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Azrael23 said:
It came out publicly that before the war Blair and Bush were planning to paint a spy plane in US colours and try and tempt saddam into shooting it down to start the war.

why didn't they?
Azrael23 said:
It came out publicly that before the war Blair and Bush were planning to paint a spy plane in US colours and try and tempt saddam into shooting it down to start the war.

Source? Not doubting that it's very possible or even likely that they were considering it, but a source would be handy ...
Azrael23 said:
It came out publicly that before the war Blair and Bush were planning to paint a spy plane in US colours and try and tempt saddam into shooting it down to start the war.
But it didn't actually happen and as such has zero relevance to my point.

This is getting really tiresome now - you're following the classic conspiraloonatic pattern of immediately ignoring a challenged point and then leaping on some other tenuously-related 'anomaly', whole continuing to produce anything approaching credible evidence.
nino_savatte said:
Is it really?

well Donna was asking Azrael some questions and u drop in the word Lizards from nowhere.

Azreal has never in this thread, or elsewhere as far as i know, said he believes in the Lizard conspiracy.

so why did you mention it?

cheap laughs?
zArk said:
well Donna was asking Azrael some questions and u drop in the word Lizards from nowhere.

Azreal has never in this thread, or elsewhere as far as i know, said he believes in the Lizard conspiracy.

so why did you mention it?

cheap laughs?

Another flaming shitehawk who thinks he's died and become a mod. :rolleyes:

You obviously haven't seen any of Azrael23's other posts on other threads. Which means you need to get out more.

I eagerly await your reply.
oh, so you can question anyone you wish and badger posters for answers but when I ask you a question to justify your post you shut-down, dont answer and throw a question back to me

i geddit ;)
zArk said:
oh, so you can question anyone you wish and badger posters for answers but when I ask you a question to justify your post you shut-down, dont answer and throw a question back to me

i geddit ;)

Read the post again...or is it the case that you suffer from the same affliction as the other wasters on here?

Your reply didn't disappoint; it was pretty much as I expected.
Have to say, the amount of conspiracy-theory nonsense on these 'ere boards does seem to be going up - not from the old suspects and the stock 9/11 threads, but from one or two newer people who are, frankly, completely off the wall.
nino_savatte said:
Nice bit of editing there zArk...I guess that's you putting your postmodernist reading into practice - non?

look if you aint gonna back up your claim why persist goading me?

i frankly have better things to do than get involved with 'cheap laff grabbers'
nino_savatte said:
Like I said, read the post again. I answered your daft question.

What? You won't read it or is it the case that you have selectivised the text for your own purposes?

please link to where Azrael mentioned he believes in Lizard theory that prompted you to mention Lizards in the shower.

zArk said:
look if you aint gonna back up your claim why persist goading me?

i frankly have better things to do than get involved with 'cheap laff grabbers'

1. What the fuck are you talking about?
2. You obviously make it up as you go along.
3. Read the post again. I answered your question.
4. You are phildwyer and I claim my £5
zArk said:
please link to where Azrael mentioned he believes in Lizard theory that prompted you to mention Lizards in the shower.


How about you click on his name and scroll down to where it says "view Azrael's posts"? What's that? You can't be arsed?

I'll be damned if I'm doing your work for you.
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