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Contacting a police station


Putin fanboy
Someone I know is in Walworth nick having got nicked earlier today. I have sent Bindmans down there but how do I ring the nick and check they have access to their meds? Can’t find a number. 101 rang off.
Help please
Hmmm, just done a bit of digging, GBC have a guide to police station support which just says "It may be possible to find out information by calling police stations directly, especially if you are a close family member of the arrestee. You can contact police stations by calling 101, or you may have better success by attending the police station in person if you know which station it is."
Think the number Pickman's posted above is for a Southwark Safer Neighbourhood Team, not sure if they'd be able to help or not? There's another site that gives a number that on inspection turns out to be for a school.
Do they have a police enquiry office at Walworth (as in a front desk)

That way you’re talking to someone who at least knows who to ask
Hmmm, just done a bit of digging, GBC have a guide to police station support which just says "It may be possible to find out information by calling police stations directly, especially if you are a close family member of the arrestee. You can contact police stations by calling 101, or you may have better success by attending the police station in person if you know which station it is."
Think the number Pickman's posted above is for a Southwark Safer Neighbourhood Team, not sure if they'd be able to help or not? There's another site that gives a number that on inspection turns out to be for a school.
this link has the same phone number Walworth Police Station - Police Station at Greater London sadly i don't have an auld police and constabulary almanac to hand

e2a: i searched the internet archive to see if they had the paca online but the only results were
Walworth is closed at the minute, or at least the front office is.

If you keep trying 101 they should help, even if its just to send a message to the custody suite to check regarding meds and record on the custody record that you've called.
Hmmm, just done a bit of digging, GBC have a guide to police station support which just says "It may be possible to find out information by calling police stations directly, especially if you are a close family member of the arrestee. You can contact police stations by calling 101, or you may have better success by attending the police station in person if you know which station it is."
Think the number Pickman's posted above is for a Southwark Safer Neighbourhood Team, not sure if they'd be able to help or not? There's another site that gives a number that on inspection turns out to be for a school.
could try this
If it's protest/political-related, I'd also recommend contacting GBC on 07946 541 511 as soon as possible, they might be able to advise more or help with getting someone down there in person.
Trouble is most of the old station direct numbers will default to the same two call centres for the Met that are taking 101s and they will be laughingly understaffed.

Don’t think the met do; but many country switchboards will give you a menu option of being put through to the custody suite. But that’s probably easier when they only have two or three.

In the past going to the front office would have been the best bet but most are now open 1130 to 1215 on the second Tuesday after the full moon.

Good job we’ve had the party of law n order in for so long massively funding the old bill….
Someone I know is in Walworth nick having got nicked earlier today. I have sent Bindmans down there but how do I ring the nick and check they have access to their meds? Can’t find a number. 101 rang off.
Help please

Either ask Bindmans (or another local firm) what number they use for contact or use any or all of the telephone numbers you have already been given by other posters.

Once through, please ask to be put through to the Custody Sergeant at Walworth Police station regarding an urgent medical issue concerning an individual in custody.

Note the name of the Custody Sergeant and the time of your telephone call, and request that your telephone call be recorded on the individual's Custody Record. The representative from Bindmans should also check that the person in custody is fit to be interviewed, which will include whether they have suffered any injury or require medication. If in doubt, they should request that the individual is medically examined before the investigation proceeds further. If necesssary, escalate to the Duty Inspector.
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