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Commission on Race & Ethnic disparities (Sewell) report

Now that racism is over all those BLM kids can stop wasting their time protesting and maybe give something back to their communities by litter picking or cleaning graffiti off....
Whilst I'm tempted to dismiss the report out of hand because I am aware of the background of some of the contributors, I'm going to read it first. However, if the conclusion is that
"disparities are more about class than about race" then I'm not too hopeful about the Tories tackling the issue of class disparity.

I haven’t read it yet either. But Kenan Malik has posted up on Twitter some useful analysis and highlighted some issues with the reports use of the empirical data. His main complaint is that the report fails to properly dig down into some of the complexities, overlaps and consequences of race and class imbrication. Be interested in your thoughts steps, and those of anyone else who has read the report...
ive skimmed through it. In some ways in reifies multiculturalism (as policy, rather than merely lived experience) - eg on mental health promoting the idea of ‘communities’ supporting mental health within said ‘communities’, and welcoming the proposed MHA reforms to increase ‘culturally appropriate’ and ‘culturally competent’ MH services

I didn’t understand the mortality causes table (with the green and orange boxes). Is it saying that white people are more likely to die from suicide/self harm?
Well the BMJ response is pretty damming.




Can any positives be taken from it? I think it has a point on scrapping BAME. Not very useful anymore (if it ever was)
scrapping use of the BAME terminology was already government policy long before this report.
which probably explains why the authors felt safe to include that as one fo their few recommendations.
If you don't look too closely its correct. Theres no Official or Otherwise color bars these days and theres no specific laws targeting non whites.

Still an utter stupid idea that only bojo would approve " hey we don't plan on killing brown people these days".
Plus the Carribbean wasn't just one huge death camp,🙄 One of the royal Navy's traditional toast was a bloody war or a sickly season!
As promotions were fast in the tropics if you didn't die! That toast was by officers who you presumed had the best chance to survive! We did close the Atlantic slave trade down only after 200 years and we started it up. So bit of a mixed badge.
It was clearly very, very bad, and then went totally wtf with that bit about slavery.

Is being ripped to shreds as we speak by people with way more knowledge than me. Can’t be arsed to pay it much mind.
This headline doesn't seem altogether accurate

'not consulted at all' would be more accurate from the two examples I've seen.

Indeed; even by this government's standards this sounds pretty absurd:

Historian Stephen Bourne said he was horrified to see his name listed. He said he was contacted by an adviser in No 10 to attend a roundtable discussion with other historians of black British history.

“So I turned up and was sort of disappointed to find I was the only historian there, apart from another guy from Cambridge University,” he said. “On a big screen these black and Asian faces suddenly appeared including Tony Sewell, but apart from him I didn’t really recognise anyone else. I didn’t know who they were honestly. I was asked to give my presentation and I said, ‘What presentation? I wasn’t asked to give the presentation.’”

Bourne said he ended up speaking for 10 minutes on the difficulties in raising the profile of his work. “I think they were as baffled as I was as to why I was there. I didn’t know who they were so I wrote down their names and when I came home I Googled them and then the penny dropped they were all part of this government commission and I was so angry and upset.”

He said he let his feelings be known to the special adviser who had initially contacted him. “I said in the future, you need to be very clear and concise about when you invite people to these things and what they’re going into. It’s disrespectful and it’s unprofessional.

“I didn’t even know they were writing a report until it was published yesterday and I was sort of watching the media and then I downloaded it and discovered to my horror that I was cited as a stakeholder.”
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