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anyone watched "911 Eyewitness" and wish to discuss it?

also, anyone watched the "Conspiracy of Silence" documentary and wish to discuss that?
BTW I can`t really talk when people take the michael..

I used call people who believed in God whackos... I used to go hunting for zealots to mock... :oops:

If I`d ever have met a conspiracy theorist in my youth, I`d have ripped it out of them too....

In case you hadn`t guessed..I`m a recovering fool :D
Larry O'Hara said:
a gutless coward hiding behind disinformational sewage like you are, IP.

* Awaits banning of O'Hara for sending 22,000 PMs castigating every single member who uses a board name *

Seriously though, why would anyone persist with a board whose basic groundrules make them so paranoid?

Except, of course, to plug their subscription viewsletter.
zArk said:
anyone watched "911 Eyewitness" and wish to discuss it?

also, anyone watched the "Conspiracy of Silence" documentary and wish to discuss that?
I'd like to discuss Wallace & Gromit in The Wrong Trousers.
Any good?

editor said:
I'd like to discuss Wallace & Gromit in The Wrong Trousers.
Any good?

Your one of the worst moderators I`ve ever seen.

Rather than encourage open discussion using sources and articles etc. You simply encourage pseudo-intellectual rucks....

U75, Beacon of change? :rolleyes:
Larry O'Hara continues to lose his grip on reality

Who here thinks it would be a great idea to meet up irl with Larry O'Hara, whose agressively attacked me after thread about the BNP activity in West Yorkshire, then accused me of being a state-asset/working FOR Searchlight? FFS. :rolleyes:

Stewart Home said:
I first met Larry O'Hara when he and John Murray of Open Eye manipulated a third party into arranging to meet me in a pub, and then turned up to 'confront' me about a satirical piece I'd written on conspiracy theorists....O'Hara attempted to play the 'tough cop,' Murray was more successful in fulfilling the role of the 'soft cop.' This incident left me with a rather low opinion of O'Hara, a self-styled spook buster and 'independent anti-fascist investigator.'

I stand by what I and others have said about him:
Larry O'Hara is both stupid and a peddlar of conspiracy theories.
Donna Ferentes said:
1. Alex who?

Alex Jones, Austin

Donna Ferentes said:
2. What, precisely, did he say in this prediction?

AJ predicts 9/11 on his show.

Donna Ferentes said:
3. What did he do to stop it happening?

Errrr he`s dedicated his life to trying to reveal govt. corruption and defend his nations sovereignty by revealing the agendas of the world bank, UN etc.
His films have woken a lot of prominent people up as well huge numbers of ordinary people.
You can say and do whatever you like, if no one is watching and no one is listening it doesn`t matter. Luckily some people do listen.
People like Sen. Cynthia Mckinney

Donna Ferentes said:
1. Third in charge of what?

I always thought meacher was quite senior in the labour. If i`m wrong fair play, makes no odds to me. Environment? :confused:

Donna Ferentes said:
2. Are you suggesting he knew that something was going on? What is your (or his) evidence for this?

Meacher in Guardian

AJ London, Meacher + Shayler samples.

Donna Ferentes said:
Well, it's certainly voluminous, most of it has appeared on here more than a few times. But it's also voluminous because the people who put it about never examine it critically, so anything goes.

That may be true in some cases but its not true in many others. Please stop generalising.
FYI: anything on prisonplanet deserves to be pointed at, prodded with a stick and then booted into a dark corner.

It's a fucking idiot's website.
editor said:
Best ignore the bit about, "4 million are going to die" and the "US preparing for martial law," eh?

And that's about as long as I'm prepared to watch that irritating fucker babbling on, so don't ask me to watch any more of his dreary shit again.

But Azrael23 does believe that the us is preparing for martial law and they have the camps already for the heretics :confused:
editor said:
FYI: anything on prisonplanet deserves to be pointed at, prodded with a stick and then booted into a dark corner.

It's a fucking idiot's website.

points-of-view are important yet i feel your statement is designed to provoke rather than prod.

also i find it incredulous that the EDITOR can take such a positional stance about a website.

oh well, it takes all kinds
editor said:
FYI: anything on prisonplanet deserves to be pointed at, prodded with a stick and then booted into a dark corner.

It's a fucking idiot's website.

Errr any examples or evidence of why its so nonsensical. If you find mainstream news articles, interviews, govt documents and documentaries so offensive you`ve got problems.
If its alex you object to, so what? Hes one man, what about the issues he is addressing, issues you refuse to debate academically, you simply sink to slander.

editor said:
Best ignore the bit about, "4 million are going to die" and the "US preparing for martial law," eh?

And that's about as long as I'm prepared to watch that irritating fucker babbling on, so don't ask me to watch any more of his dreary shit again.

No he said "they have stated they want 4 million dead..."

He wasn`t prophecising! :rolleyes:

Your just an out of order foolio ;)
Azrael23 said:
I made a typo.....Sorry i`m not fuckin perfect.... :rolleyes: :mad:

No, you didn't make a "typo", you made a factual error which you're now trying to cover up as a typo.

Oh, and given how you feel free to tell everyone else just how wrong they are about everything, you surely must believe you're perfect.
That or you're overwhelmingly arrogant. Which is it?
spring-peeper said:
But Azrael23 does believe that the us is preparing for martial law and they have the camps already for the heretics :confused:

The US government couldn't manage martial law (or anything else) in New Orleans. I seriously doubt if they have the capability to manage it in an entire country armed with 300 million guns.
Yuwipi Woman said:
The US government couldn't manage martial law (or anything else) in New Orleans. I seriously doubt if they have the capability to manage it in an entire country armed with 300 million guns.

This was pointed out to you by one of your countrymen, but "apparently" the poster was nieve and don't understand how it will be done and that y'all are powerless to stop them.

You should pack an overnight case just in case "they" show up this evening....

*sound track of Dr. Who plays in background*

btw - I remember debating with peebs about gun control. He said that it was important to have the guns because people can't trust the police or the government. hmmm - maybe he was right.
ViolentPanda said:
No, you didn't make a "typo", you made a factual error which you're now trying to cover up as a typo.

Oh, and given how you feel free to tell everyone else just how wrong they are about everything, you surely must believe you're perfect.
That or you're overwhelmingly arrogant. Which is it?

Errr if I mean to write UN but write US because I use that word every ten seconds, I call that a typo.

I said sorry for my mistake....so get a life please.
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