at all - anyone crossing the floor would only be prepared to do it with a promise of a safe tory seat in 2020. Can't see there being that many available to be promised at this point...
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