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Conspiraloons – why...?


Corporate Hooker

At the risk of spending too much time on a sunny day on this, why are they are allowed to persist on the boards... I'm not going to name names, but I think one of them has already upset at least one person on this board, and probably is upsetting more.

Given them access to the boards just lets have another place to peddle their distorted facts, and reduces the amount of meaningful discussion on some subjects.

So would it be possible to ammend the faq to stop their silly tripe...?
Oh ffs :rolleyes:

Lets just kick everyone off who we don't agree with eh?

There's plenty of people here whose 'facts' I disagree with but it doesn't mean I'll start shouting for them to be banned.
madzone said:
Oh ffs :rolleyes:

Lets just kick everyone off who we don't agree with eh?

There's plenty of people here whose 'facts' I disagree with but it doesn't mean I'll start shouting for them to be banned.

They're random people, conspiraloons often are far more persistent and draw others like em here. In my view they're practically trolls in the way they disrupt every discussion about government/politics/power etc.

Fuck em all I say.
Kid_Eternity said:
They're random people, conspiraloons often are far more persistent and draw others like em here. In my view they're practically trolls in the way they disrupt every discussion about government/politics/power etc.

Fuck em all I say.

Well, judge each user on their own merits and if they break the FAQ's then the issue of banning can be discussed. And it makes a change from all the posts about sex *snigger*
madzone said:
Well, judge each user on their own merits and if they break the FAQ's then the issue of banning can be discussed. And it makes a change from all the posts about sex *snigger*

Urban doesn't do that with racists or Stormcunt types. Why should conspiraloons be treated any different?
madzone said:
Oh ffs :rolleyes:

Lets just kick everyone off who we don't agree with eh?

There's plenty of people here whose 'facts' I disagree with but it doesn't mean I'll start shouting for them to be banned.

Well... These people you disagree with... Do they try and argue, while there is full and substantial evidence of something happening, that it did't happen...? That while people's loved ones got killed, that it didn't actually happen...? That pretend bombs ripped their legs off...?

There's freedom of speech, but not freedom to spout hurtful shite...
Kid_Eternity said:
Urban doesn't do that with racists or Stormcunt types. Why should conspiraloons be treated any different?

Because racists are scum. Conspiraloons are just wrong (we think). If people are stupid enough to believe them then that's their problem surely?
jæd said:
Well... These people you disagree with... Do they try and argue, while there is full and substantial evidence of something happening, that it did't happen...? That while people's loved ones got killed, that it didn't actually happen...? That pretend bombs ripped their legs off...?

There's freedom of speech, but not freedom to spout hurtful shite...
Unfortunately freedom of speech means just that.

Calling for the banning of all 'conspiraloons' because one person has gone too far is just daft.
I think the conspiracy theorists get a bad rap.I'm guilty of having an interest in some of them but others are so out there I just can't accept them.It seems a lot of people blindly accept most of what the media tells us.I see no danger in questioning things that happen around us.In fact, it should be actively encouraged.You see all the conspiracy threads getting binned but lately it's been most of the conspiracy knockers that have the most to say in said threads.You could easily have the threads and the people who don't believe simply don't read them.It's really that simple.
Well i`ve been branded anti-semitic for saying the global banking system is run by a collective of elite families.

I`ve been called a conspiraloon for saying the US govt have lied about what happened on 9/11.

I`ve been told i`m a lunatic for telling people about Bohemian Grove.

Do I post up whinging posts about how the "truth haters" should be banned? :rolleyes:

I don't think this thread is such a great idea, though, as it's clearly going to turn into a big shitfight... see, I can't keep out of it either.
madzone said:
Because racists are scum. Conspiraloons are just wrong (we think). If people are stupid enough to believe them then that's their problem surely?

Propogating myths which lead to further racism (anti-semitism) means they sit pretty much in the same camp. Also, their bullshit undermines serious attempts at challenging power because it's too easy to dismiss any dissent as a conspiracy theory.
madzone said:
Unfortunately freedom of speech means just that.

Calling for the banning of all 'conspiraloons' because one person has gone too far is just daft.

Why...? These people are seriously deluded amount themselves and others...
Kid_Eternity said:
Propogating myths which lead to further racism (anti-semitism) means they sit pretty much in the same camp. Also, their bullshit undermines serious attempts at challenging power because it's too easy to dismiss any dissent as a conspiracy theory.
What, all of them?!
jæd said:
Why...? These people are seriously deluded amount themselves and others...
It's like the stupid furore caused by someone having DR in their name when it was quite clear to anyone with one functioning brain cell that they weren't a doctor.

You think I'm deluded becasue I use homeopathy on my goat though :D Let's ban me.
I find [name of 7/7 conspracists deleted] either malicious or deluded, but perhaps u75 is one of the few places where their weak-sphinctered anus-drizzle is thoroughly debunked, scorned and trashed, which is doing truth and justice a service.

Banning them will make them think they are martyrs.

Even though I am so angry I could spit, right now. Emotionally I woud like them to be banned but I am also glad that their pathetic and contemptible lies are being shown up as the toxic shit that they are. So I will leave it to more experienced and wiser heads than mine as to whether they get kicked to death in arguments or kicked off the boards. I am too close to take a rational call on it, I find them incomprehensively, shudderingly vile. But they show themselves up as the wierdoes they are on a large board of intelligent and questioing people, and for that I am glad.

Let them hang themselves with their own loon-rope: they do themselves no favours and I have yet to see them make a single convert to their paranoiac cause. They make themselves a laughing stock, and they do it all themselves, they are their own worst enemy.

And having crawled out from under their stone, despite their best efforts to sabotage the survivors and families call for a 7/7 independent enquiry, everyone can see that they are the lunatic fringe and should not be taken account of. They have not stopped me and other survivors gettign our message out all over the media, thank God.

I note that not one single journalist has ever bothered to pursue their ''investigations'' or treated their ''research'' with any seriousness. Odd that. Not one survivor has beaten a path to their door, grateful for exposing the dreadful truth. No-one takes them seriously at all, they are just cranks and oddballs; offensive, deluded, but ultimately, pitiable.

(The last cig has calmed me down.)

Fuck them. They love the attention, but they don't like being mocked. They can't amnswer direct questions or provide any evidence at all, and their shrill blethering on and on and on just draws attention to their personality-disordered neediness.
Badger Kitten said:
I find [name of 7/7 conspracists deleted] either malicious or deluded, but perhaps u75 is one of the few places where their weak-sphinctered anus-drizzle is thoroughly debunked, scorned and trashed, which is doing truth and justice a service.

Banning them will make them think they are martyrs.

Even though I am so angry I could spit, right now. Emotionally I woud like them to be banned but I am also glad that their pathetic and contemptible lies are being shown up as the toxic shit that they are. So I will leave it to more experienced and wiser heads than mine as to whether they get kicked to death in arguments or kicked off the boards. I am too close to take a rational call on it, I find them incomprehensively, shudderingly vile. But they show themselves up as the wierdoes they are on a large board of intelligent and questioing people, and for that I am glad.

Let them hang themselves with their own loon-rope: they do themselves no favours and I have yet to see them make a single convert to their paranoiac cause. They make themselves a laughing stock, and they do it all themselves, they are their own worst enemy.

And having crawled out from under their stone, despite their best efforts to sabotage the survivors and families call for a 7/7 independent enquiry, everyone can see that they are the lunatic fringe and should not be taken account of. They have not stopped me and other survivors gettign our message out all over the media, thank God.

I note that not one single journalist has ever bothered to pursue their ''investigations'' or treated their ''research'' with any seriousness. Odd that. Not one survivor has beaten a path to their door, grateful for exposing the dreadful truth. No-one takes them seriously at all, they are just cranks and oddballs; offensive, deluded, but ultimately, pitiable.

(The last cig has calmed me down.)

Fuck them. They love the attention, but they don't like being mocked. They can't amnswer direct questions or provide any evidence at all, and their shrill blethering on and on and on just draws attention to their personality-disordered neediness.

Extremely well said.
Funny how things turn out. There is an epidemic of mumps amongst late teenagers beecause, in spite of two doses, MMR has proved not to be terribly effective. Whilst we are at it, could someone explain the eightfold rise in autism in Scotland since MMR was introduced?

Don't write off conspiracy theorists as nutters, they may not always be entirely right, but there is often a large element of accuracy in their concerns.
Sasaferrato said:
Funny how things turn out. There is an epidemic of mumps amongst late teenagers beecause, in spite of two doses, MMR has proved not to be terribly effective. Whilst we are at it, could someone explain the eightfold rise in autism in Scotland since MMR was introduced?

Don't write off conspiracy theorists as nutters, they may not always be entirely right, but there is often a large element of accuracy in their concerns.

Nnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :(
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