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Corbyn & Cabinet in the Media

Not that I care, you understand. It's the 'deeper instincts of the country' (read: those folk not like me or Jeremy...)

I doubt that more than a handful of those complaining actually care. It's just offence culture, the right-wing equivalent of intersectionalistas who spend their time around Halloween scouring pictures of parties at the student union for 'problematic' 'cultural appropriation' in Halloween costumes except instead of tumblrs they have The Sun, The Telegraph and now the Graunid
Yes it is sad how bad the Guardian can be. There might as well be just one newspaper merging the Torygraph, the Mail, the Guardian and Express along with the Independent (which is not quite as bad)

If the Beeb has its way and gets to provide material for local newspapers the whole media circus will be able fit into one small caravan. Channel 4 news is getting to be a disappointment too. Let's scrap the lot and just use the so called social media.
“I’m going to be at many events, and I will take part fully in those events,” Corbyn said. “I don’t see a problem about this. The issue, surely, is that we had a memorial for the Battle of Britain. I was there, I showed respect for it, and I will show respect in the proper way at all future events. That’s what I will be doing.”

Pressed on whether the proper way to show respect was to sing the national anthem, he said: “The proper way is to take a full part in them, and I will take a full part in them.”

Within minutes of the interview being broadcast, Labour sources confirmed that Corbyn would in fact sing the national anthem in future."

Jeremy Corbyn will sing national anthem in future, says Labour

Really hard to tell if he's U-turned or if people are just briefing that he has.
“I’m going to be at many events, and I will take part fully in those events,” Corbyn said. “I don’t see a problem about this. The issue, surely, is that we had a memorial for the Battle of Britain. I was there, I showed respect for it, and I will show respect in the proper way at all future events. That’s what I will be doing.”

Pressed on whether the proper way to show respect was to sing the national anthem, he said: “The proper way is to take a full part in them, and I will take a full part in them.”

Within minutes of the interview being broadcast, Labour sources confirmed that Corbyn would in fact sing the national anthem in future."

Jeremy Corbyn will sing national anthem in future, says Labour

Really hard to tell if he's U-turned or if people are just briefing that he has.
A u-turn would suggest he had said he wouldn't sing it previously. Has he?
He doesn't ever seem bothered by any of it though, beyond an occasional mild exasperation at being forced to respond to the babbling of cretins.

Corbyn came to Parliament at a time when the whole shebang of media insults around any sort of leftism, however mild, were doing the rounds. He's pretty much innoculated to it in the same way Livingstone, Abbott, McDonnell, Paul Flynn etc are, and Bernie Grant was. You grow a thick skin, or you get torn apart.
I don
Corbyn came to Parliament at a time when the whole shebang of media insults around any sort of leftism, however mild, were doing the rounds. He's pretty much innoculated to it in the same way Livingstone, Abbott, McDonnell, Paul Flynn etc are, and Bernie Grant was. You grow a thick skin, or you get torn apart.

I don't think Paul Flynn is on the left anymore, for example, he backed the welfare reforms and gone on about 'scroungers'
This is fairly positive and it is also fairly amusing and thought-provoking

Prime minister Jeremy Corbyn: the first 100 days

It's a bit of comedic fluff: not bad, as such things go:

His majesty, unlike many of his courtiers, is said to be not too distressed by the outcome. In fact, say some, he is positively gleeful. Indeed, there are rumours that he has for some months been engaged in private correspondence with the Labour leader on a range of issues.
Corbyn writing for the FT - I've stolen this from another site and not got a sub myself so if its wrong lmk

The orthodoxy has failed: Europe needs a new economic settlement

Jeremy CorbynSome see EU as an exclusive club not a democratic forum for social progress, writes Jeremy Corbyn

David Cameron is traversing Europe, apparently without much idea of what he wants to achieve in his much-feted renegotiation ahead of a referendum in 2016 or 2017. If the prime minister thinks he can weaken workers’ rights and expect goodwill towards Europe to keep us in the EU, he is making a great mistake.

Mr Cameron’s support for a bill that would weaken the trade unions, and the cutting of tax credits this week, show that employment rights are under attack. One can imagine that the many rights we derive from European legislation, which underpins paid holidays, working time protection and improved maternity and paternity leave, are under threat too.

There is a widely shared feeling that Europe is something of an exclusive club, rather than a democratic forum for social progress. Tearing up our rights at work would strengthen that view. Labour will oppose any attempt by the Conservative government to undermine rights at work — whether in domestic or European legislation.

Our shadow cabinet is also clear that the answer to any damaging changes that Mr Cameron brings back from his renegotiation is not to leave the EU but to pledge to reverse those changes with a Labour government elected in 2020.

Workplace protections are vital to protect both migrant workers from being exploited and British workers from being undercut. Stronger employment rights also help good employers, who would otherwise face unfair competition from less scrupulous businesses. We will be in Europe to negotiate better protection for people and businesses, not to negotiate them away.

Too much of the referendum debate has been monopolised by xenophobes and the interests of corporate boardrooms. Left out of this debate are millions of ordinary British people who want a proper debate about our relationship with the EU. We cannot continue down this road of free-market deregulation, which seeks to privatise public services and dilute Europe’s social gains. Draft railway regulations that are now before the European Parliament could enforce the fragmented, privatised model that has so failed railways in the UK.

The proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership that is being negotiated behind closed doors between the EU and the US, against which I have campaigned, is another example of this damaging approach. There is no future for Europe if we engage in a race to the bottom. We need to invest in our future and harness the skills of Europe’s people.

The treatment of Greece has appalled many who consider themselves pro-European internationalists. The Greek debt is simply not repayable, the terms are unsustainable and the insistence that the unpayable be paid extends the humanitarian crisis in Greece and the risks to all of Europe. The current orthodoxy has failed. We need a new economic settlement.
We should be grateful to Gordon Brown who as chancellor kept the UK out of the single currency, when other cabinet members were arguing that we should join. From our position outside the eurozone, we can and must influence EU economic reform. We must work with the 11 EU nations that are co-operating to bring in a financial transactions tax. Unlike the current chancellor, who wasted taxpayers’ money in a failed legal case to block the tax, we would participate in negotiations to discuss how we can better regulate the financial sector and raise revenues.

Labour is clear that we should remain in the EU. But we too want to see reform. Last week farmers from across the continent protested in Brussels. The common agricultural policy needs reform so that it does less to subsidise landowners and more to help farmers and rural economies. Europe is the only forum in which we can address key challenges for our country, like climate change, terrorism, tax havens and, most recently, the mass movement of refugees from the violence in Syria seeking sanctuary and hope in Europe. We will not win friends and influence in Europe if we refuse to pull our weight.

Labour wants to see change in Europe that delivers for Europe’s people. We want to be better partners, and put our demands to make Europe better. We will make the case through Labour MEPs in the European Parliament, and our relationships with sister social democratic parties, trade unions and other social movements across Europe.

If Mr Cameron fails to deliver a good package or one that reduces the social gains we have previously won in Europe, he needs to understand that Labour will renegotiate to restore our rights and promote a socially progressive Europe.

The writer is the leader of the British Labour Party

Get the fuck in.
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