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Corbyn & Cabinet in the Media

Corbyn getting the job has got me picking up the Evening Standard again looking for slurs...

In todays there was a double page spread on him, written in what appears to be a fun, puff piece style, but its definitely a soft slur piece

It starts with the assertion the JC didnt got to the rugby world cup opening cermeony, like a good patriot, like Boris Johnson, because he was talking with a constituent about Jam.

"Out: The Rugby World Cup
In: Jam

Down with elitism and private school sports such as rugby — Corbyn believes focus and discipline can be instilled by jam making rather than watching hookers. Instead of doing what Boris Johnson called “scrumming down for England” at the opening match of the Rugby World Cup, Corbyn met a constituent to discuss housing and pectin. Daisy Barber says: “He explained to my nieces the exact process required to make jam... That’s scrumming down for England in my opinion!”

The meeting wasnt about Jam, making him sound like an idiot, it was about the housing needs of a local family - Daisy's heavily edited to misconstrue quote was in fact glowing, and posted on her facebook page

Daisy Barber - Jeremy Corbyn was criticised yesterday for... | Facebook
Jeremy Corbyn was criticised yesterday for 'snubbing' the opening ceremony of the Rugby World Cup, citing prior commitments. As Boris Jonhson put it “This is turning into a national joke...Come on Jezza: Scrum down for England."

His prior commitment, it appears, was a running weekly appointment to meet with his constituents. Yesterday he sat down for a private meeting with my sister in law to talk about her housing situation.

Despite a waiting room full of people outside, and having recently been elected Leader of the Opposition, he nevertheless took his time to listen to and her story and fully understand the issues.

He treated her with compassion and dignity throughout, and promised to personally look into the case. On top of that, he insisted she return later so he could meet her kids, and then took the time to explain to my nieces the exact process required to make jam (there are things called pectins which are apparently very important).

By this time it gone 5pm on a Friday, when he should otherwise have been on route to the RWC.

That's scrumming down for England in my opinion!


other choice crap from the same piece:
Out: England
In: Latin America

When England play football against Chile, Corbyn cheers for Latin Americans. There are pictures of him sitting with away fans — second wife Claudia is Chilean and his current partner Laura is from Mexico. Olé.

though of course its all shite
Jeremy Corbyn on Tinder, hipster beards and Downton Abbey
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England doesn't play Latin American teams enough for me to bother forming much of an opinion but I usually cheer on Spanish over English teams unless the Spanish team is Real Madrid
Might be fair point to say the events/news after 9/11 were manipulated which is what the article seems to say mostly. It's a big stretch to embracing the fucked-up-ness of the 9/11 conspiracy lot from that though.
His conference speech opening jokes at the expense of the media seemed to work.

You might have noticed in some of our newspapers they’ve taken a bit of an interest in me lately.

Some of the things I’ve read are this. According to one headline “Jeremy Corbyn welcomed the prospect of an asteroid ‘wiping out’ humanity.”

Now, asteroids are pretty controversial. It’s not the kind of policy I’d want this party to adopt without a full debate in conference. So can we have the debate later in the week!

Another newspaper went even further and printed a ‘mini-novel’ that predicted how life would look if I were Prime Minister. It’s pretty scary I have to tell you.

It tells us football’s Premier League would collapse, which makes sense, because it’s quite difficult to see how all our brilliant top 20 teams in the Premiership would cope with playing after an asteroid had wiped out humanity. So that’s a no-no for sure!

And then the Daily Express informed readers that – I’m not quite sure how many greats there are here, but I think there are three or four - great-great-great grandfather, who I’d never heard of before was a very unpleasant sort of chap who apparently was involved in running a workhouse. I want to take this opportunity to apologise for not doing the decent thing and going back in time to have a chat with him about his appalling behaviour.

But then there’s another journalist who had obviously been hanging around my street a great deal, who quotes: “Neighbours often see him riding a Chairman Mao style bicycle.” Less thorough journalists might just have referred to it as just a ‘bicycle’, but no.

So we have to conclude that whenever we see someone on a bicycle from now on, there goes another supporter of Chairman Mao. Thus, the Daily Express has changed history.
Some of the things I’ve read are this. According to one headline “Jeremy Corbyn welcomed the prospect of an asteroid ‘wiping out’ humanity.”

Now, asteroids are pretty controversial. It’s not the kind of policy I’d want this party to adopt without a full debate in conference. So can we have the debate later in the week!

Proledem entryism bears fruit.
The jokes were pretty awful, I thought. The speech improved radically once that was out of the way. Good target, mind.

Interesting to see the apparent gulf between the media commentators reactions and the snap polls (although I guess the snap polls were mainly of labour supporters - who else would be watching the labour leaders speech on a Tuesday afternoon?)
Just watching the Beeb with Maitliss and crew having a go at Corbyn over 'pushing the button'. And their shocked reaction because he's saying, you know, what his view has always been :D :facepalm:

And both them with the help of John Woodcock (Blairite Progess wing) turning it into a 'Labour Trident Row' :rolleyes:

Jeremy Corbyn defends 'I'd not fire nuclear weapons' comment - BBC News
BBC said:
And Labour MP John Woodcock, who supported Liz Kendall in the Labour leadership contest, told the BBC Mr Corbyn's position would make the "grotesque horror of a nuclear holocaust" more likely.
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The pigfuckers at HIGNFY are monstering him now. I'm going to cancel my PE subscription on the basis of hamster face Hislop's shit tonight.
Rafael Correa Provides lessons about battling hostile media

Lesson 3: Speak directly to the public without intermediaries

Applying a tactic pioneered by Chavez, Correa has a weekly TV show which has become extremely popular. Contrary to some outrageous lies that have been spread online, it does not preempt all other programing when it is on. The show is sometimes hosted by Jorge Glas, the vice president. It is a roundup of Correa’s activities during the week. It typically runs about three and a half hours and debunks the lies and distortions of the private media. Correa’s government has also expanded public media in other ways. For example, the state owned newspaper El Telegrafo is another counterweight to the big private newspapers that have always dominated public debate.

In Cobyn’s case, he is not (yet) in a position to reform the U.K.’s public media. However, he has already produced online messages and given interviews to international outlets like Telesur. Hopefully he will do much more of that. Why not produce an online show similar to Russell Brand’s TREWS, but in Corbyn’s own style?

I think that this step in particular is key.
I think it was roosevelt who famously had his 'fireside chats' on the wireless.

it'd be straight mocked from tthe right as some weird dictatorial Father of the Nation commie totalitarian stuff, but who knows, it might be worth a punt.
I think it was roosevelt who famously had his 'fireside chats' on the wireless.

it'd be straight mocked from tthe right as some weird dictatorial Father of the Nation commie totalitarian stuff, but who knows, it might be worth a punt.
I can't think of a worse idea, tbh. Correa is in office and has access to state media. Massive difference. And this isn't Ecuador. Many people here believe the BBC has a left-wing bias. They believe The Guardian is left-wing.
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